




Bouraoui, Y; Rathmann, L; Lu, Y; Niehaves, C; Fischer, A; Radel, T

Complex 3D surface structuring by means of laser chemical machining with modulated laser power

Quelle: J. Laser Appl. 37, 012030 (2025) doi: 10.2351/7.0001561

Rathmann, L; Radel, T

Laser Cleaning of Insect Residue with a TEA-CO2 -Laser in Shockwave Regime

Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing (2025)

Thiemicke, F; El-Bashar, R; Hameedd, M; Agour, M; Obayya, S; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C

Fast simulation of the influence of a refractive free-form microstructure on a wave field based on scalar diffraction theory

Quelle: J. Eur. Opt. Society-Rapid Publ. 21, 4 (2025)

Zhang, X; Walz, E; Langebeck, A; Rebelo Kornmeier, J; Kriele, A; Luzin, V; Adveev, M, Bohlen, A; Hofmann, M

Macroscopic and Microscopic Residual Stresses in Nickel‑Aluminum Bronze Matrix Composite Surface Deposits Manufactured via Laser Melt Injection

Quelle: Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)



Simons, M

Fluiddynamische Beeinflussung der laserchemischen Mikrostrukturierung von Metallen

Quelle: Strahltechnik Band 78, BIAS Verlag (2024). Hrsg. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann (ISBN 978-3-933762-72-6 )


Falldorf, C; Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B; Rukin, I

Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Wiedergeben von holografischen Bildern

Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2023 134 338A1 (2024)

Kügler, H; Woizeschke, P; Seefeld, T

Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2015 115 183 B4 (2024)


Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann R B

Lensless Depth Discrimination Based on Speckle Contrast in Holographic Imaging

Quelle: 7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL' 2024) Palma de Mallorca (7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL' 2024) 15-17 May 2024, Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands), Spain (ISBN: 978-84-09-61372-4)

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann R B

Extended-Aperture Shape Measurements Using Spatially Partially Coherent Illumination (ExASPICE)

Quelle: Sensors (2024) 24, 3072.

Agour, M; Thiemicke, F; Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C

Lensless multi-spectral holographic interferometry for optical inspection

Quelle: Frontiers in Photonics (DOI 10.3389/fphot.2024.1416347)

Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

Influence of the Inner Roughness of Powder Channels on the Powder Propagation Behavior in Laser Metal Deposition

Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 36, 042007 (2024); doi: 10.2351/7.0001570

Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

Adaptive powder nozzle setup for enhanced efficiency in laser metal deposition

Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 36 (2024) 012017-1-11; doi: 10.2351/7.0001183

Bouraoui, Y; Rathmann, L; Niehaves, C; Mikulewitsch, M; Fischer, A

Material removal in laser chemical processing with modulated laser power

Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 36 (2024) 012013-1-8; doi: 10.2351/7.0001109

Falldorf, C; Müller A F; Bergmann, R B

Beyond Lenses: Unlocking the potential of Digital Holography for Optical Inspection

Quelle: 7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL' 2024) Palma de Mallorca (7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL' 2024) 15-17 May 2024, Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands), Spain (ISBN: 978-84-09-61372-4)

Falldorf, C; Picart, P; Furlong, C; Almoro, P

Special Section Guest Editorial: Lensless Imaging in Optical Metrology

Quelle: Optical Engineering, 63, 11 (2024) 111801-3 (

Gutiérrez-Canas Pazos, C B; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B

Characterization of form deviations on technical surfaces through structure function analysis

Quelle: DGaO Proceedings 2024. ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2024-A033-9

Henze, I; Mattulat, T

Metal vapor‑induced arc instability in stationary TIG‑welding

Quelle: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2024)

Hildinger, P; Seefeld, T; Bohlen, A

Image based in-process powder stream monitoring during Laser Metal Deposition for the measurement of the gravimetric powder mass flow rate and the detection of deviations in the powder stream

Quelle: 13th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2024), Procedia CIRP 124 (2024) 219-222,

Karimi, J; Tekin, M; Seefeld, T

Laser metal deposition of Al 7075: Effects of TiC nanoparticles

Quelle: Journal of Materials Research and Technology 32 (2024) 3135–3146

Krämer, A; Henze, I; Pordzik, R; Radel, T

Inline detection of process anomalies during laser deep penetration welding of hidden T-joints

Quelle:13th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2024), eds.: M. Schmidt, C.B. Arnold, K. Wudy. Elsevier B.V. [Volume 124] (2024) 526 - 529,

Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T, Zhang, X; Rebelo Kornmeier, J; Hofmann, M; Shaba, S; Fritzen, F

Untersuchung und Vorhersage thermisch induzierter Eigenspannungen in MMC-Verschleißschutzschichten nach dem Laserdispergieren

Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 76, 9 (2024) 62-71

Langstädler, L; Beckschwarte, B; Valentino, T; Radel, T

Strain rates in high velocity forming of foils

Quelle: Material Forming - ESAFORM 2024. Materials Research Proceedings 41 (2024) 1527-1535 (

Lu, Y; Bouraoui, Y; ; Niehaves; Fischer, C; Radel, T

Laser power modulation between disturbed and undisturbed material removal regime in laser chemical processing

Quelle: Int J Adv Manuf Technol 135, 3983–3989 (2024).

Mattulat, T

Understanding the coaxial optical coherence tomography signal during the laser welding of hidden T-joints

Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 36 (2024) 012003, doi: 10.2351/7.0001157

Mitura, N; Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C; Ehret, G

Der Einfluss der Wellenvektorunsicherheit auf die Rekonstruktion der Oberflächenform bei einer MArS-Messung

Quelle: DGaO-Proceedings 2024. ISSN: 1614-8436 - urn:nbn:de:0287-2024-A007-4

Möbus, M; Pordzik, R; Krämer, A; Mattulat, T

Process comparison of laser deep penetration welding in pure nickel using blue and infrared wavelengths

Quelle: Welding in the World (2024)

Möbus, M; Pordzik, R; Seefeld, T

Influence of intensity distributions on the process dynamics during laser deep penetration welding of pure nickel with a flexible ring mode laser source

Quelle: J. Laser Appl. 36, 042073 (2024)

Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C

High resolution lensless microscopy based on Fresnel propagation

Quelle: Optical Engineering 63/11 (2024) 111805-1-12 (doi: 10.1117/1.OE.63.11.111805)

Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C

Lensless microscopy using a virtual imaging approach

Quelle: 7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL' 2024) . 15-17 May 2024, Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands), Spain (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20925.27360)

Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C

High resolution lensless microscopy based on Fresnel propagation

Quelle: Optical Engineering, Vol. 63, Issue 11, 111805, (2024),

Müller, A F; Gutiérrez-Canas Pazos, B; Mitura, N; Ehret, G; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B

Calibrating multi-spot illumination for asphere metrology using shear-interferometry

Quelle: Proc. SPIE 13241, Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications XI, 132410N (2024),

Müller, S; Krämer, A; Goossens, N; Bendlin, T; Mattulat, T

Influence of varying volume energy densities on the magnetic properties of additively manufactured Ni50Fe50

Quelle: Progress in Additive Manufactioring (2024)

Müller, S; Radel, T

Impact of fume on two-channel-pyrometric temperature measurements and process stability during laser powder bed fusion

Quelle: Procedia CIRP, Volume 124, 2024, Pages 287-290, ISSN 2212-8271,

Müller, S; Radel, T

Ortsaufgelöste Temperaturregelung beim Laserstrahlschmelzen im Pulverbett

Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 76, 10 (2024) 60-61

Müller, S, Radel, T

Temperature map based process control for laser powder bed fusion

Quelle: Book of Abstracts MSE24 (2024) 686

Muniraj, I; Falldorf, C; Agour, M

Editorial: Advances in digital holographic microscopy and applications

Quelle: Editorial: Advances in digital holographic microscopy and applications. Front. Photonics 5:1502043

Niehaves, C; Bouraoui, Y; Radel, T; Tausendfreund, A; Fischer, A

In-situ assessment of laser-chemically machined surfaces by means of an indirect optical measurement approach and scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy

Quelle: EPJ Web Conf., 309 (2024) 10018 (DOI:

Pordzik, R; Seefeld, T

Identifying the direction of weld path deviations in laser deep penetration welding of hidden T-joints by means of OCT

Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications (ICALEO 2024) paper no. 0877-1306-000092

Radel, T; Müller, S

Ortsaufgelöste Temperaturregelung beim Laserstrahlschmelzen im Pulverbett

Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 76, 10 (2024) 60-61

Rathmann, L; Radel, T

Laser cleaning of insect residue without surface alteration

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 21, 4 (2024) 2-5 (

Sperling, Y; Bergmann, R B

Laser-tracker-based reference measurement for geometric calibration of phase-measuring deflectometry with active display registration

Quelle: Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems (JSSS) 13, 1–7 (2024)

Sperling, Y; Bergmann, R B

Phase measuring deflectometry with monoscopic active display registration

Quelle: Proc. SPIE 12997, Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology III; 1299713 (2024)

Thiemicke, F; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B

Fabrication of positionable free-standing microstructures for applications in near-field microscopy

Quelle: DGaO Proceedings 2024 – – ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2024-B013-4

Volpp, J; Sato, Y; Tsukamoto, M; Rathmann, L; Möller M; Clark, S; Fezzaa, K; Radel, T; Klingbeil, K

The surface tension of boiling steel surfaces

Quelle: Results in Materials 22 (2024) 100583 (

Warneke, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

Texturing skin-pass rolls by high-speed laser melt injection, laser ablation, and electrolytic etching

Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 36 (2024) 012011-1-9; doi: 10.2351/7.0001149

Warneke, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

High-Speed Laser melt Injection for Reinforcing Skin-Pass Rolls

Quelle: International Thermal Spray Conference and Exhibition (ITSC 2024) 409-417. DVS Media GmbH

Warneke, P; Westermeyer, L; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

Influencing the Powder Particle Transport in High-Speed Laser Melt Injection

Quelle: J. Laser Appl. 36 (2024)




Falldorf, C; Agour, M, Bergmann, R B

Anzeigeeinheit zur dreidimensionalen Wiedergabe, Verfahren zur holografischen Wiedergabe und Hologramm eines bewegten Objektes

Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2018 115 785 B4 (2023)

Thomy, C; Tyralla, D; Schnick, M

Kamera zum Bestimmen eines 2D-Wärmebilds sowie System und Prozessregeleinrichtung

Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2018 133 518 B4 (2023)

Woizeschke, P; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F

Verfahren zum strahlbasierten Fügen von metallischen Grundwerkstoffen

Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2017 100 497 B4 (2023)


Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B

Improved 3D form profiler based on extending illumination aperture

Quelle: Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection XIII (2023), ed. by Peter Lehmann. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 12618, 126180T (2023) SPIE · 0277-786X, doi: 10.1117/12.2673783

Ahlers, T; Pordzik, R; Mattulat, T

Approaches for automatic detection of mispositioning during laser welding in hidden T-joints using optical coherence tomography

Quelle: Tagungsband 13. Mittweidaer Lasertagung, Scientific Reports, Journal of the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Nr. 3 (2023) ISSN 1437-7624

Bartsch, J; Müller, S; Mattulat, T; Bergmann, R B

Hochpräzises, dreidimensionales Erfassen des schichtweisen Lagenaufbaus beim selektiven Laserstrahlschmelzen mittels Streifenprojektion

Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 75, 3 (2023) 160-165

Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C; Garcia-Ortiz, A; Müller, A F; Agour, A; Bockelmann, C

The coherence function for optical metrology: A new paradigm and the role of information theory and compressed sensing

Quelle: Proc. SPIE 12619, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology IX, 1261902 (2023) doi 10.1117/12.2675922

Bohlen, A; Langebeck, A; Seefeld, T

Temperature and distortion in laser melt injection of MMC wear-resistant coatings in a copper beryllium alloy

Quelle: NOLAMP- Nordic Laser Materials Processing Conference (19TH-NOLAMP-2023). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1296 (2023) 12034. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1296/1/012034

Bohlen, A; Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T

Characterization method for different powder nozzle types used in laser metal deposition

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.)

Diegel, C; Mattulat, T; Schricker, K; Schmidt, L; Seefeld, T; Bergmann, J P; Woizeschke, P

Interaction between Local Shielding Gas Supply and Laser Spot Size on Spatter Formation in Laser Beam Welding of AISI 304

Quelle: pplied Sciences 13 (2023) 10507 (

Falldorf, C; Thiemicke, F; Müller, A F; Agour M; Bergmann, R B

Flash-profilometry: fullfield lensless acquisition of spectral holograms for coherence scanning profilometry

Quelle: Optics Express 31, 17 (2023) 27494 (

Faue, P; Rathmann, L; Möller, M; Hassan, M; Clark, S, Fezzaa, K; Klingbeil, K; Richter, B; Volpp, J; Radel, T; Pfefferkorn, F E

High-speed X-ray study of process dynamics caused by surface features during continuous-wave laser polishing

Quelle: CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology 72 (2023) 201-204 (

Halisch, C; Milcke B; Radel, T; Rentsch, R; Seefeld, T

Influence of oxygen content in the shielding gas chamber on mechanical properties and macroscopic structure of Ti-6Al-4V during wire arc additive manufacturing

Quelle: Int J Adv Manuf Technol 124 (2023) 1065–1076 (

Hildinger, P; Seefeld, T; Bohlen, A

Characterization of optical emissions during laser metal deposition for the implementation of an in-process powder stream monitoring

Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 35 (2023) 042048-1-6 (doi: 10.2351/7.0001161)

Karimi, J; Bohlen, A; Komboj, N; Seefeld, T

Automated Determination of Grain Features for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing

Quelle: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2023)

Krämer, A; Pordzik, R; Mattulat, T

Influence of the airborne sound sensor position on the detectability of acoustic emissions during deep penetration laser welding

Quelle: Tagungsband 13. Mittweidaer Lasertagung, Scientific Reports, Journal of the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Nr. 3 (2023) 57-62 (ISSN 1437-7624)

Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

Laserdispergieren in ETP-Kupfer mit grünem Laser

Quelle: Laser Magazin 1 (2023) 8-10

Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T; Zhang, X; Rebelo Kornmeier, J; Hofmann, M; Sharba, S, Fritzen, F

Messen und Vorhersagen von thermisch induzierten Eigenspannungen in MMC-Verschleißschutzschichten nach dem Laserstrahldispergieren in Kupferwerkstoffen

Quelle: Proc. of the DVS CONGRESS 2023 Große Schweißtechnische Tagung DVS Campus. DVS Berichte 389. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2023) 704-714

Lu, Y; Radel, T

Nitinol flanges fabricated by laser rod end melting and immediate flange processing

Quelle: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023)

Lu, Y; Volpp, J; Radel, T

Feasibility study on laser rod end melting of stainless-steel microtubes

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.)

Mikulewitsch, M; Boraoui, Y; Radel, T; Stöbener, D; Fischer A

Near-process Indirect Surface Geometry and Temperature Measurement for Laser Chemical Machining (LCM)

Quelle: Proc. of the Sensor and Measurements Science International Conference (SMSI 2023) 338-339 (DOI 10.5162/SMSI2023/P30)

Möbus, M; Woizeschke, P

Keyhole‑in‑keyhole formation by adding a coaxially superimposed single‑mode laser beam in disk laser deep penetration welding

Quelle: Welding in the World (2023)

Müller, S; Pordzik, R; Mattulat, T

Investigation on the correlations between heat accumulations and actual part defects during laser powder bed fusion using heat maps

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.)

Ramoliya, M; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

Distribution of SFTC, NbC, and Cr3C2 particles in aluminium bronze by laser melt injection

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.)

Pordzik, R; Ahlers, T; Mattulat, T

Enhancement of weld depth analysis in laser welding by extension of the oct data scope

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.)

Pordzik, R; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P

Frontal pyrometric snapshot measurements of the keyhole wall temperature in laser welding of pure aluminium

Quelle: Welding in the World (2023)

Schinderling, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

In-process monitoring and measurement of track geometry for laser metal deposition with laser triangulation

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.)

Schinderling, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T; Falldorf, H

In-process monitoring of track geometry as a control approach for laser metal deposition

Quelle: NOLAMP- Nordic Laser Materials Processing Conference (19TH-NOLAMP-2023). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1296 (2023) 12010. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1296/1/012010

Sperling, Y; Bergmann, R B

Active Display Registration in Phase Measuring Deflectometry

Quelle: Proc. of Sensor and Measurement Science International Conference (SMSI 2023), 49-50 (doi: 10.5162/SMSI2023/A3.3)

Stephen, A; Valentino, T, Radel, T; Vollertsen, F

So lässt sich die Biegewinkelstreuung reduzieren

Quelle: Blechonline (2023)

Stephen, A; Valentino, T; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F

3D-Präzisionsgitter mit minimalen Stegbreiten

Quelle: Mikroproduktion 04 (2023) 36-37

Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T

Spatially resolved temperature field measurement in powder bed fusion for online detection of porosity

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) (2023)

Valentino, T; Stephen, A; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F

Applicability of a laser pre-treatment for a robust subsequent bending of thin sheet metal

Quelle: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 44 (2023) 45-54 

Warneke, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

Influence of the process speed in laser melt injection for reinforcing skin-pass rolls

Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 35 (2023) 012009-1-89, doi: 10.2351/7.0000781 (online)

Warneke, P; Hildinger, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

Reinforcing cold working steel by high-speed laser melt injection

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) (2023)

Zhang, X; Kornmeier, J; Hofmann, M; Langebeck, A; Alameddin, S; Alesso, R P; Fritzen, F; Bunn, J, Cabeza, S

Residual stresses in Cu matrix composite surface deposits after laser melt injection

Quelle: Strain (2023)



Eckert, S

Laser-Induced Thermochemical Polishing of Metals

Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 75, Hrsg. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022)

Seefeld, T; Radel, T; Mattulat, T (Eds.)

LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum

Quelle: Strahltechnik Band 76. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022) online


Bergmann, R B; Szczesny, M

System und Verfahren zur Bestimmung einer Schweiss- oder Lötgeschwindigkeit

Quelle: EP 3 663 030 B1 (2022)

Woizeschke, P; Schultz, V

Verfahren zum Verformen von Material mittels Laserstrahl

Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2017 119 508 B4 (2022)


Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Taleb, F; Castro-Camus, E; Koch, M; Bergmann, R B

Terahertz refernceless wavefront sensing by means of computational shear-interferometry

Quelle: Optics Express 30, 5 (2022) 7068-7081

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Taleb, F; Castro-Camus, E; Koch, M; Bergmann, R B

Characterization of terahertz wavefront aberrations using computational shear-interferometry

Quelle: Optical Engineering 61, 11 (2022) 114102-1-11

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Taleb, F; Koch, M; Bergmann, R B;  Castro-Camus, E

Chocolate inspection by means of phase-contrast imaging using multiple-plane terahertz phase retrieval

Quelle: Optics Letters 47, 13 (2022) 3283-3286

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Taleb, F; Castro-Camus, E; Koch, M; Bergmann, R B

Shear interferometry for terahertz wavefront sensing

Quelle: Proc. SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, Strasbourg/France. SPIE Terahertz Photonics II (2022) 12134 (doi:10.1117/12.2621696)

Bartsch, J; Müller, S; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P; Bergmann, R B

Hochpräzises, dimensionelles Erfassen des schichtweisen Lagenaufbaus beim selektiven Laserstrahlschmelzen mittels Streifenprojektion

Quelle: DVS CONGRESS - Große Schweißtechnische Tagung. DVS Berichte Bd. 382. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2022) 721-729

Bergmann, R B

Optische In‐Prozess‐Messung: Konzepte für präzise, schnelle und robuste optische Messtechnik für komplexe Messsituationen

Quelle: DVS-Berichte 384. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2022) 10 (Kurzfassung) ISBN 978-3-96144-208-9)

Bergmann, R B; Fischer, A; Bockelmann, C; Dekorsy, A; Garcia-Ortiz, A; Falldorf, C

The coherence function and its information content for optical metrology

Quelle: tm – Technisches Messen 89, 6 (2022) 397-412

Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T; Haghshenas, A; Groll, R

Characterization of the powder stream propagation behavior of a discrete coaxial nozzle for Laser Metal Deposition

Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 34 (2022) 42048. DOI: 10.2351/7.0000775 (online)

Bohlen, A; Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T

Influence of powder feed parameters on the powder stream in laser metal deposition (LMD) by high-speed and high-resolution imaging

Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum. Eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022) 1-6 (online)

Falldorf, C

Exploring the coherence function for optical metrology and beyond

Quelle: Proc. SPIE Vol. 12137. SPIE Digital Library (2022) 1213709-1-9, doi: 10.1117/12.2624481

Falldorf, C; Rukin, I; Müller A F; Kroker, S; Bergmann, R B

Functional pixels: a pathway towards true holographic displays using today’s display technology

Quelle: Optics Express 30, 26 (2022) 47528,

Faue, P; Beste, L-H; Richter, B; Agrawal, A; Klingbeil, K; Thoma, D; Radel, T, Pfefferkorn, F.E

Influence of laser polishing on fatigue life of conventionally machined and laser powder bed fusion 316L stainless steel

Quelle: Manufacturing Letters 33 (2022) 670-677

Fischer, A; Bergmann, R B

Multidimensionale optische Messtechnik

Quelle: TM– Technisches Messen 89, 6 (2022) 395-396

Haghshenas, A; Bohlen, A; Tyralla, D; Groll, R

The relevance of wall roughness modeling for simulation of powder flows in laser metal deposition nozzles

Quelle: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 123 (2022) 1441-1458 (online)

Halisch, C; Milcke, B, Radel, T; Rentsch, R; Seefeld, T

Influence of oxygen content in the shielding gas chamber on mechanical properties and macroscopic structure of Ti-6Al-4V during wire arc additive manufacturing

Quelle: Int J Adv Manuf Technol 124 (2023) 1065–1076 (

Hellenbrand, G, Lenz, B; Stephen, A; Radel, T; Mevissen, D; Brecher, C

Manufacturing of Crowned Spline-Joints with Optimized Surface Treatments for Aerospace Applications

Quelle: MIC Procedia (2022) 059-065

Henze, I; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P

Möglichkeit zur experimentellen Untersuchung des Einflusses von Metalldampf auf einen WIG-Lichtbogen

Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 74, 1-2 (2022) 48-49

Henze, I; Pordzik, R; Marben, P; Mattulat, T

Industrial applicability of reflection-assisted laser beam brazing of ZM-coated steel

Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 52-57 (online)

Henze, I, Woizeschke, P

Influence of the composition of separately laser‑generated metal vapor on arc stability

Quelle: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) (online)

Karpuschewski; B; Kinner-Becker, T; Klink, A; Langenhorst, L; Mayer, J; Meyer, D; Radel, T; Reese, S; Sölter, J

Process Signatures – Knowledge-based approach towards function-oriented manufacturing

Quelle: Proc. of the 6th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity. Procedia CIRP 108 (2022) 624-629

Krause, C; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C

Statistical analysis of phase values for the determination of step heights in multi-wavelength interferometry

Quelle: tm – Technisches Messen 89, 6 (2022) 430–437

Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A

515 nm wavelength laser for laser melt injection of high-quality MMC in Cu-ETP

Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum, eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat, T. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022), 11-14 (online)

Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T; Zhang, X, Rebelo Kornmeier, J; Hofmann, M; Alameddin, S; Alessio, R P; Fritzen, F

Laser melt injection of spherical fused tungsten carbide in Cu-ETP with 515 nm wavelength laser

Quelle: Proc. of the 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2022), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, B.M. Colosimo. Procedia CIRP 111, Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2022) 726-731 (online)

Langebeck, A; Jahnke, C; Wünderlich, T; Hein, C; Bohlen, A; Uhlmann, E

Wolframschmelzcarbid-basierte MMC-Schichten für den industriellen Einsatz im Formenbau

Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 74, 1-2 (2022) 32-38

Lu, Y; Radel, T

Tensile strength of Nitinol flanges fabricated by laser rod end melting and immediate flange processing

Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 18-22 (online)

Lu, Y; Radel, T

Tensile strength of Nitinol flanges produced by laser rod end melting and immediate flange processing in a not fully solidified state

Quelle: Proc. of the 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2022), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, B.M. Colosimo. Procedia CIRP 111, Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2022) 726-731 (online)

Möbus, M; Woizeschke, P

Laser beam welding setup for the coaxial combination of two laser beams to vary the intensity distribution

Quelle: Welding in the World, 66, (2022) 471–480 (

Möbus, M; Woizeschke, P; Mattulat, T

Prevention of coating-induced agglomerations within the weld seam during laser beam deep penetration welding of aluminium-silicon coated press-hardenened steel

Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 47-51 (online)

Müller, A F; Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Lotzgeselle, M; Straub, A; Ehret, G; Bergmann, R B

Measurement of independent wave fields using Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques (ESPRIT) for aspheric and freeform surfaces

Quelle: 25th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) and 16th Conference of International Society on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS), Dresden

Müller, A F; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B

Approaching optical metrology with multiple light sources and compressive sensing

Quelle: Proc. of SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, Strasbourg/France. Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology II (2022) 121370L (doi: 10.1117/12.2621647)

Müller, S; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P

Hybrid additive manufacturing with titanium powder and aluminum substrates via laser powder bed fusion

Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 41-46 (online)

Pordzik, R; Mattulat, T

Introducing an algorithm for the automatic detection of interface posi-tions for flange joints based on laser triangulation measurements

Quelle: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 58-64

Pordzik, R; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P

Effects of reduced ambient pressure on the OCT-based weld depth measurement signal in laser welding of aluminum and steel

Quelle: Proc. of the 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2022), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, B.M. Colosimo. Procedia CIRP 111, Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2022) 541-546 (online)

Radel, T; Seefeld, T; Bohlen, A; Stephen, A; Mattulat, T

Robuste Laserprozesse im Kontext der Energiewende

Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 74, 10 (2022) 690-692

Rathmann, L; Beste, L-H; Faue, P; Richter, B; Klingbeil, K; Pfefferkorn, F. E; Radel, T

Macro-pore free sub-surface PBF-LB/M components through laser polishing

Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022) 37-40 (online)

Rathmann, L; Hasselbruch, H; Mehner, A; Radel, T

On the combination of plasma nitrided surfaces and LIPSS

Quelle: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 23-27

Rathmann, L; Radel, T

On the use of LIPSS in single- and multi-scale laser-structured tool surfaces under lubricated conditions

Quelle: Journal of Manufacturing Processes 77 (2022) 819-830 (online)

Rathmann, L; Rusche, T; Hasselbruch, H; Mehner, A, Radel, T

Friction and wear characterization of LIPSS and TiN/DLC variants

Quelle: Applied Surface Science 584 (2022) 152654 (online)

Richter, B; Radel, T; Pfefferkorn, F. E 

Sensitivity of surface roughness to laser parameters used for polishing additively manufactured Co-Cr alloy

Quelle: Surface and Coatings Technology 451 (2022), 128872 (

Simons, M; Radel, T

Influence of electrolyte concentration on laser chemical machining

Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022) 32-35 (online)

Simons, M; Radel, T

Laser chemical machining with additive-increased electrolyte viscosity

Quelle: Proc. of the 23. International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM 2022), Dresden (online)

Sperling, Y; Bartsch, J; Gauchan, S; Bergmann, R B

Extending vision ray calibration by determination of focus distances

Quelle: Optics Express 30, 26 (2022) 47801,

Stephen, A; Lenz, B; Hellenbrand, G

Laser micro structuring of multi-layer coatings on aircraft splines for optimization of the surface properties

Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 28-31 (online)

Stephen, A; Tyralla, D; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F

Bohrzeiten beim Laserbohren von Saugflächen

Quelle: VDI-Z 164, 3 (2022) 40-42

Valentino, T; Jägle, E; Radel, T

Materials Characterization at High Strain Rates

Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022) 15-17 (online)

Valentino, T; Radel, T

Identification of Characteristic Values in Impulse‑Based Processes Using Small Specimens

Quelle: Nanomanufacturing and Metrology (2022)

Warneke, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

Improving the wear resistance of copper tools for pressure die casting by laser melt injection

Quelle: Production Engineering (2022) (online)

Warneke, P; Hildinger, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

High-speed laser melt injection for wear protection of skin-pass rolls

Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum, Eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel; T Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022) 7-10 (online)

Warneke, P; Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

Laser melt injection for wear protection of molds and casting tools

Quelle: The mold & die journal 10, 1 (2022) 32-35



Valentino, T

Nutzung laserinduzierter Stoßwellen zur Hochdurchsatz-Werkstoffprüfung

Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd 74, Hrsg. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2021)


Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Taleb, F; Castro-Camus, E; Koch, M; Bergmann, R B

Quasi-optical components for the THz-regime: Fabrication and characterization

Quelle: Proc. of the 122. DGaO Proceedings 2021. ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2021-P009-9

Bartsch, J

Measurement of High‐Precision Components - Robust digital holographic measurement system for production environments

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 8-9 (E-Special LAF 2020)

Bartsch, J; Sperling, Y; Bergmann, R B

Efficient Vision Ray Calibration of multi-camera systems

Quelle: Opt. Express 29, 11 (2021) 17125-17139

Bartsch, J; Sperling. Y; Bergmann, R B

Qualification of holistic and generic camera-system calibration by Fringe Projection

Proc. of SPIE Vol. 11787, Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision IV (SPIE), eds: J. Beyerer, M. Heizmann, 117870G (2021) 109-118 (online)

Beste; L-H; Schadewald, F; Radel, T; Richter, B; Faue, P; Pfefferkorn, F. E; Vollertsen, F

Increased Laser Polishing Rates of LPBF Components - High path overlaps to reduce surface features at laser polishing of LPBF

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 22-23 (E-Special LAF 2020) doi: 10.1002/phvs.202100009

Bergmann, R B; Bockelmann, C; Dekorsy, A; Rosenhahn, B; Falldorf, C

7D-Metrology: The coherence function as a solution to complex problems of optical metrology

Quelle: Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-H001-6

Bergmann, R B; Kalms, M; Falldorf, C

Optical In-Process Measurement: Concepts for Precise, Fast and Robust Optical Metrology for Complex Measurement Situations

Quelle: Applied Science 11 (2021) 10533 (

Borchers, F; Clausen, B; Ehle, L; Eich, M; Epp, J; Frerichs, F; Hettig, M; Klink, A; Kohls, E, Lu, Y; Meyer, H; Rommes, B; Schneider, S; Strunk, R; Zielinski, T

The Influence of Former Process Steps on Changes in Hardness, Lattice and Micro Structure of AISI 4140 Due to Manufacturing Processes

Quelle: Metals 11 (2021) 1102,

Dörfert, R; Tyralla, D

Melt Pool Width Monitoring - In-situ measurement of the melt pool width in powder bed fusion processes

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 6-7 (E-Special LAF 2020) doi: 10.1002/phvs.202100015

Eckert, S; Vollertsen, F; Schupp, A; Zander, D; Rommes, B; Klink, A

Understanding the Influence of Chemical and Thermal Loads on the Productivity for Processing 42CrMo4 Steel and Titanium via Laser-Induced Thermochemical Machining

Quelle: Proc. of the 9th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC 2020). Procedia CIRP 101 (2021) 202-205,

Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Bergmann, R B

Γ-Profilometry on rough surfaces

Quelle: Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-B020-0

Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B

Γ-profilometry: a new paradigm for precise optical metrology

Quelle: Optics Express 29, 22 (2021) 36100-36110 (

Frerichs, F; Lu, Y; Lübben, T; Radel, T

Process Signature for Laser Hardening

Quelle: Metals 11, 465 (2021) 1-21 (online)

Gauchan, S; Bartsch, J; Bergmann, R B

Vision threads – A novel approach to generic camera calibration

Quelle: Proc. of SPIE 11787, Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision IV, 117870H (2021); doi: 10.1117/12.2592296 (online)

Gauchan, S; Bartsch, J; Bergmann, R B

Sichtfäden - Ein neuer Ansatz zur generischen Kamerakalibrierung

Quelle: Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-B007-3

Halisch, C; Gaßmann, C; Seefeld, T

Investigating the Reproducibility of the Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Process

Quelle: Advanced Materials Research 116 (2021) 95-104 (doi:10.4028/ online

Halisch, C; Radel, T; Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T

Online Monitoring in WAAM

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 2-3 (E-Special LAF 2020)

Henze, I; Mattulat; T; Woizeschke, P

Effects of separately laser-induced metal vapor amounts on the stability of a TIG arc

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online

Henze, I; Woizeschke, P

Laser Keyhole Brazing - Energy-efficient brazing using the deep penetration effect in combination

with two-dimensional beam oscillation

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 30-31 ( E-Special LAF 2020) doi/abs/10.1002/phvs.202100013

Karwoth, B; Mattulat; T; Woizeschke, P

Occurrence of coating-related accumulations within the seam in laser beam deep penetration welding of aluminum-silicon coated press-hardened steels

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online

Karpuschewski, B; Lübben, T, Meinke, M; Eckert, S; Frerichs; F; Schneider, S; Klink, A; Langenhorst, L; Sölter, J

Comparison of Process Signatures for thermally dominated processes

Quelle: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 35 (2021) 217-235

Krause, C; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B

Statistical evaluation process to measure step heights using multi-lambda shear interferometry

Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-B022-9

Langebeck, A

Hard Particle Reinforcement for Micro‐forming Tools - Hard particle reinforcement of microforming tools via laser melt injection for improved wear resistance

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 16-17 ( E-Special LAF 2020)

Langebeck, A

Directed Energy Deposition with Aluminum Alloy - Directed energy deposition of high‐strength aluminum alloy with local hard particle reinforcement

Quelle: Photonics Views 18, S1 (2021) 14-15 (E-Special LAF 2020)

Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T

Laser melt injection for homogenous particle distribution in copper materials

Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online

Lu, Y; Ehle, L; Richter, S; Radel, T

Influence of multi-pass laser hardening of normalized AISI 4140 on the grain size

Quelle: Surface & Coatings Technology 421 (2021) 127434 (online)

Lu, Y; Meyer, H; Radel, T

Influence of multi-pass laser hardening on residual stress and distortion

Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online

Lu, Y; Radel, T

Surface quality of laser rod end melted shape-memory Nitinol preforms

Quelle: Proc. Lasertagung Mittweida (2021), eds.: Hochschule Mittweida, Mittweida (2021) 43-47

Mattulat, T; Pordzik, R; Woizeschke, P

OCT-Einschweißtiefenüberwachung bei Unterdruck

Quelle: wt WerkstattsTechnik 111, 11-12 (2021) 863-868

Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P

Laserstrahllöten mit oszillierendem Kaltdraht zur Steigerung der Nahtqualität

Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 73, 4 (2021) 230-234

Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P

Laser Brazing with Wire Oscillation - A new approach for increasing the optical seam edge quality

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 28-29 (E-Special LAF 2020) doi: 10.1002/phvs.202100012

Möbus, M; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P

Bearbeitungsoptik zur Untersuchung dreidimensionaler Spotverschiebungen zweier Laserstrahlen beim Laserstrahlschweißen

Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 73, 8 (2021) 550 - 551

Müller, A F; Gutiérrez-Canas Pazos, B; Bergmann, R B

Referenceless phase holography for displaying 3D scenes captured by digital holography

Quelle: Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-B003-7

Müller, A F; Rukin, I; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B

Multicolor Holographic Display of 3D Scenes Using Referenceless Phase Holography (RELPH)

Quelle: Photonics 8, 247 (2021)

Müller, S; Woizeschke, P

Feasibility of a laser powder bed fusion process for additive manufacturing of hybrid structures using aluminum-titanium powder-substrate pairings

Quelle: Additive Manufacturing 48 (2021) 102377 (online)

Müller,S; Woizeschke, P

Methodology for analyzing the influence of contact temperatures in laser beam brazing

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online

Pordzik, R; Woizeschke, P

Implementation of a Synchronized Multimethod Process Observation in Deep Penetration Laser Welding

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 26-27 (E-Special LAF 2020) doi: 10.1002/phvs.202100011

Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F

Picosecond-laser polishing of CVD-diamond coatings without graphite formation

Quelle: Materials Today: Proceedings 40 (2021) 1-4

Rathmann, L; Beste, L-H; Radel, T

Laser based process chain to use LIPSS on forming tools

Quelle: Surface and Coatings Technology 426 (2021) 127761 ( online

Rathmann, L; Radel, T

LIPSS for metal forming tool

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 5 (2021) 14-15, DOI: 10.1002/phvs.202100055

Rathmann, L; Radel, T

Influence of laser hardening on laser induced periodic surface structures on steel substrates

Quelle: Proc. of the 18th Nordic Laser Materials Processing Conference (NOLAMP) IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1135 (2021) 012024 (doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1135/1/012024)

Schupp, A; Pütz, R D; Beyss, O; Beste, L-H; Radel, T; Zander, D

Change of oxidation mechanisms by laser-induced thermo-chemical machined rim zone modifications of 42CrMo4

Quelle: Materials 14 (2021) 3910,

Simons, M; Beste, L-H; Radel, T

Laserchemische µ-Bearbeitung von Inconel 718

Quelle: Mikroproduktion 10, 3 (2021) 26-27

Simons, M; Radel, T

Laser Chemical Machining with High Process Pressure - Increase of the removal rate in laser chemical machining by increasing

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 18-19 (E-Special LAF 2020) doi: 10.1002/phvs.202100003

Simons, M; Radel, T

Increasing the removal rate by increased process pressure during laser chemical machining

Quelle: International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO2021) paper no. 0548_0779_000011

Simons, M; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F

Extension of the Process Window in Laser Chemical Machining by Temperature‑Dependent Reduction of the Electrolyte Viscosity

Quelle: International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (2021) 22:1461–1467 (

Soriano, C; Arizaga, A; Ocana, R; Sanchez, M; Stephen A; Sanchez, R; Uriarte, L

Design of a high performance laser micro-drilling machine for the aeronautical sector

Quelle: Engineering DYNA Journal 96 (2021) 130-133

Stephen, A; Lenz, B; Mehner, A; Radel, T

Laser structuring of PVD multi-layer systems for wear reduction

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online

Stephen, A; Radel, T

Laser Structuring of PVD Multilayer Systems - Enhancement of tribological properties by generation of dimple arrays

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 24-25 (E-Special LAF 2020)

Stephen, A; Tyralla, D; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F

Ermittlung der Bohrzeiten beim Laserstrahlbohren von Saugflächen zur Qualitätssicherung in der Luftfahrtindustrie

Quelle: WT-Werkstatttechnik 111, 11-12 (2021) 872 - 874

Thiemicke, F; Gesierich, A; Li, W; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B

Digital Holographic Measurement System - Robust digital holographic measurement system for production environments

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 4-5 (E-Special LAF 2020)

Tyralla, D; Bohlen, A, Seefeld, T

Characterization of the powder jet in LMD processes

Quelle: PhotonicsViews Vol.18 (S1) (2021) 12-13 (E-Special LAF 2020)
doi:/ 10.1002/phvs.202100017

Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T

Thermal based process monitoring for laser powder bed fusion (LPBF)

Quelle: Proc. of Materials Science and Technology of Additive Manufacturing Conference 2019 (MSTAM19), eds: V. Ploshikhin, J.-P. Jürgens, M. Siewert. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 1161 (2021) 123–130 

Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T

Closed-Loop Control of Penetration Depth in Wire-Based Laser Cladding

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 12-13 (E-Special LAF 2020)

Tyralla, D; Woizeschke, P; Seefeld, T

Spatially resolved melt pool monitoring for process characterization in laser powder bed fusion (LPBF)

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LIM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online

Valentino, T

Analytical model to determine the relevant parameters governing the transferred momentum to spherical indenters by laser-induced shock waves

Quelle: Optics and Lasers in Engineering 145 (2021) 106670, doi: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2021.106670 (online)

Valentino, T; Höhmann, M; Schünemann, K; Wentzler, J; Wünderlich, T; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F

Time-resolved force measurements to determine positioning tolerances for impulse-based indentations

Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing 140 (2021)

Valentino, T; Stephen, A; Radel, T

An Approach to Predict the Residual Stress-Depth-Profile of Thin Sheet Metal Processed by Laser Shock Peening Without Coating

Quelle: Proc. of the 18th Nordic Laser Materials Processing Conference (NOLAMP) IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1135 (2021) 012025 (doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1135/1/012025)

Valentino, T; Stephen, A; Radel, T

Reducing scatter in bent angle by a laser shock peening pretreatment

Quelle: Int. Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2021) Journal of Laser Applications 33 (2021) 042016 (doi: 10.2351/7.0000468)

Warneke, P

Generating MMC Coatings by Laser Melt Injection at High Process Speeds - Reinforcing highly thermally conductive copper tools for pressure die casting by fused tungsten carbide particles

Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 20-21 (E-Special LAF 2020)

Zilm, M; Radel, T

Cut edge quality in laser ablation of micrometer-scale grating structures

Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online



Freiße, H
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 72, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2020)

Mattulat, T; Woizescke, P
Laserstrahllöten mit oszillierendem Kaltdraht zur Verbesserung der Nahtqualität
Quelle: Schlussbericht zum IGF-Projekt Nr. 19.987 / DVS-Nr.: 06.3047, TIB Hannover (2020)

Messaoudi, H 
Thermische Bedingungen der laserchemischen Mikrobearbeitung von Metallen
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 70, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2020)

Prieske, M
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 71, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2020)

Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 69, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag (2020)

Vollertsen, F; Kuhfuß, B; Thomy, C; Friedrich, S; Maass, P; Zoch, H-W
Cold Metal Micro Forming
Quelle: Research Report of the Collaborative Resarch Center "Micro Cold Forming" (SFB 747), Bremen, Germany, Vollertsen, F; Kuhfuß, B; Thomy, C; Friedrich, S; Maass, P; Zoch, H-W. Springer Nature Switzerland AG; Cham/CH (2020)


Thomy, C; Tyralla, D; Schnick, M
Kamera zum Bestimmen eines 2D-Wärmebilds sowie System und Prozessregeleinrichtung
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2018 133 518.0 (2020)

Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Bergmann, R B
Anzeigeeinheit sowie Verfahren zur dreidimensionalen Wiedergabe eines Objektes
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2018 115 785 A1

Narita, R; Watanabe, T; Kondou, A; Kitamura, M; Haraguchi, H; Tanigawa, S; Thomy, C; Köhler, H; Kalms, M
Prozessanomalieerfassungssystem für eine Dreidimensional-Additive Herstellungsvorrichtung, Dreidimensional-Additive Herstellungsvorrichtung, Verfahren zum Erfassen einer Prozessanamolie für eine Dreidimensional-Additive Herstellungsvorrichtung, Herstellungsverfahren für ein Dreidimensional Additiv hergestelltes Produkt und Dreidimensional -Additiv hergestelltes Produkt
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 11 2017 007 843 T5


Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Form profiler based on imaging with spatially partially coherent light
Quelle:Proc. of 121 DGaO-Tagung (2020) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2020-A008-4

Agour, M; von Freyberg, A; Staar, B; Falldorf, C; Fischer, A; Lütjen, M; Freitag, M; Goch, G; Bergmann, R B 
Quality Inspection and Logistic Quality Assurance of Micro Technical Manufacturing Processes 
Quelle: Cold Micro Metal Forming, eds. F. Vollertsen, B. Kuhfuß, C. Thomy, S. Friedrich, P. Maaß, H.-W. Zoch. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham/CH (2020) 256-274

Bartsch, J; Bergmann, R B
Phasenmessende Deflektometrie mit aktiver Displayregistrierung
Quelle: Proc. of 121 DGaO-Tagung (2020) ISSN: 1614-8436 urn:nbn:de:0287-2020-A012-2

Borchers, F; Clausen, B; Eckert, S; Ehle, L; Epp, J; Harst, S; Hettig, M; Klink, A; Kohls, E; Meyer, H; Meurer, M; Rommes, B; Schneider, S; Strunk, R
Comparison of Different Manufacturing Processes of AISI 4140 Steel with Regard to Surface Modification and Its Influencing Depth
Quelle: Metals 10, 895 (2020) doi:10.3390/met10070895

Cho, W; Na, S
Impact of Wavelengths of CO2, Disk, and Green Lasers on Fusion Zone Shape in Laser Welding of Steel
Quelle: Journal of Welding and Joining 38, 3 (2020) 235-240 (online)

Cho, W; Woizeschke, P
Analysis of molten pool behavior with buttonhole formation in laser keyhole welding of sheet metal
Quelle: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 152 (2020) 119528 (online)

Czotscher, T, von Hehl, A; Radel, T; Tönjes, A
Correlation between Shock Wave-induced Indentations and Tensile Strength
Quelle: Proc. of 23th International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2020), Procedia Manufacturing 47 (2020) 756-760 (online)

Chou, P-Y; Prigge, D; Shieh, H D; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C
Assessing the Focal Length and Wavefront Error of Liquid Crystal Micro Lens Arrays
Quelle: Digital Holography and 3-D Imaging 2019, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America 2019) paper W2B.7

Ditsche, A; Seefeld, T
Local Laser Particle Fusion: Fusing of Hard Particles for the Reduction of High Contact Pressures in MMC Tool
Quelle: JOM 72, 2 (2020) 2488 - 2496

Dörfert, R; Freiße, H; Tyralla, D; Vollertsen, F
Koaxiale Implementierung einer Temperaturfelderfassung in eine kommerzielle SLM-Anlage
Quelle: WOMAG 4 (2020) 1-2 

Eckert, S; Vollertsen, F 
Prozessbeschleunigung beim laserchemischen Polieren
Quelle: Laser Magazin 2 (2020) 20-23

Fenske, H; Czotscher, T
Tailoring the Pressure Profile of TEA-CO2 Laser-Induced Shock Waves for Mechanical Forming and Separation Processes
Quelle: Lasers Manuf. Mater. Process. 7, 1 (2020) 1–14 (

Halisch, C; Radel, T; Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T
Measuring the melt pool size in a wire arc additive manufacturing process using a high dynamic range two colored pyrometric camers
Quelle: Welding in the World (2020) 64:1349-1356 (online)

Kalms, M; Bergmann, R B
Structure function analysis of powder beds in additive manufacturing by laser beam melting
Quelle: Additive Manufacturing 36 (2020) 101396

Karwoth, B; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P
Verteilung intermetallischer Phasen beim Laserstrahlschweißen von pressgehärteten Stählen
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 72, 2 (2020) 798

Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Freiße, H; Vollertsen, F 
Additive manufacturing with the lightweight material aluminium alloy EN AW-7075
Quelle: Welding in the World (2020) 64:429-436

Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Rentsch, R; Vollertsen, F 
Mechanical Properties of High Strength Aluminum Alloy EN AW-7075 Additively Manufactured by Directed Energy Deposition
Quelle: Metals 10 (2020) 579, doi:10.3390/met10050579

Langebeck, A; Fedoroc Kukk, A; Bohlen, A; Vollertsen, F
Steigern der Standzeiten von Mikroabformwerkzeugen durch den Einsatz laserdispergierter MMC-Werkstoffschichten
Quelle: Proc. of the DVS CONGRESS - GST Große Schweißtechnische Tagung 2020. DVS Berichte 3465. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2020) 579-585

Langebeck, A; Warneke, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Verschleißschutz von Urformwerkzeugen - Anforderungsgerechte Prozessführung beim Laserdispergieren
Quelle: wt Werkstattstechnik 110, 11-12 (2020) 779 - 783 (online)

Lotzgeselle, M; Straub, A; Ehret, G: Müller, A F; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Iterative Bestimmung der Form von Asphären mittels Scher-Interferometrie und inversem Raytracing
Quelle: Proc. of 121 DGaO-Tagung (2020) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de 0287-2020-P009-6

Lu, Y; Meyer, H, Radel, T
Multi-cycle phase transformation during laser hardening of AISI 4140
Quelle: Proc. of the 11th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2020), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, E. Govekar. Procedia CIRP 94, Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2020) 919-923 (online)

Mattulat, T; Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F 
Investigations on the occurrence of different wetting regimes in laser brazing of zinc-coated steel sheets 
Quelle: Welding in the World (2020) (online) 

Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P
The influence of the ratio of wire and process velocities on the wetting process in laser brazing
Quelle: Production Engineering (2020) (online)

Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P
Manipulation of the cyclic wetting process using longitudinal filler wire oscillation in the laser brazing of zinc-coated steel sheets
Quelle: Proc. of the 11th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2020), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, E. Govekar. Procedia CIRP 94, Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2020) 616-621 (online) 

Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P
IGF-Nr. 19.987N: Laserstrahllöten mit oszillierendem Kaltdraht zur Steigerung der Nahtqualität
Quelle: DVS CONGRESS – GST Große Schweißtechnische Tagung 2020, DVS-Berichte Bd. 365. DVS Media GmbH Düsseldorf (2020) 343-348

Mehrafsun, S.; Messaoudi, H; Vollertsen, F 
Process Behavior in Laser Chemical Machining and Strategies for Industrial Use 
Quelle: Cold Micro Metal Forming, eds. F. Vollertsen, B. Kuhfuß, C. Thomy, S. Friedrich, P. Maaß, H.-W. Zoch. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham/CH (2020) 180-190

Messaoudi, H; Mikulewitsch, M; Fischer, A; Goch, G; Vollertsen, F
Controlled and Scalable Laser Chemical Removal for the Manufacturing of Micro Forming Tools, 
Quelle: Cold Micro Metal Forming, eds. F. Vollertsen, B. Kuhfuß, C. Thomy, S. Friedrich, P. Maaß, H.-W. Zoch. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham/CH (2020) 155-179

Patra, S; Bartsch, J; Sperling, Y, Kalms, M, Bergmann, R B
Modelling the influences of technical surfaces on Phase Measuring Deflectometry
Quelle: Proc. of 121 DGaO-Tagung (2020) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de 0287-2020-A011-8

Pordzik, R; Woizeschke, P 
An Experimental Approach for the Direct Measurement of Temperatures in the Vicinity of the Keyhole Front Wall during Deep-Penetration Laser Welding
Quelle: Appl. Sci. 10 (2020), 3951; doi: 10.3390/app10113951

Prieske, M
Impact of Peak Material Volume of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Coatings on Dry Friction Against Aluminum
Quelle: JOM 72, 7 (2020) 2497-2503

Prieske, M; Börner, R; Berger, T; Kühn, R; Scholz, P, Schubert, A; Müller, R; Vollertsen, F
Dry deep drawing of aluminium for automotive production
Quelle: Dry Met. Forming OAJ FPR 6 (2020) 262–301

Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F
Polished diamond coatings for dry tapering of aluminum
Dry Met. Forming OAJ FPR 6 (2020) 334–353

Rathmann, L; Heinrich, L; Vollertsen, F 
Influence of Tool Geometry on Process Stability in Micro Metal Forming, 
Quelle: Cold Micro Metal Forming, eds. F. Vollertsen, B. Kuhfuß, C. Thomy, S. Friedrich, P. Maaß, H.-W. Zoch. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham/CH (2020) 73-94 

Rathmann, L; Pordzik, R; Vollertsen, F
Fertigung von Mikrosonden
Quelle: UMFORMtechnik Blech Rohre Profile 5 (2020) 32

Rathmann, L; Vollertsen, F
Analysis of the contact length during micrometal forming to establish its efficient measurement method
Quelle: Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing 8, 2 (2020) 024505-1-5 

Rathmann, L; Vollertsen, F
Determination of a contact length dependent friction function in micro metal forming
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Technology 286 (2020) 116831 (online)

Schattmann, C; Jahn, M; Schmidt, A; Vollertsen, F
Generation of Functional Parts of a Component by Laser-Based Free Form Heading 
Quelle: Cold Micro Metal Forming, eds. F. Vollertsen, B. Kuhfuß, C. Thomy, S. Friedrich, P. Maaß, H.-W. Zoch. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham/CH (2020) 30-44

Schattmann, C; Wilhelmi, P; Schenck, C; Kuhfuß, B; Vollertsen, F
Im Teileverbund zur Taktsteigerung
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 2, 20 (2020) 42-44 

Seven, J; Vollertsen, F 
Increase of Tool Life in Micro Deep Drawing 
Quelle: Cold Micro Metal Forming, eds. F. Vollertsen, B. Kuhfuß, C. Thomy, S. Friedrich, P. Maaß, H.-W. Zoch. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham/CH (2020) 136-154

Simic, A; Staar, B; Falldorf, C; Lütjen, M; Freitag, M.; Bergmann, R B
Inspection of Functional Surfaces on Micro Components in the Interior of Cavities
Quelle: Cold Micro Metal Forming, eds. F. Vollertsen, B. Kuhfuß, C. Thomy, S. Friedrich, P. Maaß, H.-W. Zoch. Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham/CH (2020) 275-288

Simons, M; Radel, T
Der Laser erhöht die Leitfähigkeit
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 1, 20 (2020) 36-37 

Simons, M, Radel, T; Shanta, V; Vollertsen, F
Comparison of boiling bubble behavior during laser chemical machining under superatmospheric pressure
Quelle: Proc. of the 11th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2020), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, E. Govekar. Procedia CIRP 94, Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2020) 561-564 (online)

Simons, M; Rusche, T; Valentino, T; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
UKP-Laserbasierte Herstellung von Netzen unterschiedlicher Transmissionsgrade
Quelle: WT Werkstattstechnik 110, 11-12 (2020) 787-799

Tyralla, D; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Erhöhung der Abschmelzleistung und der Überzugsqualität für das Laser-Heißdraht-Auftragschweißen durch Strahloszillation und temperaturbasierte Regelung
Quelle: DVS CONGRESS – GST Große Schweißtechnische Tagung 2020, DVS-Berichte Bd. 365. DVS Media GmbH Düsseldorf (2020) 524-531

Tyralla, D; Freiße, H; Seefeld, T; Thomy, C; Dreher, M; Schnick, M, Narita, R
Laser hot wire cladding (LHWC) with single and multiple wires for high deposition rates and low dilution
Quelle: Welding and Cutting 19, 3 (2020) 220-226

Tyralla, D, Köhler, H; Thomy, C; Seefeld, T; Narita, R
A multi-parameter control of track geometry and melt pool size for laser metal deposition
Quelle: Proc. of the 11th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2020), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, E. Govekar. Procedia CIRP 94, Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2020) 430-435 (online)

Tyralla, D; Köhler, H; Seefeld, T; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F; Narita, R
Simultaneous Control of the Degree of Overlap and Melt Pool Size for Laser Powder Cladding
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 5 (2020) 12

Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T
Advanced Process-Monitoring in Additive Manufacturing
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 3 (2020) 60-63

Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T
Inline-Charakterisierung des Pulverstroms für das Laser-Pulver-Auftragschweißen und die additive Fertigung (LAM)
Quelle: Werkstoffe und additive Fertigung 2020 (DGM) online 

Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T
Temperature field based closed-loop control of laser hot wire cladding for low dilution
Quelle: Proc. of the 11th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2020), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, E. Govekar. Procedia CIRP 94, Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2020) 451-455 (online)

Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T; Thomy, C
Neuartige Methode zur ortsaufgelösten Temperaturmessung mittels konventioneller RGB-Farbkamera
Quelle: Proc. of 121 DGaO-Tagung (2020) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2020-A025-9

Valentino, T; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
Quelle: mo Magazin für Oberflächentechnik 74, 8/9 (2020) 48-51

Vetter, K; Lekaj, E; Winkel, T; Freiße, A; Bohlen, A
Rapid heat treatment of spherical steel samples by laser radiation 
Quelle: laser+photonics (2020) 72-74 

Vetter, K; Murken, N; Winkel, T; Freiße, H; Bohlen, A; Vollertsen, F 
Qualitätssicherung mittels Spektroskopie bei der laserbasierten experimentellen Werkstoffentwicklung 
Quelle: Werkstoffe in der Fertigung 1 (2020) 27-20

Warneke, P; Seefeld, T
Wear Resistance of Hard Particle Reinforced Copper Alloys Generated by Laser Melt Injection
Quelle: Proc. of the 14th International Conference The A Coatings. Defect and Diffusion Forum, Vol 404. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland (2020) 68-76 (online)
auch in: Metal Matrix Composites (DOI: 10.4028/b-Yhd2IU) E-Book

Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Laser keyhole micro welding of aluminum foils to lap joints even with large gap sizes
Quelle: CIRP Annals 2020, doi: DOI: 10.1016/j.cirp.2020.04.063 (online) 



Quelle: BIAS-Verlag Band 68, eds. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2019)

Mittelstädt, C; Seefeld, T
Laserstrahlschweißen verdeckter T-Stöße durch anforderungsgerechte Kantenvorbereitung und Positionsregelung
Quelle: Abschlussbericht zum AiF-Projekt 19.626 N (2019)


Kitamura, M; Tsukimoto, K; Narita, R; Kalms, M; Thomy, C 
3-dimensionale additive Herstellungsvorrichtung
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2019 001902 A1 (2019)

Kitamura, M; Tsukimoto, K; Narita, R; Kalms, M, Thomy, C 
Three-Dimensional Additive Manuafacturing Apparatus
Quelle: US Offenlegungsschrift No. US 2019/0299527 A1 (2019) sowie JP Offenlegungsschrift No. 2019-173103 (P2019-173103A)

Narita, R, Tsukimoto, K; Thomy, C; Freiße, H 
Built-up Welding Device
Quelle: JP Offenlegungsschrift No. 2019-84571 (P2019-84571A)

Narita, R; Watanabe, T; Kondou, A; Kitamura, M; Haraguchi, H; Tanigawa, S; Thomy, C; Köhler, H 
Internal Defect Detection System, Three-Dimensional Lamination-Shaping Device, Internal Defect Detection Method, Method for Manufacturing Three-Dimensional Lamination-Shaped Article, and Three-Dimensional Lamination-Shaped Article
Quelle: JP Offenlegungsschrift WO 2019/030838 A1 (2019) sowie CN Offenlegungsschrift No. CN110650811 A (2020)

Narita, R; Watanabe, T; Kondou, A; Kitamura, M; Haraguchi, H; Tanigawa, S; Thomy, C; Köhler, H; Kalms, M
Fabrication Abnormality Detection System For Three-Dimensional Additive Manufacturing Devise, Three-Dimensional Additive Manufacturing Device, Fabrication Abnormality Detection Method For Three-Dimensional Additive Manufacturing Device, Method For Manufacturing Three-Dimensional Additively Manufacturing Object, and Three-Dimensional Additively Manufactured Object
Quelle: JP Offenlegungsschrift WO 2019/030837 A1 (2019)


Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Depth scanning using binary digital micro-mirror devices
Quelle: Proc. of the Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2019, OSA Technical Digest (2019) W3A.22 

Agour, M; Müller A F; Thiemicke, F; Bergmann, Falldorf, C 
Shape measurements by means of common path methods in coherent imaging
Quelle: 10th International Conference for Laser Applications (ICLA 10), Kairo (2019) 37 

Bartsch, J; Kalms, M; Bergmann, R B
Improving the calibration of phase measuring deflectometry by a polynomial representation of the display shape
Quelle: J. Eur. Opt. Soc.-Rapid Publ. (2019) 15:20 

Beinhauer, A; Vetter, K; Heinzel, C; Riemer, O; Freiße, H
Influence of the alloy composition on acoustic emission signals in discontinuous micro cutting of steel
Quelle: Proc. of euspen's 19th International Conference & Exhibition, Bilbao (2019) 402-403 (online) 

Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C; Dekorsy, A; Bockelmann, C; Beetz, M; Fischer, A
Ganzheitliche optische Messtechnik
Quelle: Physik Journal 18, 2 (2019) 34-39

Blanke, N
Lasernachbearbeitung additiv gefertigter Bauteile mittels Umschmelzpolieren
Quelle: Laser Magazin 1 (2019) 10-12

Bohlen, A; Freiße, H; Vollertsen, F
Distinct changes in microstructure due to heat input during laser metal deposition of H13 tool steel
Quelle: Proc. of the Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2019 (LIM19), eds.: U. Reisgen, M. Schmidt, M. Zäh, M. Rethmeier (USB Stick)

Czotscher, T; Baguer, D O; Vollertsen, F; Piotrowska-Kuczewski, I; Maaß, P 
Connection between shock wave induced indentations and hardness by means of neural networks
Quelle: Proc. of the 22th International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2019). AIP Conf Proc 2113:1–6. doi: 10.1063/1.5112634

Czotscher, T; Wielki, N; Vetter, K; Vollertsen, F; Meyer, D
Rapid Material Characterisation of Deep-alloyed Steels by Shock Wave Based Indentation Technique and Deep Rolling
Quelle: Nanomanufacturing and Metrology (2019)

Ditsche, A; Seefeld, T
Agglomerated tungsten carbide: A new approach for tool surface reinforcement
Quelle: Key Engineering Materials 809 (2019) 121-127 (online)

Dörfert, R; Freiße, H; Vollertsen, F
Along the Beam. Implementation of a coaxial temperature field monitoring device into a commercial SLM machine
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 1 (2019) 14-15 

Dörfert, R; Tyralla, D; Freiße, H; Vollertsen, F 
Coaxial implementation of a temperature field monitoring device for in-situ melt pool measurements in additive manufacturing
Quelle: Procédés Laser Pour L'Industrie Conférences (PLI), Colmar (2019) 166-169

Dörfert, R; Zhang, J; Clausen, B; Freiße, H; Schumacher, J; Vollertsen, F
Comparison of the fatigue strength between additively and conventionally fabricated tool steel 1.2344
Quelle: Additive Manufacturing 27 (2019) 217-223 (online) 2019

Dörfert, R; Zhang, J; Clausen, B; Freiße, H; Schumacher, J; Vollertsen, F
Investigation of the oxygen content of additively manufactured tool steel 1.2344
Quelle: Proc. of 30th Annual International Solid Freefrorm Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference, eds: D. L. Bourell, J. J. Beaman, R. H. Crawford, S. Fish, D. Kovar, C. C. Seepersad. Austin/Texas (2019) 668-676

Eckert, S 
Multi-Cycle Process Signature of Laser-Induced – Thermochemical Polishing
Quelle: Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 3, 90 (2019) doi:10.3390/jmmp3040090 

Epp, J; Dong, J; Meyer, H; Bohlen, A; Fischer, T 
Analysis of multiple phase transformations during additive manufacturing of hardenable steel by in-situ X-ray diffraction experiments
Quelle: Scripta Materialia 177 (2019) 27-31 

Falldorf, C; Chou, P-Y; Prigge, D; Bergmann R B 
3D Imaging System Based on Spherical Wave Field Synthesis
Quelle: Appl. Sci. 9,18 (2019), 3862; 

Falldorf, C; Müller A F; Agour, M; Bergmann R B
Simultaneous measurement of independent wave fronts using multiple signal classification
Quelle: Proceedings on Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2019. OSA Technical Digest (2019) M5A.5 (online)

Fedorov-Kukk, A; Freiße, H; Vollertsen, F
Laser melt injection of hard particles improve service life of copper or aluminum molds
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 2 (2019) 16

Fedorov Kukk, A; Freiße, H; Bohlen, A; Vollertsen, F
Laser melt injection of hard particles with beam wobbling for wear protection of micro-injection molding tools
Quelle: Proc. of the Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2019 (LIM19), eds.: U. Reisgen, M. Schmidt, M. Zäh, M. Rethmeier (USB Stick)

Felsing, A; Woizeschke, P
Influence of Magnesium on Spatter Behavior in Laser Deep Penetration Welding of Aluminum Alloys
Quelle: Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 3, 71 (2019) DOI:10.3390/jmmp3030071

Fenske, H; Czotscher, T
Tailoring the Pressure Profile of TEA-CO2 Laser-Induced Shock Waves for Mechanical Forming and Separation Processes
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing (2019), (online)

Fenske, H; Vollertsen, F
Laser shock punching: principle and influencing factors
Quelle: Production Engineering – Research and Development (2019) 13:399-407

Freiße, H; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T 
Determination of the particle content in laser melt injected tracks
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 267 (2019) 177-185 (online)

Freiße, H; Ditsche, A; Seefeld, T 
Reducing adhesive wear in dry deep drawing of high-alloy steels by using MMC tool
Quelle: Manufacturing Review 6, 12 (2019) 1-12

Goecke, S; Seefeld, T; Tyralla, D; Krug, A
Monitoring and Control of the Heat Input in MAG-Laser-Hybrid Welding of High Strength Steel in Telescopic Crane Booms
Quelle: Proc. of the IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE2019) doi: 10.1109/COASE.2019.8843219

Hasselbruch, H; Lu, Y; Messaoudi, H; Mehner, A; Vollertsen, F
Tribological Properties of Multi-Layer A-C:H:W/a-C:H PVD-Coatings Micro-Structured by Picosecond Laser Ablation
Quelle: 22. Symposium on Composites (2019), Key Engineering Materials 809, eds.: J. M. Hausmann. Trans Tech Publications Ltd Switzerland (2019) 439-444 (online) doi:10.4028/

Henze, I; Woizeschke, P
Keyhole Brazing with Two-Dimensional Laser Irradiation Patterns

Quelle: Proc. of the Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2019 (LIM19), eds.: U. Reisgen, M. Schmidt, M. Zäh, M. Rethmeier (USB Stick) 

Kalms, M; Bergmann, R B
In-line quality control using dimensional metrology of 3D metal parts printed by laser beam melting
Quelle: Proc. SPIE 10971, Nondestructive Characterization and Monitoring of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, Civil Infrastructure and Transportation XIII, 109710N (2019) doi: 10.1117/12.2514240

Kalms, M; Narita, R; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F; Bergmann, R B
New approach to evaluate 3D laser printed parts in powder bed fusion-based additive manufacturing in-line within closed space
Quelle: Additive Manufacturing 26 (2019) 161-165

Klein, T; Thiemicke, F; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Polymer-based holograms with individually adjustable structure angle
Quelle: Optical Engineering 58, 2 (2019) 025105-025105-7

Klink, A; Rommes, B; Zander, D; Schupp, A; Vollertsen, F; Eckert, S
Mechanism-based classification of electrochemical machining processes
Quelle: Proc. 15th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology INSECT (2019), Saarland Universität, Saarbrücken

Kügler, H
Effects of Short-Term Laser Beam Heating on the Absorptivity of Steel Sheets
Quelle: Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 3, 41 (2019)

Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F
Arc stabilization by laser induced metal vapor
Quelle: Proc. of 8th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP 2019) Paper #19-078 (P-HPL59, A120214) Paper #19-078 (P-HPL59, A120214)

Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F
Consideration of Absorption Coefficient Changes in Numerical Simulations of Laser Forming
Quelle: Advanced Technologies and Materials 44 (2019) 1 

Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F
Influences of surface pretreatments on absorptivity changes induced by laser beam processing
Quelle: Proc. of 8th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP 2019) Paper #19-040 (Tu5-H1, A120213)

Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Freiße, H; Epp, J; Wagner, F; Vollertsen, F
Laser-Pulver-Auftragschweißen für Rekonditionierungsarbeiten an Schiffswellen
Quelle: Schiff & Hafen 10 (2019) 28-29 

Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Rentsch, R; Vollertsen, F
Low-defect additive manufacturing of high strength aluminium alloy by laser metal deposition

Quelle: Proc. of the Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference (MAMC 2019), Örebrö/Sweden (2019) 128-135

Langebeck, A; Freiße, H; Stroth, M; Rentsch, R; Vollertsen, F 
Additive manufacturing of rolling bearings in innovative lightweight design by laser metal deposition
Quelle: Bearing-News (2019) online

Langebeck, A; Freiße, H; Stroth, M; Vollertsen, F
Additive Fertigung innovativer Leichtbauwälzlager mittels Laser-Pulver-Auftragschweißen
Quelle: Antriebstechnik 08 (2019) 78-80 

Leithäuser, T; Woizeschke, P 
Influence of the Wire Feeding on the Wetting Process during Laser Brazing of Aluminum Alloys with Aluminum-Based Braze Material
Quelle: Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 3, 83 (2019) doi.10.3390/jmmp3040083 

Lu, Y; Hasselbruch, H; Messaoudi, H; Mehner, A; Werner, C; Vollertsen, F
Micro-Structuring Of Multi-layered a-C:H:W/a-C:H Coatings Using Ultrashort Laser Pulses
Quelle: 11. Lasertagung Mittweida, 13.-14. November 2019, Hochschule Mittweida (2019) 21-24

Mattulat, T; Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F
Influence of filler wire oscillation on the seam texture in laser beam brazing
Quelle: Proc. of the 9th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP-Congress 2019), eds.: J. P.Wulfsberg, W. Hintze, B.-A. Behrens. Springer Verlag (2019) 359-368 

Mattulat, T; Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F
Kennzahl zur Bewertung der Nahtkantenqualität beim Laserstrahllöten
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 71, 11 (2019) 746-748

Messaoudi, H; Mikulewitsch, M; Brand; D; von Freyberg, A; Fischer, A 
Removal behavior and output quality for laser chemical machining of tool steels
Quelle: Manufacturing Review 6, 13 (2019) online

Mittelstädt, C; Mattulat, T; Seefeld, T; Kogel-Hollacher, M 
Novel approach for weld depth determination using OCT measurement in Laser deep penetration welding of aluminum and steel
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 31, 2 (2019) online

Mittelstädt, C; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Laser blank-rim melting for robust laser welding of hidden T-joints with OCT-based position control
Quelle: Proc. of the Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2019 (LIM19), eds.: U. Reisgen, M. Schmidt, M. Zäh, M. Rethmeier (USB Stick)

Müller, A F; Falldorf, C; Ehret, G; Bergmann, R B
Messen von asphärischen Linsenformen mittels räumlicher Kohärenz
Quelle: tm - Technisches Messen 86, 6 (2019) 325-334

Müller, S; Tyralla, D; Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F 
Photoluminescence of silicon vacancy centers as conceptual indicator for the condition of diamond protection coatings
Quelle: Thin Solid Films 669 (2019) 450-454 (online) 

Patra, S; Bartsch, J; Kalms, M; Prinzler, M; Bergmann, R B
Phase measurement deviations in deflectometry due to properties of technical surface
Quelle: Proc. SPIE Applied Optical Metrology III, eds: E. Novak, J. D. Trolinger.11102Q (2019)

Prieske, M; Hasselbruch, H, Mehner A; Vollertsen, F
Friction and wear performance of different carbon coatings for use in dry aluminium forming processes
Quelle: Surface & Coatings Technology 357 (2019) 1048-1059 (online)

Prieske, M; Müller, S; Woizeschke, P
Interaction of methane concentration and deposition temperature in atmospheric laser based CVD diamond deposition on hard metal
Quelle: Coatings 9 (2019) 537 doi:10.3390/coatings9090537 

Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F
Polished diamond coatings show potential in dry forming of aluminium
Quelle: MetalForming October 2019 (2019) 13

Prieske, M; Woizeschke, P
CVD diamond coating of forming dies with a homogenous coating thickness
Quelle: Dry Met. Forming 5 (2019) 9-12 2019

Radel, T 
Impact of vibrations on pore formation during laser welding of aluminum
Quelle: IIW Intermediate Meeting 2019 Com. IV, Greifswald/Deutschland (2019) Doc.XII-2426 -19 /212-1597-19 /IV-1425-19 /I-1399-19

Radel, T; Woizeschke, P
Reduction of hot cracking susceptibility during laser welding of aluminum by vibrations
Quelle: Welding in the Word 63, 3 (2019) 599-606

Rathmann, L; Veenaas, S; Vollertsen, F
Efficient method for the determination of the contact length during Finite-Element-simulation in micro metal forming

Quelle: Proc. of the 3rd World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM 2019), Raleigh NC, USA (2019) 84-88

Richter, B; Blanke, N; Werner, C; Parab, N D; Sun, T; Vollertsen, F; Pfefferkorn, F. E
High-speed X-ray investigation of melt dynamics during continuous-wave laser remelting of selective laser melted Co-Cr alloy
Quelle: CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology 68 (2019) 229-232

Richter, B; Blanke, N; Werner, C; Vollertsen, F; Pfefferkorn, F. E
Roughness parameters for classification of as-built and laser post-processed additive manufactured surfaces
Quelle: Proc. of 30th Annual International Solid Freefrorm Symposium - An Additive Manufacturing Conference, eds: D. L. Bourell, J. J. Beaman, R. H. Crawford, S. Fish, D. Kovar, C. C. Seepersad. Austin/Texas (2019) 238-253 

Schultz, V
Process Stability during Laser Beam Welding with Beam Oscillation and Wire Feed
Quelle: J. Manuf. Mater. Process 3, 17 (2019)

Shimizu, T; Kan, H; Messaoudi, H; Vollertsen, F; Yang, M
Impact of geometrical parameters of micro-textured DLC on tribological properties under dry sliding friction
Quelle: Manufacturing Review 6, 18 (2019) online 

Steinbacher, M; Alexe, G; Baune, M; Bobrov, I; Bösing, I; Clausen, B; Czotscher, T; Epp, J; Fischer, A; Langstädler, L; Meyer, D; Raj Menon, S ; Riemer, O; Sonnenberg, H; Thomann, A; Toenjes, A; Vollertsen, F; Wielki, N; Ellendt, N 
Descriptors for High Throughput in Structural Materials Development
Quelle: High-Throughput 2019, 8, 22; doi:10.3390/ht8040022

Stephen, A; Ocana, R; Esmoris, J; Werner, C; Soriano, C; Vollertsen, F; Sanchez, R
High-speed manufacturing of HLFC structures by laser micro drilling
Quelle: Proc. of the Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2019 (LIM19), eds.: U. Reisgen, M. Schmidt, M. Zäh, M. Rethmeier (USB Stick)

Thiemicke, F; Falldorf, C; Klein, T; Holthusen, A K; Riemer, O; Brinksmeier, E; Bergmann, R B
Multiple plane holographic projection using diamond turned holograms
Quelle: 17th Workshop on Information Optics (WIO 2018) DOI 10.1109/WIO.2018.8643454

Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T
Higher deposition rates in laser hot wire cladding (LHWC) by beam oscillation and thermal control

Quelle: Proc. of the 9th Congress of the German Academic Association for Production Technology (WGP-Congress 2019), eds.: J. P.Wulfsberg, W. Hintze, B.-A. Behrens. Springer Verlag (2019) 401-409

Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T 
Increase of deposition rates in Laser hot wire cladding (LHWC) by use of beam-oscillation for propriate energy deposition and thermal closed loop control
Quelle: Proc. of the Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2019 (LIM19), eds.: U. Reisgen, M. Schmidt, M. Zäh, M. Rethmeier (USB Stick)

Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T; Thomy, C; Brocke, N; Schnick, M
In-situ Temperaturüberwachung beim Laser-Pulver-Auftragschweißen
Quelle: Thermographie-Kolloquium 2019, eds.: M. Goldhammer, M. Purschke. DGZfP-Berichtsbände, BB 173 (2019) 1-9

Veenaas, S; Vollertsen, F 
Joining of dissimilar materials by laser induced shock waves
Quelle: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 8 (2019) 1006-1014 

Veenaas, S; Vollertsen, F; Czotscher, T
Joining by laser induced shock waves of aluminum and plastics

Quelle: Proc. of the 22th International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2019). AIP Conf Proc 2113:050029-1-050029–6 . doi: 10.1063/1.5112593

Vetter, K; Freiße, H; Vollertsen, F 
Influence of Porosity in LBM Layers on the Quality of Laser Deep Alloying
Quelle: HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials 74, 2 (2019) 85 - 88 

Vetter, K; Lekaj, E; Freiße, H
Wärmebehandlung sphärischer Stahlproben mittels Laserstrahlung
Quelle: photonik 2 (2019) 46-48

Warneke, P; Seefeld, T
High-Speed Laser Melt Injection of Tungsten Carbide in Highly Conductive Copper Alloys

Quelle: Key Engineering Materials 809 (2019) 94-99 (online)

Woizeschke, P
Approach for bidirectional laser bending of sheet metal with one-sided accessibility
Quelle: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology (2019) doi: 10.1016/j.cirp.2019.04.098 (online)



Mehrafsun, S 
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 67, eds. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2018) 

Vollertsen, F; Dean, T. A; Qin, Y; Yuan, S. J 
5th International Conference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018)
Quelle: MATEC Web of Conferences 190 (2018), eds.: F. Vollertsen, T. A. Dean, Y. Qin, S. J. Yuan. EDP Science (2018) online


Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B 
Autofocus in Two-Wavelength Contouring for Fast Inspection of Micro Parts
Quelle: Sensors & Transducers 226, 10 (2018) 77-82 

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Extended Depth of Focus using Autofocus in Two Wavelength Contouring for Fast Inspection of Micro Parts
Quelle: Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL' 2018), ed. S. Y. Yurisch. IFSA Publishing, S. L. Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain (2018) 205-208 

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Spatial multiplexing and autofocus in holographic contouring for inspection of micro-parts
Quelle: Optics Express 26, 22 (2018) 28576-28588 

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Staar, B; von Freyberg, A; Fischer, A; Lütjen, M; Bergmann, R B
Fast Quality Inspection of Micro Cold Formed Parts using Telecentric Digital Holographic Microscopy
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conf. on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018 ) MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 15008 (2018) 

Bartsch, J; Nüß, J.R; Prinzler, M; Kalms M; Bergmann, R B
Effects on non-ideal display properties in phase measuring deflectometry: A model-based investigation
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE 10678 Optical Micro- and Nanometrology VII (2018) 106780Y1-10 

Blanke, N; Vollertsen, F 
Laser-Nachbereitung vielschichtiger Oberflächenstrukturen von additiv gefertigten Bauteilen
Quelle: WoMag 6 (2018) 1 

Bohlen, A; Freiße, H 
Additive Fertigung rissfreier Bauteile aus Warmarbeitsstahl
Quelle: VDI-Z 160, 11 (2018) 30-31 

Bohlen, A; Freiße, H
Tool steel solid components produced by laser metal deposition
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Materials Science & Smart Materials (MSSM), Ed.: A. G. Olabi. UWS Paisley (2018) 516 - 521

Bohlen, A; Freiße, H; Hunkel, M; Vollertsen, F
Additive Manufacturing of tool steel by laser metal deposition
Quelle: Procedia CIRP 74 - 10th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2018], eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, G. Dearden. Elsevier Ltd. Amsterdam (2018) 192-195

Cho; W; Schultz, V; Woizeschke, P 
Numerical study of the effect of the oscillation frequency in buttonhole welding
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Technology 261(2018) 202-212

Cho, W; Woizeschke, P; Schultz, V 
Simulation of molten pool dynamics and stability analysis in laser buttonhole welding
Quelle: Procedia CIRP 74 - 10th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2018], eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, G. Dearden. Elsevier Ltd. Amsterdam (2018) 687-690

Czotscher, T
Analysis of TEA-CO2-laser induced plasma to establish a new measurement technique
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 30, 3 (2018) 032604-1-5 

Czotscher, T 
Material Characterisation by New Indentation Technique Based on Laser-Induced Shockwaves
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing (2018) 1-19 (online) 

Czotscher, T; Vollertsen, F
Plasma Induced On Indenter Balls
Quelle: Proc. of the 8th International Conference on High Speed Forming, Columbus OH/USA (ICHSF 2018) 

Czotscher, T; Wünderlich, T
Energy of Laser Induced Shockwaves
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conf. on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018 ) MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 02006 (2018)

Ditsche, A; Freiße, H; Seefeld, T
Trockenumformung: Metal-Matrix-Composite Oberflächen für ein schmierstofffreies Tiefziehen
Quelle: Laser Magazin 4 (2018) 56

Dörfert, R; Stoll, C; Freiße, H
Influence of the Process on Surface Roughness of a High Wear Resistance AlSi40 Alloy Fabricated Via Additive Manufacturing
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Materials Science & Smart Materials (MSSM), Ed.: A. G. Olabi. UWS Paisley (2018) 322 - 327

Eckert, S; Gadeschi, G B; Meinke, M; Vollertsen, F; Schröder, W 
Comparison of laser induced thermal heat impact on 42CrMo4 in gaseous and liquid ambient
Quelle: Proc. 14th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT 2018) Aachen

Eckert, S; Vollertsen, F
Mechanisms and processing limits of surface finish using laser-thermochemical polishing
Quelle: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 67 (2018) 201-204

Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B 
Holographic wave field synthesis using refractive elements
Quelle: Proc. of the 17th Workshop on Information Optics (WIO), Québec, QC, Canada (2018) 1-4, doi: 10.1109/WIO.2018.870529

Falldorf, C; Hyra, A; Simic, A; Bergmann, R B
Spatio-temporal sampling of the coherence function for step height measurements
Quelle: Proc. SPIE 10749, Interferometry XIX. SPIE Digital Library (2918) 107490Y-1-8; doi: 10.1117/12.2321145

Fenske, H; Vollertsen, F
Schockwelle statt Schneidstempel
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 01 (2018) 32-43 

Freiße, H; Hohenäcker; V; Thomy, C; Brocke, N; Schnick, M 
Kamera-basierte Qualitätssicherung beim Laser-Pulver-Auftragschweißen für die Rekonditionierung verschlissener Maschinenkomponenten
Quelle: 12. Fachtagung Verschleißschutz von Bauteilen durch Auftragschweißen, DVS Halle/Saale (2018) 97-103

Freiße, H; Schmidt, S; Seefeld, T
Characterization of the tribological behaviour of tool surfaces depending on higher contact pressures
Quelle: Dry Met. Forming OAJ FMT 4 (2018) 52-58 

Freiße, H; Seefeld, T 
Tool surface with a supporting plateau of hard particles for deep drawing of high alloy steel
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conf. On New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018 ) MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 14006 (2018) Doi: org/10.1051/matecconf/201819014006

Freiße, H; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F; Narita, R
Process for Laser Cladding Features Three Hot Wires
Quelle: Welding Journal (2018) 52 

Friedrich, S; Vollertsen, F
Mikroumformtechnik für die Massenproduktion
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 6 (2018) 50-53

Hagemann, J-H; Falldorf, C; Ehret, G; Bergmann, R B
Form determination of optical surfaces by measuring the spatial coherence function using shearing interferometry
Quelle: Optics Express 26 (2018) 27991-28001

Hagemann, J-H; Falldorf, C; Ehret, G; Bergmann, R B
Form metrology of optical surfaces based on partial coherent shearing interferometry in reflection
Quelle: Proc. of the 18th International Conference & Exhibition (EUSPEN 2018), Venice/Italien (2018) online 

Hohenäcker, V; Freiße, H; Thomy, C; Brocke, N; Schnick, M 
Kamerabasierte Prozessüberwachung
Quelle: LASER 2 (2018) 28-29

Holthusen, A; Riemer, O; Brinksmeier, E; Thiemicke, F; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
FTS-Diamantdrehen strukturierter Oberflächen. Diamantdrehen mit erweiterten Freiheitsgraden
Quelle: Wt Werkstofftechnik online 108, 11/12 (2018) 784

Kämmler; J, Guba, N, Vetter, K, Vollertsen, F; Meyer D
Material characterization by deep rolling of laser deep alloyed micro-samples
Quelle: Proc. of euspen's 18th International Conference & Exhibition, Venice (2018), eds.: D. Billington. R. K. Leach, D. Phillips, O. Riemer, E. Savio. Euspen Cranfield (2018) 335-336

Kalms, M; Kreis, T; Bergmann, R B
Characterization of technical surfaces by structure function analysis
Proc. of the SPIE Conference on Nondestructive Characterization and Monitoring of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, Civil Infrastructure, and Transportation XII, eds. P. J. Shull, A. L. Gyekenyesi, T.-Y. Yu, H F. Wu. SPIE Bellingham (2018) 1059924-1-8

Klembt, S; Stepanov, P; Klein, T; Minguzzi, A; Richard, M
Thermal Decoherence of a Nonequilibrium Polariton Fluid
Quelle: Physical Review letters 120 (2018) 035301-1-6

Klein, T; Agour, M; Hülsmann,T; Schulze, P; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Novel approach for shape measurement using light with low spatial coherence length
Quelle: Proc. of the European Optical Society Biennial Meeting (EOSAM 2018), Delft/NL (2018) 249-250

Kovac, J; Heinrich, L; Köhler, B; Mehner, A; Clausen, B; Zoch, H
Tensile properties and drawability of thin bimetallic aluminumscandium-zirconium / stainless steel foils and monometallic Al-Sc-Zr fabricated by magnetron sputtering
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conf. on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018 ) MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 15001 (2018) 2018

Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F
Advantages of an adaptive absorption coefficient for simulations of iterative laser beam processes
Quelle: 37th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2018) Orlando, FL, USA (2018) #1703

Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F
Determining Absorption Variations of Multiple Laser Beam Treatments of Stainless Steel Sheets
Quelle: Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 2, 84 (2018) doi: 10.3390/jmmp2040084 

Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F
Messbare Laserstrahleffizienz
Quelle: Laser 1 (2018) 32-33 

Mehrafsun, S; Messaoudi, H
Dynamic process behavior in laser chemical micro machining of metals
Quelle: Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 2 (2018) 54 

Messaoudi, H; Böhmermann, F; Mikulewitsch, M; von Freyberg, A; Fischer, A; Riemer, O; Vollertsen, F 
Chances and Limitations in the Application of Laser Chemical Machining for the Manufacture of Micro Forming Dies
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conf. On New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018 ) MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 15010 (2018) Doi. Org/10.1051/matecconf/201819015010

Messaoudi, H; Brand; D; Vollertsen, F
Removal Characteristics of High-Speed Steel in Laser Chemical Mashining
Quelle: Proc. 14th International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology, Aachen (INSECT 2018) 47-53

Mittelstädt, C; Blanke, N; Czotscher, T: Freiße, H; Halisch, C; Schultz, V; Simic, A; Stephen, A; Tyralla, D; Vetter, K; Bergmann, R B
Aktuelle Forschungsthemen zum Laserstrahleinsatz
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 70, 9 (2018) 650-657

Mittelstädt, C; Seefeld, T
Increasing the process efficiency in laser beam brazing
Quelle: Welding and Cutting 17, 4 (2018) 299-303

Mittelstädt, C; Seefeld, T
Steigerung der Prozesseffizienz beim Laserstrahllöten
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 70, 1-2 (2018) 26-30 

Mittelstädt, C; Seefeld, T; Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Laser welding of hidden T-joints with lateral beam oscillation
Quelle: Procedia CIRP 74 - 10th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2018], eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, G. Dearden. Elsevier Ltd. Amsterdam (2018) 456-460

Müller, A; Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Hagemann, J.-H; Ehret, G; Bergmann, R B
Lens inspection using Multiple Aperture Shear Interferometry: Comparison to Wave Front Sensing Methods
Quelle: Proc. der 119. Jahrestagung der DGaO. DGaO Proceedings (2018) ISSN 1614-8436

Müller, S; Vollertsen, F 
Atmosphärische CVD-Diamantsynthese bei niedrigen Prozesstemperaturen
Quelle: WOMAG 3 (2018) 24-25

Prieske, M; Börner, R; Schubert, A 
Influence of the surface microstructure on the adhesion of a CVD-diamond coating on steel with a CrN interlayer
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conf. on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018 ) MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 14008 (2018) Doi. Org/10.1051/matecconf/201819014008 2018

Prieske, M; Hasselbruch, H; Mehner, A; Vollertsen, F
Friction and wear performance of different carbon coatings for use in dry aluminium forming processes
Quelle: Surface & Coatings Technology 357 (2019) 1048-1059 (online)

Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F
Force-displacement motions of a lubricated and dry tapering process of an AlMgSi1 alloy
Quelle: Dry Met. Forming OAJ FMT 4 (2018) 59-61

Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F
Potenzial polierter Diamantbeschichtungen zur trockenen Umformung von Aluminium
Quelle: WOMAG 12 (2018) 4-5 

Prinzler, M; Bartsch, J; Kalms, M; Bergmann, R B 
Metric for comparison of generic camera calibration
Quelle: Proc. SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, San Diego/USA (2018) 107500I-1-9 

Radel, T
Mechanical manipulation of solidification during laser beam welding of aluminum
Quelle: Welding in the World 62, 1 (2018) 29-38

Radel, T; Woizeschke, P
Reduction of hot cracking susceptibility during laser welding of aluminum by vibrations
Quelle: IIW 2018 Annual Assembly Com. IV, Denpasar/Indonesien (2018) IIW-Doc. IV-1389-18 (online)

Radel, T; Woizeschke, P
Vibration induced reduction of hot cracking susceptibility during close-edge laser welding of aluminum
Quelle: IIW Intermediate Meeting 2018 Com. IV, Lendava/Slovenien (2018) IIW-Doc. XII-2367-18 /212-1530-18 /IV-1368-18 (online) 

Rathmann, L; Vollertsen, F
Experimental identitfication of essential features of micro strip drawing with double deflection
Quelle: Advanced Technologies and Materials 43, 2 (2018) Doi: 10.24867/ATM-2018-2-001

Richter, B; Blanke, N; Werner, C; Vollertsen, F; Pfefferkorn; F. E
Effect of Initial Surface Features on Laser Polishing of Co.-Cr-Mo Alloy Made by Powder-Bed Fusion
Quelle: JOM (2018) DOI: 10.1007/s11837-018-3216-2 (online)

Rippel, D; Schattmann, C; Jahn, M; Lütjen, M; Schmidt, A
Application of Cause-Effect-Networks for the process planning in laser rod end melting
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conf. on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018 ) MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 15005 (2018) 

Schachtschneider, R; Fortmeier, I; Stavridis, M; Asfour, J; Berger, G; Bergmann, R B; Beutler, A; Blümel, T; Klawitter, H; Kubo, K; Liebl, J; Löffler F; Meeß, R; Pruss, C; Ramm, D; Sandner, M; Schneider, G; Wendel M; Widdershoven; I, Schulz, M; Elster, C
Interlaboratory comparison measurements of aspheres
Quelle: Mess. Sci. Technol 29 (2018) 055010 

Schmidt, M; Zäh, M; Li, L; Duflou, J; Overmeyer, L; Vollertsen, F
Advances in macro scale laser processing
Quelle: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology (2018) 719-742 

Schultz, V; Cho; W, Woizeschke, P
Buttonhole welding – laser deep penetration welds with smooth seam surface
Quelle: IIW Intermediate Meeting 2018 Com. IV, Lendava/Slovenien (2018) Doc.XII-2368-18 /212-1531-18 /IV-1369-18

Schultz, V; Merkel, A; Cho, W.-I; Woizeschke, P
Deep penetration laser welding with high seam surface quality due to buttonhole welding
Quelle: Proc. of the IIW Annual Assembly, Com. IV, Denpasar/Indonesien (2018) IIW-Doc. IV-1390-18 (online)

Schultz, V; Seefeld, T
Wärmearmes Schweißen von Aluminium mit hoher Spaltüberbrückbarkeit durch Strahlmodulation beim Schweißen mit hoch fokussierenden Festkörperlasern mit Zusatzwerkstoff
Quelle: DVS-Berichte 347 (2018) 45-54

Schultz, V; Woizeschke, P
High Seam Surface Quality in Keyhole Laser Welding: Buttonhole Welding
Quelle: J. Manuf. Mater. Process 2, 78 (2018) doi: 10.3390

Seven, J; Heinrich, L; Flosky, H

Inline tool wear measurement in lateral micro upsetting
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th International Conference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018), MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 15009 (2018) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201819015009 

Shimizu, T; Kan, H; Messaoudi, H; Vollertsen, F; Yang, M
Geometrical design of micro-textured DLC coatings toward lubricant-freee metal forming
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conf. on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018 ) MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 13001 (2018) Doi. Org/10.1051/matecconf/201819013001 

Simic, A; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Fast Quality Assurance of Pipes
Quelle: Proc. of the European Optical Society Biennial Meeting (EOSAM 2018), Delft/NL (2018) 279-280

Stephen, A; Ocana, R; Esmoris, J; Thomy, C; Soriano, C; Vollertsen, F; Sanchez, R
Laser micro drilling methods for perforation of aircraft suction surfaces
Quelle: Procedia CIRP 74 - 10th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2018], eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, G. Dearden. Elsevier Ltd. Amsterdam (2018) 403-406 

Thiemicke, F; Klein, T; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Improved reconstruction quality of holographic projections by controlling the individual pixel shape
Quelle: Proc. Jahrestagung der DGaO 2018, eds.: G. Häusler, C. Faber. Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik e. V., Erlangen (2018) ISSN: 1614-8436 

Thomy, C
IIW-Kommission IV „Power Beam Processes“
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 70, 4 (2018) 243-246 

Tyralla, D: Freiße, H; Seefeld, T
Erhöhung der Abschmelzleistung beim Laserauftragschweißen mit Heißdraht
Quelle: WOMag - Kompetenz in Werkstoff und funktioneller Oberfläche 7 (2018) 7 

Tyralla, D; Hohenäcker, V; Freiße, H; Thomy, C; Brocke, N; Schnick, M
Detektion von Prozessabweichungen durch Analyse der Schmelzbadgeometrie
Quelle: Proc. DVS Congress 2018, DVS-Berichte 344. DVS Media, Düsseldorf (2018) 125-130 

Veenaas, S; Vollertsen, F
Mechanical Joining of Glass and Aluminium
Quelle: Key Engineering Materials 767 (2018) 369-376 (online) 

Vollertsen, F; Woizeschke, P; Schultz, V; Mittelstädt, C
Laserstrahlfügen mit hoher Nahtoberflächenqualität – Neueste Entwicklungen
Quelle: Der Praktiker 8 (2018) 420-425 

Volpp, J; Vollertsen, F
Impact of multi-focus beam shaping on the process stability
Quelle: Optics and Lasers Technology 112 (2019) 278-283 (online) 

Wilhelmi, P; Schattmann, C; Schenck, C; Kuhfuß, B
Interactions between feed system and process in production of preforms as linked micro parts
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conf. on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018 ) MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 15004 (2018)

Woizeschke, P; Heinrich, L; Eichner, P
Laser edge forming to increase the bending radius in hemming
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th International Conference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018), MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 02002 (2018) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201819002002

Woizeschke, P; Mittelstädt, C
Laserfügen von Mischverbindungen: ultrahochfeste Stähle, Aluminium, Titan und CFK
Quelle: DGM-dIALOG Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 01 (2018) 174-175 

Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Joining of aluminium to titanium sheets/laminates for aluminium-CFRP transitions
Quelle: Outcome of the research unit FOR 1224: CFRP-Al transition structures in lightweight constructions, eds. Axel S. Herrmann. Faserinstitut Bremen e. V., Bremen (2018) 31-74 

Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Laser joining of titanium wires and aluminum sheets for aluminum-CFRP transitions
Quelle: Outcome of the research unit FOR 1224: CFRP-Al transition structures in lightweight constructions, eds. Axel S. Herrmann. Faserinstitut Bremen e.V., Bremen (2018) 25-31

Zhao, T; Eckert, S, Vollertsen, F
Recast Zone and Unmelted Zone of the White Layer Induced by Microsecond Pulsed Laser Surface Processing of 42CrMo4 Alloy steel
Quelle: Lasers in Engineering 41 (2018) 349-358



Köhler, H 
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 64, eds. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2017)

Mittelstädt, C; Seefeld, T
Steigerung der Prozesseffizienz beim Laserstrahllöten
Quelle: Schlussbericht zum AiF-Projekt 18.386 N / DVS-Nr.: 06.093. TIB Hannover (2017) online

Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 63, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2017)

Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd 65, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2017)


Kügler, H; Woizeschke, P; Seefeld, T
Verfahren und eine Vorrichtung zum Herstellen einer Fügeverbindung
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2015 115 183 A1 (2017)

Vollertsen, F; Mehrafsun, S
Verfahren zum durch Wärmeeintrag mittels einer strahlbasierten Energiequelle, insbesondere eines Lasers, induzierten chemischen Abtragen, insbesondere Mikrotiefbohren, sowie Vorrichtung zur Durchführung desselben

Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2016 108 162 A1 (2017) 

Vollertsen, F; Woizeschke, P; Radel, T 
Verfahren zum strahlbasierten Löten, insbesondere Elektronenstrahl- und Laserstrahllöten, von metallischen Grundwerkstoffen
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2017 100 497 A1 (2017) 


Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Distortion free reconstruction in digital holographic microscopy
Quelle: Proc. of the Face2Phase Conference, Delft/NL (2017) 38

Agour, M; Klattenhof, R; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Spatial multiplexing digital holography for speckle noise reduction in single-shot holographic two-wavelength contouring
Quelle: Optical Engineering 56, 12 (2017) 124101-1-7

Agour, M; Klattenhoff, R; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Speckle noise reduction in single-shot holographic two-wavelength contouring
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10233 (Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V), eds.: M. Hrabovsky, J. T. Sheridan, A. Fimia. SPIE Bellingham WA (2017) 10233R-1-9

Agour, M; Simic, A; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B 
Kompensation der Abbildungsverzerrung in der digital holografischen Mikroskopie durch Einsatz eines telezentrischen Objektives
Quelle: 8. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion. Hrsg. F. Vollertsen, C. Hopmann, V. Schulze, J. Wulfsberg. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2017) 7-22 (online)

Almohallami, A; Arghavani, M; Böhmermann, F; Freiße, H; Herrmann, M; Mousavi, S A; Schöler, S; Scholz, P; Tenner, J; Teller, M; Umlauf, G; Wulff, D; Yilkiran, D; Maier, H J
How dry is dry? – A critical analysis of surface conditions used in dry metal forming
Quelle: Dry Met. Forming OAJ FMT 3 (2017) 090-094

Behlau, M
mikromal – MINT Nachwuchsförderung zwischen Schulbesuch und Smartphone
Quelle: Talente - Zeitschrift für Bildung und Berufsorientierung 28 (2017) 62 - 64

Bohlen, A; Freiße, H; Vollertsen, F
Charakterisierung und Modellierung der Mehrfachumwandlung in Werkzeugstählen bei additiven Verfahren
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 69, 12 (2017) 848 

Brüning, H; Schattmann, C; Krüger, M
Melt pool geometry in laser blank rim melting to generate continuous cylindrical preforms
Quelle: Production Engineering Research and Development 11, 4-5 (2017) 425-433

Cho, W; Schultz, V; Vollertsen, F
Simulation of the buttonhole formation during laser welding with wire feeding and beam oscillation
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM17) eds.: L. Overmeyer, U. Reisgen, A. Ostendorf, M. Schmidt (2017) USB-Stick

Czotscher, T
Influence of focal position on laser-induced plasma and hardness indentations
Quelle: Proc. of the 36th Intern. Congress on Applications of Laser & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2017) Atlanta GA USA (2017) paper no. M903 

Czotscher, T
Umformen, Fügen, Schneiden und Messen mit nur einem Laser – die abtragsfreie Laserschockbearbeitung
Quelle: Laser Magazin 4 (2017) 6-8 

Czotscher, T; Mattulat, T
Laser Processing of Aluminium Sheets with Low Heat Related Deformations for Deep Drawing
Quelle: Journal for Technology of Plasticity, Vol. 42, 2 (2017) 1-10 

Czotscher, T; Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F
Elektronenoptische Weitwinkellinsen fertigen
Quelle: UMFORMtechnik 2 (2017) 13

Czotscher, T; Veenaas, S; Vollertsen, F
Possibilities To Characterise Laser Induced Shock Waves
Quelle: JTP - Journal for Technology of Plasticity 42, 1 (2017) 1-7 

Czotscher, T; Vollertsen, F
Process stability of laser induced plasma for hardness measurements
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2017), eds.: L. Overmeyer, U. Reisgen, A. Ostendorf, M. Schmidt (2017) USB-Stick

Dörfert, R; Freiße, H; Vollertsen, F
Charakterisierung der Einflussfaktoren und Vorhersage der Schwingfestigkeit additiv gefertigter Bauteile
Quelle: WoMag 11 (2017) 8

Dörfert, R; Stoll, C; Freiße, H; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Influence of the process on surface roughness of 3D-printed aluminum alloy parts
Quelle: International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET), 03, 10 (2017) 35-41

Eckert, S; Köhnsen, A; Vollertsen, F
Surface finish using laser-thermochemical machining
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2017), eds.: L. Overmeyer, U. Reisgen, A. Ostendorf, M. Schmidt (2017) USB-Stick

Eckert, S; Messaoudi, H; Mehrafsun, S; Vollertsen, F
Laser-Thermochemical Induced Micro-Structures on Titanium
Quelle: Journal of Materials Science & Surface Engineering, 5, 7 (2017) 685-691

Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Bergmann, R B
Coherent imaging using the mutual intensity function
Quelle: Proc. of Face2Phase, Delft (2017) 32

Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Bergmann, R B
Computational Methods in Coherent Optical Metrology
Quelle: Proc. of AMA Conferences. AMA Publications, Wunstorf (2017) 239-243 (10.5162/sensor2017/B5.2)

Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Computational Optical Metrology
Quelle: Photonics Germany (2017) 64

Falldorf, C; Klein, T; Agour, M; Bergmann, R B
Holographic 3D imaging through diffuse media by compressive sampling of the mutual intensity  
Quelle: Proc. of Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, eds. M. Hrabovsky, J. T. Sheridan, A. Fimia. SPIE Vol. 10233, SPIE Digital Library (2017), 102330-Q1-8 

Falldorf, C; Hagemann, J.-H; Ehret, G; Bergmann, R B
Sparse light fields in coherent optical metrology
Quelle: Applied Optics 56, 13 (2017) F14-F19 

Freiße, H; Hohenäcker, V; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Laser generated tool surface out of metal matrix composite
Quelle: Dry Met. Forming OAJ FMT 3 (2017) 041-044 

Freiße, H; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Hochproduktives Laserauftragschweißen mit drei Heißdrähten
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 69, 12 (2017) 848-849 

Freiße, H; Vetter, K; Seefeld, T; Polte, M, Polte, J
Production of a supporting plateau out of hard particles in a tool surface and its influence in dry sheet metal forming
Quelle: Proc. of the 7. WGP Jahreskongress, eds.: R. Schmitt, G. Schuh. Apprimus Verlag Aachen (2017) 527-534

Freiße, H; Vetter, K; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Applying laser dispersion and laser ablation to generate functional layers for deep drawing tools
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM17) eds.: L. Overmeyer, U. Reisgen, A. Ostendorf, M. Schmidt (2017) USB-Stick

Gao, X. S; Wu, C. S; Goecke, S; Kügler, H
Numerical simulation of temperature field, fluid flow and weld bead formation in oscillating single mode laser-GMA hybrid welding
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Technology 242 (2017) 147-159 online

Gao, X. S; Wu, C. S; Goecke, S; Kügler, H
Effects of process parameters on weld bead defects in oscillating laser-GMA hybrid welding of lap joints
Quelle: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2017) doi: 10.1007/s00170-017-0637-y

Gatzen, M; Woizeschke, P; Radel, T; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of an Overheated Aluminum Droplet Wetting a Zinc-Coated Steel Surface
Quelle: Metals 2017, 7 (2017) 535, doi:10.3390/met7120535 

Hagemann, J.-H; Ehret, G; Andreas, B; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C
Virtual Shearing Interferometer with LED Illumination for Form Characterization of Optics
Quelle: Proc. of the European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2016). European Optical Society (2017) 277-278 

Hagemann, J-H; Falldorf, C; Ehret, G; Bergmann, R B
Spatial light modulator used as a diffractive element in shearing interferometry for form characterization of optics

Quelle: Proc. of EOSAM 2017. European Optical Society (2017) 67-68 

Hagemann, J-H; Falldorf, C; Ehret, G; Bergmann, R B
Error influences of the shear element in interferometry for form characterization of optics
Quelle: Proc. Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inpection X, eds.: P. Lehmann, W. Osten, A. A. Goncalves jr. SPIE Digital Library (2017) 103291T1-1

Heinrich, L; Kobayashi, H; Shimizu, T; Yang, M; Vollertsen, F
Influence of asymmetrical drawing radius deviation in micro deep drawing
Quelle: Proc. of the 36th IDDRG Conference - Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming. Journal of Physics 896 (2017) 012060 (online)

Hohenäcker, V; Freiße, H; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F; Brocke, N; Schnick M
Process monitoring system for an innovative direct beam diode laser with coaxial beam guiding
Quelle: Laser Technik Journal 3 (2017) 16

Hof, L; Heinrich, L; Wüthrich, R
Towards high precision manufacturing of glass tools by Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving (SACE) for micro forming techniques
Quelle: Proceedings of the World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing, (WCMNM 2017), eds. Yunn-Shiuan Liao, Albert J. Shih, Chiu-Feng Lin. Kaohsiung, Taiwan (2017) CD-Rom 

Kan, H; Shimizu, T; Messaoudi, H, Yang, M 
The effect of geometrical parameters of micro-textred DLC coatings on tribological properties under dry sliding friction
Quelle: Proc. of the 1st Asia Pacific Symposium on Technology of Plasticity, Taichung, Taiwan (APSTP 2017) 31 (paper no. C1361)

Kalms, M
Novel strategies to better measure the quality of wing surfaces
Quelle: EU CORDIS: Community Research and Development Information Service (2017)

Klaproth, F; Vollertsen, F
Laserstrukturen für definierte Kontakteigenschaften
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 02 (2017) 46-49

Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F
Stabilisieren des Lichtbogens durch Metalldampf
Quelle: Große Schweißtechnische Tagung 2017. DVS-Berichte 337 (2017) 184-189

Kühn, R; Berger, T; Prieske, M; Börner, R; Hackert-Oschätzchen, M; Zeidler, H; Schubert, A
Deposition and Micro Electrical Discharge Machining of CVD-Diamond Layers Incorporated with Silicon
Quelle: Proc. Of the 20th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (2017), AIP Conference Proceedings 1896 (2017) 050012-1-050012-6 (online)

Laskin, A; Volpp, J; Laskin, V; Ostrun, A
Multi-focus beam shaping of high power multimode lasers
Quelle: Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XIV, edited by Kishan Dholakia, Gabriel C. Spalding. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10347. SPIE (2017) 103470N-1-10

Messaoudi, H; Eckert, S; Vollertsen, F
Thermal Analysis of Laser Chemical Machining: Part 1: Static Irradiation
Quelle: Materials Sciences and Applications 8 (2017) 865-707

Messaoudi, H; Hauser, O; Matson, A; Mehrafsun, S; Vollertsen, F 
Fertigungsqualität laserchemisch hergestellter Mikroumformwerkzeuge
Quelle: 8. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, Hrsg.: F. Vollertsen, C. Hopmann, V. Schulze, J. Wulfsberg. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2017) 171-178 (online)

Messaoudi, H; Mehrafsun, S; Tromenschläger, W; Vollertsen, F
Picosecond Laser Cleaning of Hot Stamped 22MnB5 Steel
Quelle: Journal of Materials Science & Surface Engineering 5, 1 (2017) 504-508 (online)

Messaoudi, H; Thiemicke, F; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B; Vollertsen, F
Distortion-free laser beam shaping for material processing using a digital micromirror device
Quelle: Production Engineering - Research and Development 11, 3 (2017) 365-371

Messaoudi, H; Vollertsen, F
Compact module for maskless and simultaneous 2D laser chemical machining
Quelle: Small Machine Tools for Small Workpieces, Lecture Notes in Production, eds.: J. P. Wulfsberg, A. Sanders, Springer International Publishing AG Cham/Switzerland (2017) 49-64

Mittelstädt, C; Littau, F; Seefeld, T
Investigating the preheating capability of reflections from a laser beam brazing process
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Steels in Cars and Trucks (SCT 2017) Amsterdam/NL (online)

Mittelstädt, C; Seefeld, T; Littau, F
Detecting and utilizing reflected radiation in laser beam brazing
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM17) eds.: L. Overmeyer, U. Reisgen, A. Ostendorf, M. Schmidt (2017) USB-Stick

Mittelstädt, C.; Seefeld, T.; Vollertsen, F.
Laserstrahllöten mit oszillierendem Kaltdraht
Quelle: Laser Magazin 1 (2017) 16-17

Mittelstädt, C; Vollertsen, F; Brüning, H; Jung, S 
Flexibel und sicher in der Anwendung
Quelle: Der Praktiker 12 (2017) 604-606 

Prieske, M
Abscheidung von CVD-Diamantschichten an der Atmosphäre
Quelle: Diamond Business 62 (2017) 46-47

Prieske, M; Müller, S
Impact of the methane hydrogen ratio onto deposition temperature, growth rate and residual stress in an atmospheric laser plasma CVD process
Quelle: Proc. of the 28th International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials (DCM 2017) Göthenburg/Sweden (online)

Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F
Resistance modification of diamond through silicon incorporation
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM17) eds.: L. Overmeyer, U. Reisgen, A. Ostendorf, M. Schmidt (2017) USB-Stick

Radel, T
Thermal impacts in vibration-assisted laser deep penetration welding of aluminum
Quelle: Nordic Laser Materials Processing Conference (NOLAMP 16), eds.: M. Kristiansen, S. L. Villumsen. Physics Procedia 89 (2017) 131-138 (online)

Radel, T
Mechanical solidification manipulation during laser beam welding of aluminum
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly 2017 Com. IV, Shanghai/China (2017) IIW-Doc. 1336-17 (online)

Radel, T; Gatzen, M; Woizeschke, P; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Methoden zur Charakterisierung des Haftungs- und Benetzungsverhaltens bei Kurzzeitlötprozessen
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 69, 12 (2017) 826-828 

Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
Grain refinement in vibration-assisted laser welding of aluminum
Quelle: Proc. of the 2nd Conf. On Light Materials - Science and Technology (LightMAT 2017) online

Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
Flussmittelfreies Laserstrahllöten von Aluminiumwerkstoffen durch die Verwendung lithiumhaltiger Aluminiumbasislotwerkstoffe
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 69, 5 (2017) 273-274

Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
Kornfeinung durch mechanische Erstarrungsmanipulation beim Laserstrahltiefschweißen
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 69, 4 (2017) 212 

Rahman, S; Klein, T; Gutowski, J; Klembt, S; Sebald, K
Tunable Bragg polaritons and nonlinear emission from a hybrid metal-unfolded ZnSe-based microcavity
Quelle: Scientific Reports 7, 1:767 (2017), DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-00878-2 

Robert, C; Messaoudi, H; Riemer, O; Brinksmeier, E; Vollertsen, F
Modifikation der Oberflächenfeingestalt monokristalliner Diamanten
Quelle: 8. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, Hrsg.: F. Vollertsen, C. Hopmann, V. Schulze, J. Wulfsberg. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2017) 187-194 (online)

Schattmann, C; Brüning, H; Ellmers, J-H; Vollertsen, F
Herstellung von Mikroverbundstrukturen für die Kaltmassivumformung
Quelle: Umformtechnik (2017) online

Schattmann, C; Hennick, C; Brüning, H; Pfefferkorn, F. E; Vollertsen, F
Generation and shape control of line-linked preforms by laser melting
Quelle: JTP - Journal for Technology of Plasticity 42, 1 (2017) 21-32 

Schattmann, C; Vollertsen, F
Metrisches Gewinde in dünnen Blechen
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 06 (2017) 60-61 auch in: Blech 7, 17 (2017) 42-43

Schattmann, C; Wilhelmi, P; Schenck, C; Kuhfuss, B; Vollertsen, F
Erhöhung der Taktrate bei der Herstellung von Zwischenformen im Linienverbund
Quelle: 8. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, Hrsg.: F. Vollertsen, C. Hopmann, V. Schulze, J. Wulfsberg. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2017) 227-236 (online)

Schmidt, M; Merklein, M; Bourell, D; Dimitrov, D; Hausotte, T; Wegener, K; Overmeyer, L; Vollertsen, F; Levy, G N
Laser based additive manufacturing in industry and academia
Quelle: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 66, 2 (2017) 561 - 583 

Schultz, V; Cho, W; Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Laser deep penetration weld seams with high surface quality
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM17) eds.: L. Overmeyer, U. Reisgen, A. Ostendorf, M. Schmidt (2017) USB-Stick

Schultz, V; Stephen, A; Kalms, M; Thomy, C 
Laser ermöglichen die Fertigung kraftstoffsparender Flugzeugstrukturen
Quelle: Laser Magazin 5 (2017) 23

Schultz, V; Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Laserstrahltiefschweißen in Sichtnahtqualität
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 69, 6 (2017) 346-347

Sebald, K; Rahmann, S; Kaya, T; Gutowsky, J; Klein, T; Klembt, S; Gust, A; Hommel, D
Influence of sample design on the strong light-matter coupling in ZnSe-based periodic structures
Quelle: IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 864 (2017) 0120202-1-5 (online)

Simic, A; Freiheit, H; Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Inline quality control of micro-parts using digital holography
Quelle: Proc. of Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, eds.: M. Hrabovsky, J. T. Sheridan, A. Fimia. SPIE Vol. 10233. SPIE Digital Library (2017) 1023311

Sokkara, T. Z. N; El-Farahaty, K. A; El-Barkarya, E. Z; Agour, M
Characterization of axially tilted fibres utilizing a single-shot interference pattern
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 91 (2017) 144-150

Stein, S; Dobler, M; Radel,·T; Strauß, M; Breitschwerdt, H; Hugger, F; Roth, S; Schmidt, M 
Experimental and numerical investigations regarding laser drop on demand jetting of Cu alloys
Quelle: Production Engineering -Research and Development 11, 3 (2017) 275-284

Stephen, A; Messaoudi, H; Vollertsen, F
Quelle: Blech 03 (2017) 36-37 

Tyralla, D
Diamantschichten am Fließband
Quelle: Magazin für Oberflächentechnik 71, 11 (2017) 22-23

Tyralla, D; Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F
Transmission of polycrystalline diamond for zero phonon line of SiV centers
Quelle: Proc. of the 28th International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials (DCM 2017) Göthenburg/Sweden (online)

Veenaas, S; Vollertsen, F
Untersuchung der Verbindungsfestigkeit von Laserschock gefügten Proben bei unterschiedlichen Matrizengeometrien
Quelle: 8. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, Hrsg.: F. Vollertsen, C. Hopmann, V. Schulze, J. Wulfsberg. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2017) 237-244 (online)

Veenaas, S; Vollertsen, F
Crack formation on metal foils during high dynamic and quasi-static bulge test
Quelle: Proc. of the 36th IDDRG Conference - Materials Modelling and Testing for Sheet Metal Forming. Journal of Physics 896 (2017) 012072 (online)

Vetter, K.; Freiße, H.; Feuerhahn, F.; Köhler, H.; Vollertsen, F.
Influence of scanning strategy on alloy generation
Quelle: THE LASER USER 83 (Winter 2017) 32 - 33

Vetter, K; Freiße, H; Vollertsen, F
High-throughput material development using selective laser melting and high power laser
Quelle: Proc. of the 7. WGP Jahreskongress, eds.: R. Schmitt, G. Schuh. Apprimus Verlag Aachen (2017) 511-518

Vetter, K; Hohenäcker, S; Freiße, H; Vollertsen, F
Use of additive manufacturing for high-throughput material development
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM17) eds.: L. Overmeyer, U. Reisgen, A. Ostendorf, M. Schmidt (2017) USB-Stick

Vollertsen, F; Mittelstädt, C
Sustainable laser joining technologies for automotive applications
Quelle: Proc. of the 70th IIW International Conference (Keynote Paper C085) Shanghai/China (2017) C8-C10 (USB Stick)

Vollertsen, F; Woizeschke, P; Schultz, V; Mittelstädt, C
Developments for laser joining with high-quality seam surfaces
Quelle: Lightweight Design 10, 5 (2017) 6-13

Vollertsen, F; Woizeschke, P; Schultz, V; Mittelstädt, C
Entwicklungen beim Laserfügen mit hoher Nahtoberflächenqualität
Quelle: Lightweight Design 5 (2017) 10-17

Volpp, J 
Formation mechanisms of pores and spatters during laser deep penetration welding
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 30, 1 (2017) 012002-1-7

Volpp, J
Keyhole stability during laser welding—Part II: process pores and spatters
Quelle: Production Engineering Research and Development 11, 1 (2017) 11-9-18 

Volpp, J; Hohenäcker, V; Tyralla, D; Freiße, H; Brocke, N; Silze, F; Schnick, M; Thomy, C
Observing melt pool temperature fields for process characterization
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM17) eds.: L. Overmeyer, U. Reisgen, A. Ostendorf, M. Schmidt (2017) USB-Stick

Volpp, J; Vollertsen, F
Einfluss der Strahlformung mittels Bifokaloptik auf die Spritzerbildung beim Laserstrahltiefschweißen
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 69, 5 (2017) 274-277

Volpp, J; Vollertsen, F
Multifokusoptik zum Laserstrahltiefschweißen
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 69, 4 (2017) 212-213

von Freyberg, A; Agour, M; Bergmann, R B; Fischer, A
Geometrische Auswertung digital holographischer Messungen im Bereich des Mikrokaltumformens
Quelle: 8. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, Hrsg. F. Vollertsen, C. Hopmann, V. Schulze, J. Wulfsberg. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2017) 23-30 (online)

Vorholt, J; Shimizu, T; Kobayashi, H; Heinrich, L; Flosky, H; Vollertsen, F; Yang, M
In-situ observation of lubricant flow on laser textured die surface in sheet metal forming
Quelle: The 12th Intern. Conf. on the Technology of Plasticity (ICTP2017). Procedia Engineering 207 (2017) 2209-2214 (online)

Windmann, M; Röttger, A; Kügler, H; Theisen, W
Microstructure and mechanical properties of the heat-affected zone in laser-welded/brazed steel 22MnB5–AA6016 aluminum/AZ31 magnesium alloy
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Technology 247 (2017) 11-18 (online)

Woizeschke, P; Radel, T; Nicolay, P; Vollertsen, F
Laser deep penetration welding of aluminum alloys with simultaneously applied vibrations
Quelle: Laser in Manufacturing and Materials Processing 4, 1 (2017) 1-12

Yassien, K. M; Agour, M
Measuring opto-thermal parameters of basalt fibers using digital holographic microscopy
Quelle: Microscopy Research and Technique 80 (2017) 211-219 

Yassien, K; Agour, M
Measuring opto-thermal parameters of basalt fibres using digital holographic microscopy
Quelle: Microscopy Research and Technique 80 (2017) 211-219 

Zhao, T; Vollertsen, F
Process Signatures as a Measure for Loopless Production
Quelle: Engineering 9 (2017) 328-337 



Brüning, H
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd 57, eds. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2016)

Kamau, E
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 60, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2016)

Kibben, S
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 58, eds. F. Vollerten, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2016)

Möller, F
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 59, eds. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2016)

Schwander, M
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd 56, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2016)


Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F; Brüning, H; von Herz, B
Verfahren zum Herstellen eines Halbzeuges und einer Verbindung sowie ein Halbzeug nach dem Herstellungsverfahren
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2014 009 737 A1 (2016)


Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Holographic display system for dynamic synthesis of 3D light fields with increased space bandwidth product
Quelle: Optics Express 24, 13 (2016) 14393-14405 

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Shape measurements of microscopic objects using computational shear interferometry
Quelle: Proc. Of SPIE Vo. 9718, Quantitative Phase Imaging II, eds. G. Popescu, YK Parc. SPIE (2016) 97182M-1-8 

Agour, M; Flosky, C; Riemer, O; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
In-Line Computational Shear Interferometry of Insert Moulded Micro Parts for Optical Application
Quelle: Int. J. Adv Manuf Technol 91 (2016) 1671-1676

Behrens, G; Trier, F; Tetzel, H; Vollertsen, F
Influence of Tool Geometry Variations on the Limiting Drawing Ratio in Micro Deep Drawing
Quelle: International Journal of Material Forming 9, 2 (2016) 253-258

Brüning, H; Jahn, M; Vollertsen, F; Schmidt, A
Influence of laser beam absorption mechanism on eccentricity of preforms in laser rod end melting
Quelle: 11th International Conference on Micro Manufacturing (ICOMM) Orange County, California, USA, (2016) paper 77 (online)

Czotscher, T
Forming behaviour of micro-structured aluminium sheets
Quelle: WGP Congress 2016 - Progress in Production Engineering, eds. Jens P. Wulfsberg, M. Fette, T. Montag. Advanced Material Research TransTech Publications, Pfaffikon/Switzerland (2016) ISSN: 1022-6680

Czotscher, T; Vollertsen, F
Analysis of melting and melt expulsion during nanosecond pulsed laser ablation
Quelle: Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2016). Physics Procedia 83 (2016) 53-61

Czotscher, T; Vollertsen, F
Hoch transmissive metallische Sensorkomponenten hergestellt durch Laserperforieren und Umformen von Feinblechen
Quelle: Laser Magazin 3 (2016) 13-14

Dörfert, R; Freiße, H; Stroth, M; Vorholt, J; Khazan, P; Köhler, H; Seefeld, T; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Direct Laser Deposition – Method and Application Examples of Additive Manufacturing with Laser Cladding Technology
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly 2016 Com. IV und XII Melbourne/Australia (2016) IIW-Doc. I-1285-16, IV-1311-16, XII-2305-16, 212-1457-16

Falldorf, C
Taking the next step: The advantage of spatial covariance in optical metrology
Quelle: Proc. on Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 2016. OSA Publishing (2016) DW3E.1

Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Kötter, J; Bergmann, R B
Quantitative phase Contrast imaging using a Nomarski microscope with variable shear distance
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9718. SPIE Digital Library (2016) 97182I-1-7

Flosky, H; Feuerhahn, F; Böhmermann, F; Riemer, O; Vollertsen, F
Performance of a Micro Deep Drawing Die Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan 2016) Macau (online)

Freiße, H; Köhler, H; Thomy, C; Brocke, N; Schnick, M; Vollertsen, F 
Prozessüberwachungssystem für einen neuartigen direktstrahlenden Diodenlaser koaxialer Strahlführung
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 68, 6 (2016) 361-362

Freiße, H; Köhler, H; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F; Brocke, N; Schnick, M
Prozessüberwachungssystem für einen neuartigen direktstrahlenden Diodenlaser koaxialer Strahlführung
Quelle: WoMag 7, 8 (2016)

Freiße, H; Langebeck, A; Koehler, H; Seefeld, T
Dry strip drawing test on tool surfaces reinforced by hard particles
Quelle: Dry Met. Forming OAJ FMT 2 (2016) 001-006

Freiße, H; Langebeck, A; Köhler, H; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Dry strip drawing tests on tool surfaces reinforced with hard particles
Quelle: Proc. Of the 12th International Conference The "A" Coatings 2016, eds. K. Bobzin, K.-D. Bouzakis, B. Denkena, H. J. Meier, M. Merklein. TEWISS-Technik und Wissen GmbH (PZH Verlag) Hannover, Bd. 3 (2016) 169-177

Freiße, H; Langebeck, A; Köhler, H; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Investigations on dry sliding of laser cladded aluminum bronze
Quelle: Manufacturing Review 3, 13 (2016) 1-10

Friedrich, S; Vollertsen, F
Umformtechnik für Bauteile in großen Losgrößen
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 01 (2016) 22-28

Gatzen, M; Radel, T; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Wetting and solidification characteristics of aluminium on zinc coated steel in laser welding and brazing
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Technology 238 (2016) 352-360 (online)

Gatzen, M; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Benetzung von Aluminiumtropfen auf unterschiedlich verzinkten Stahlfeinblechen
Quelle: DGM Magazin diALOG 4 (2016) 108

Goecke, S; Kügler, H; Baum, S; Vollertsen, F
Gap Bridging in Laser-GMA-Hybrid Welding of Boron Manganese UHSS
Quelle: Proc. of The International Symposium on Visualization in Joining & Welding Science through Advanced Measurements and Simulation (Visual-JW2016), Osaka, Japan

Hagemann, J.-H; Ehret, G; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C
Realization of a shearing interferometer with LED multipoint illumination for form characterization of optics
Quelle: DGaO Proceedings (2016) paper 20 

Khazan, P; Radel, T; Woizeschke, P
Numerical simulation of the distortion in conventional laser and fluxless laser-plasma brazing of aluminum using simufact welding
Quelle: 9th Int. Congress Aluminium Brazing, DVS Berichte Bd. 323. DVS Media Düsseldorf (2016) 60-65

Klembt, S; Klein, T; Minguzzi, A; Richard, M
Quasi-thermal depletion of a polariton condensate by phonons near room temperature
Quelle: arXiv:1603.04206v2 (2016) online

Klocke, F; Vollertsen, F; Harst, S; Eckert, S; Zeis, M; Klink, A; Mehrafsun, S
Comparion on Material Modifications Occurring in Laserchemical and Electrochemical Machining
Quelle: Proc. of the International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT 2016), ed.: J. Deconinck. VUB University Press, Zelzate/Belgium (2016) 57-63

Köhler, H; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Contact-less temperature measurement and control with applications to laser cladding
Quelle: Welding in the World, 60, 1 (2016) 1-9, also in: IIW Annual Assembly 2014 Com. IVI, Seoul/Korea (2014) paper IV-1181-14; IV-1191-14; 212-1340-14 (online) 

Koerdt, M; Kibben, S; Bendig, O; Chandrashekhar, S; Hesselbach, J; Brauner, C; Hermann, A; Vollertsen, F; Kroll, L
Fabrication and characterization of Bragg gratings in perfluorinated polymer optical fibers and their embedding in composites
Quelle: Mechatronics 34 (2016) 137-146

Kreis, T
3D-Display by Referenceless Phase Holography
Quelle: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12, 2 (2016) 685-693 

Kreis, T
Application of Digital Holography for Nondestructive Testing and Metrology
Quelle: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12, 1 (2016) 240-247

Kreis, T; Bergmann, R B
Referenceless Phase Holography, a New 3D Display Method
Quelle: Proc. Digital Holography & Three -Dimensional Imaging, Heidelberg (2016) OSA Technical Digest on Imaging and Applied Optics (2016) DTh4E.4 (online)

Kügler, H; Mittelstädt, C; Vollertsen, F 
Influence of joint configuration on the strength of laser welded presshardened steel
Quelle: 9th International Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2016) Physics Procedia 83 (2016) 373-382

Kügler, H; Möller, F; Goecke, S; Vollertsen, F
Fatigue strength of hybrid welded 22MnB5 overlap joints
Quelle: Material testing 58, 6 (2016) 569-574, also in: Proc. of the IIW Annual Assembly 2015 Com. XII, Helsinki, Finnland (2015) IIW Doc. XII-2247-15 (online)

Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F
Laserstrahlfügen von Mischverbindungen aus 22MnB5 und Magnesium
Quelle: Lightweight Design 1 (2016) 10 

Kühn, R; Prieske, M; Zeidler, H; Schubert, A; Vollertsen, F
Lokale Beeinflussung der Oberflächenrauheit von Silizium dotiertem CVD-Diamant durch funkenerosive Mikrobearbeitung
Quelle: Dry Met. Forming OAJ FMT 2 (2016) 050-055 

Laskin, A; Volpp, J; Laskin, V; Ostrun, A
Refractive multi-focus optics for material processing
Quelle: Int. Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2016), LIA Orlando FL (2016) paper 1402

Leveque, S; Falldorf, C; Klattenhoff, R; Cheffot, A
Day-time local phasing of neighbouring segments of the E-ELT, based on simultaneous multi-shearing interferometry
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9912. Advanced in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation II, eds. R. Navarro, J. H. Burge. SPIE (2016) 99124G-1-12 

Mehrafsun, S; Harst, S; Hauser, O; Eckert, S; Klink, F; Klocke, F; Vollertsen, F
Energy-based Analysis of Material Dissolution Behavior for Laser-Chemical and Electrochemical Machining
Quelle: 3rd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CSI). Procedia CIRP 45 (2016) 347-350

Mehrafsun, S; Messaoudi, H; Vollertsen, F
Influence of material and surface roughness on gas bubble formation and adhesion in laser-chemical machining
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan 2016) Macau (online)

Mittelstädt, C; Seefeld, T; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
Novel approach to increase the energy-related process efficiency and performance of laser brazing
Quelle: Proc. of th 9th International Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2016). Physics Procedia 83 (2016) 523-531

Mittelstädt, C; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Laser Beam Brazing of Hot-dip Galvanized Thin Sheet Steel in Laser Leading Process Configuration
Quelle: Proc. of th 35th Int. Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2016) Sheraton San Diego (2016) paper 1802

Prieske, M
CVD diamond deposition under atmospheric conditions on steel with a silicon intermediate layer
Quelle: Proc. of 12th Intern. Conf. The "A" coatings 2016, eds. K. Bobzin, K.-D. Bouzakis, B. Denkena, H. J. Meier, M. Merklein. TEWISS-Technik und Wissen GmbH (PZH Verlag) Hannover, Bd. 3 (2016) 99-106, also in: Dry Metal Forming Open Access Journal 1 (2015)

Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F
In situ incorporation of silicon into a CVD diamond layer deposited under atmospheric conditions
Quelle: Diamond & Related Materials 65 (2016) 47-52 

Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F
Tribological performance of amorphous carbon and CVD-diamond against aluminum
Quelle: International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications (ISGMA 2016) OP045

Puncken, O; Mendoza Gandara, D; Damjanic, M; Mahnke, P; Bergmann, R B; Kalms, M; Peuser, P; Wessels, P; Neumann, J; Schnars, U
1 kHz 3.3 μm Nd:YAG KTiOAsO4 optical parametric oscillator system for laser ultrasound excitation of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics
Quelle: Applied Optics 55, 6 (2016) 1310-1317 

Radel, T; Möller, F; Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
In situ investigation of the cathodic cleaning of aluminum surfaces in laser-plasma-processing
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly 2016 Com. IV und XII Melbourne/Australia (2016) IIW-Doc. XII-2284-16/IV-1306-16/212-1449-16/I-1281-16 

Radel, T; Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Keyhole brazing – an approach for energy efficient brazing by using the deep penetration effect
Quelle: LÖT 2016. DVS Bericht Bd. 325, DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2016) 302-306 

Radel, T; Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Material effects on the cathodic arc cleaning in laser-plasma processing of aluminum alloys
Quelle: Löt 2016, DVS Berichte Bd. 325, DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2016) 90-95 

Rahman, S; Klein, T; Klembt, S; Gutowski, J; Hommel, D; Sebald, K
Observation of a hybrid state of Tamm plasmons and microcavity exciton polaritons
Quelle: Scientific Reports 6: 34392 (2016), DOI: 10.1038/srep34392

Schultz, V; Seefeld, T; Goth, K; Vollertsen, F
Robustes Laserstrahlfügen durch Strahloszillation
Quelle: Laser – Entwicklung und industrielle Anwendung 3 (2016) 32-34 

Schultz, V; Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Laserstrahltiefschweißen mit hoher Oberflächenqualität – Prozesssicher auch bei großen Spaltmaßen
Quelle: Der Praktiker 1-2 (2016) 14-15 

Schwander, M; Kwiatkowski, P; Prieske, M
Comparison of analytical methods to determinate the electron density and temperature for a laser based atmospheric plasma jet
Quelle: Spectrochimica Acta Part B 123 (2016) 68-75 (online)

Simic, A; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Inspektion im Inneren von Mikrotiefziehbauteilen mittels digitaler Holografie
Quelle: Laser Magazin 4 (2016) 31 

Simic, A; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Internal Inspection of Micro Deep Drawing Parts using Digital Holography
Quelle: Proc. Digital Holography & Three -Dimensional Imaging, Heidelberg (2016). OSA Technical Digest on Imaging and Applied Optics (2016) DW1H.3 (online)

Staar, B; Flosky, H; Lütjen, M
Fast and Reliable Quality Inspection of Micro Parts
Quelle: 6th International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing (COMA ´16) Stellenbosch, Süd Afrika

Staar, B; Flosky, H; Lütjen, M; Freitag, M
Automatische Qualitätsinspektion von Mikronäpfen
Quelle: productivITy 21, 4 (2016) 57-60 

Stephen, A; Mehrafsun, S; Vollertsen, F
Kombiniertes Mikroschneiden und Biegen mit dem Laser
Quelle: DGM Magazin diALOG (2016) 111 

Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F
Mikroperforieren von Blechen mit dem Kurzpulslaser
Quelle: Laser Magazin 4 (2016) 30 

Tetzel, H; Bohlen, A
Kontrollierte Präzision einer Mikroumformmaschine
Quelle: MM Maschinenmarkt 39 (2016) 56-58 

Tetzel, H; Rathmann, L; Heinrich, L
Simulation accuracy of a multistage micro deep drawing process
Quelle: JPT - Journal of Technology of Plasticity 41, 1 (2016) 1-11

Tetzel, H; Vollertsen, F
Ronden und Näpfe reproduzierbar positionieren
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 06 (2016) 64-67

Veenaas, S
Der Einsatz von laserinduzierten Schockwellen spart Werkzeugkosten
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 05 (2016) 58-60 

Veenaas, S
Laserinduzierte Schockwellen für die Umformtechnik
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 06 (2016) 62-63 

Veenaas, S; Vollertsen, F
Determination of strain rate at laser shock forming
Quelle: Journal for Technology of Plasticity 41, 2 (2016) 1-9 

Veenaas, S; Vollertsen, F; Krüger, M; Meyer, F; Hartmann, M
Determination of forming speed at a laser shock stretch drawing process
Quelle: Proc. of the 7th International Conference on High Speed Forming (ICHSF 2016), eds.: A.E. Tekkaya, M. Kleiner. IUL Dortmund (2016) 105-114 

Veenaas, S; Yamaguchi, R; Vollertsen, F
Influence of undercut geometry on joining strength by laser shock joining
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan 2016) Macau (online)

Verhoeven, R; Kügler, H; Woizeschke, P; Seefeld, T
Schweißen mit Autopilot: Schweißbahn mittels Sensor korrigieren
Quelle: I2B Express 02 (2016) 15

Vetter, K; Freiße, H; Feuerhahn, F; Köhler, H; Vollertsen, F
Einfluss der Scanstrategie bei der Erzeugung von Legierungsvarianten für Hochdurchsatz-Untersuchungen
Quelle: Laser 4, 4 (2016) 32-34 

Vollertsen, F
Loopless Production: Definition and Examples from Joining
Quelle: Proc. of the 69th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference (IIW 2016): From Concept to Decommissioning: The Total Life Cycle of Welded Components, Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre, Melbourne/Australia

Vollertsen, F; Mittelstädt, C
Entwicklungen beim Laserfügen mit hoher Nahtqualität
Quelle: 5. VDI Fachkonferenz „Fügen im Automobilbau“ - lösbare vs. Unlösbare Verbindungen, Bremen (2016) 97-118

Volpp, J; Srowig, J; Vollertsen, F
Spatters during laser deep penetration welding with a bifocal optic
Quelle: Advanced Materials Research 1140 (2016) 123-129

Volpp, J; Vollertsen, F
Keyhole stability during laser welding – Part I: Modeling and evaluation
Quelle: Production Engineering 10, 4-5 (2016) 443-457

Volpp, J; Vollertsen, F
Verschleißeigenschaften von Lasertiefdispergierten Aluminiumrandschichten
Quelle: DGM Magazin diALOG 4 (2016) 109

Windmann, M; Röttger, A; Kügler, H; Theisen, W
Laser Beam Welding of Magnesium to Coated High-Strength Steel 22MnB5
Quelle: International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2016) doi 10.1007/s00170-016-8682-5

Windmann, M; Röttger, A; Kügler, H; Theisen, W
Removal of oxides and brittle coating constituents at the surface of coated hot-forming 22MnB5 steel for a laser welding process with aluminum alloys
Quelle: Surface and Coatings Technology 285 (2016) 153-160

Woizeschke, P; Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F
Bewerten und Vergleichen der Spaltüberbrückbarkeit unterschiedlicher thermischer Fügeverfahren – Der Benchmark-Spalt
Quelle: Der Praktiker 8 (2016) 356-358

Woizeschke, P; Schultz, V; Messaoudi, H; Mehrafsun, S; Feuerhahn, F; Köhler, H; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Laser processing of lightweight aircraft structures
Quelle: The 84th Laser Materials Processing Conference. Japan Laser Processing Society (2016) 21-26

Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
A strength-model for laser joined hybrid aluminum-titanium transition structures
Quelle: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 65 (2016) 241-244 

Zhao, T; Mehrafsun, S; Vollertsen, F
Energy-based approach as an example for a process signature for laser micro processing
Quelle: Proc. of the SPIE/COS Photonoics Asia. Advanced Laser Processing and Manufacturing, eds. M. Zhong, J. Lawrence, M. Hong, J. Liu. SPIE Vol. 10018 (2016) 100180D (doi 10.1117/12.2245445)



Bartout, D; Häßler, M; Mittelstädt, C; Rose, S; Seefeld, T; Stark, R; Füssel, U; Vollertsen, F
Ressourceneffizientes und werkstoffgerechtes Fügen von hochbeanspruchten Stählen
Quelle: Abschlussbericht zum AiF-Projekt 17.430 BG / DVS-Nr.: 01.079 (2015) online

Hopmann, Ch; Brecher, C; Dietzel, A; Drummer, D; Hanemann, T; Manske, E; Schomburg, W. K; Schulze, V; Ullrich, H; Vollertsen, F; Wulfsberg, J.-P (Hrsg)
7. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, 16.-17.11.2015, Aachen
Quelle: Institut für Kunstoffverarbeitung (IKV) der RWTH Aachen (2015)

Kügler, H; Baum, S; Möller, F; Goecke, S; Vollertsen, F
Laser-MSG Hybridschweißen von Stahlfeinblechen
Quelle: FOSTA Bericht P 919, Verlag und Vertriebsgesellschaft mbh Düsseldorf (2015)

Qin, Y; Dean, T; Lin, J; Yuan, S; Vollertsen, F
New Forming Technology (2015) Proceedings of the 4th ICNFT
Quelle: MATEC Web of Conferences 21 (2015). ECP Sciences Les Ulis Cedex A/France 


Brüning, H; Böcker, M; Trier, F; Wenger, L
Verbindungspartner zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit einem weiteren Verbindungspartner und Verfahren zum Herstellen eines solchen Verbindungspartners
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2013 018 876 A1 (2015)


Agour, M
Optimal strategies for wave fields sensing by means of multiple planes phase retrieval
Quelle: Journal of Optics 17 (2015) 085604

Agour, M; El-Farahaty, K; Seisa, E; Omar, E; Sokkar, T
Single-shot digital holography for fast measuring optical properties of fibers
Quelle: Applied Optics 54, 28 (2015) E188

Agour, M; Riemer, O; Flosky, C; Meier, A; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C
Quantitative Phase Contrast Imaging of Microinjection Molded Parts using Computational Shear Interferometry
Quelle: IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics 12 (2015) 1623-1630

Bartout, D; Häßler, M; Mittelstädt, C; Rose, S; Seefeld, T; Stark, R; Füssel, U; Vollertsen, F
Entwicklung von Hochleistungsfügeverfahren für hochbeanspruchte Stähle im Automobilbau
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 67,9 (2015) 524-531

Behrens, G; Ruhe, M; Tetzel, H; Vollertsen, F
Effect of tool geometry variations on the punch force in micro deep drawing of rectangular components
Quelle: Journal of Production Engineering 9, 2 (2015) 195-201 

Bergmann, R B; Burke, J; Falldorf, C
Precision Optical Metrology without Lasers
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE 9524, International Conference on Optical and Photonics Engineering (icOPEN 2015), Singapore (July 2015) 952403-1-8, doi:10.1117/12.2183451

Brandhoff, L; Akhtar, M; Bülters, M; Bergmann, R B; Vellekoop, M
Running Droplet Optical Multiplexer
Quelle: Optofluidics, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 1 (2015) 62-68

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Energy efficiency in laser rod end melting
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM15) eds.: T. Graf, C. Emmelmann, L. Overmeyer, F. Vollertsen (2015) paper 138

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Form filling behavior of preforms generated by laser rod end melting
Quelle: CIRP Annals 2015 Manufacturing Technology 64 (2015) 293-296

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Klettverschluss aus Metall
Quelle: MM Maschinenmarkt Vogel (2015) 

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Mischverbindungen aus Aluminium und Kupfer
Quelle: Laser Magazin 1 (2015) 38

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Surface accuracy of forming products generated by laser rod end melting
Quelle: 4th International Conference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT), eds.: Y. Qin, T.A. Dean, J. Lin, S.J. Yuan and F. Vollertsen. Material Science, Engineering and Chemistry. Matec Web of Conferences, Vol. 21 (2015) 09006-1-7

Büter, W; Garcia-Ortiz, A; Ali, A; Mahmood, S; Arefin, S; Parsi Sreenivas, V; Bergmann, R B
A rapid prototyping framework for nano-photonic accelerators
Quelle: Proc. of the 25th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL 2015) doi: 10.1109/FPL.2015.7294004 

Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Bergmann, R B
Digital Holography and Quantitative Phase Contrast Imaging using Computational Shear Interferometry
Quelle: Optical Engineering Vol. 54, 2 (2015) 024110-1-7

Falldorf, C; Klattenhoff, R; Bergmann, R B
Single shot lateral shear interferometer with variable shear
Quelle: Optical Engineering 54, 5 (2015) 054105-1-6 

Feuerhahn, F; Köhler, H; Seefeld, T; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Quality Aspects in Selective Laser Melting
Quelle: Proc. of the International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP 2015). Japan Laser Processing Society (2015) paper no. A221 (online)

Flosky, H; Krüger, M; Vollertsen, F
Verschleißmessung mittels Silikonabfomverfahren in einem kombinierten Mikroschneid- und Tiefziehprozess
Quelle: 7. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion (16.-17.11.2015, Aachen), eds.: Ch. Hopmann, CH. Brecher, A. Dietzel, D. Drummer, T. Hanemann, E. Manske, W. K. Schomburg, V. Schulze, H. Ullrich, F. Vollertsen, J.-P. Wulfsberg. IKV Aachen (2015) 15-22

Freiße, H; Köhler, H; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Dry metal forming of high alloy steel using laser generated aluminum bronze tools
Quelle: 4th International Conference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT), eds.: Y. Qin, T.A. Dean, J. Lin, S.J. Yuan and F. Vollertsen. Material Science, Engineering and Chemistry. Matec Web of Conferences, Vol. 21 (2015) 08011-1-6

Freiße, H; Stroth, M; Köhler, H; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F; Brocke, N; Schnick, M
Neuartiger Diodenlasersystem mit koaxialer Strahlführung für das Auftragsschweißen und die additive Fertigung
Quelle: Laser Magazin 4 (2015)

Freiße, H; Stroth, M; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Laser generated cooling channel in a forming tool
Quelle: Dry Met. Forming OAJ FMT 1 (2015) 143-136

Freiße, H; Vorholt, J; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Additive Manufacturing of a deep drawing tool
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM15) eds.: T. Graf, C. Emmelmann, L. Overmeyer, F. Vollertsen (2015) paper 311

Freiße, H; Vorholt, J; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Additive Manufacturing of a deep drawing tool by direct laser deposition
Quelle: Dry Met. Forming OAJ FMT 1 (2015) 5-10

Hauser, O; Mehrafsun, S; Vollertsen, F
Einfluss der Abtragsbahnfolge auf die resultierende Geometrie bei der laserchemischen Bearbeitung von Stellite 21
Quelle: 7. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion (16.-17.11.2015, Aachen), eds.: Ch. Hopmann, CH. Brecher, A. Dietzel, D. Drummer, T. Hanemann, E. Manske, W. K. Schomburg, V. Schulze, H. Ullrich, F. Vollertsen, J.-P. Wulfsberg. IKV Aachen (2015) 8-14

Hauser, O; Mehrafsun, S; Vollertsen, F
Electrolytes for sustainable laser-chemical machining of titanium, Stellite 21 and tool steel X110CrMoV8-2
Quelle: Progress in Production Engineering, WGP Kongress (2015), eds.: J. P. Wulfsberg, B. Röhlig, T. Montag. TransTech Publications Pfaffikon/CH (2015) 262-269

Kalms, M; Bergmann, R B
Röntgen-Computertomograf für Zertörungsfreie Prüfung
Quelle: Laser Magazin 1 (2015) 39

Kamau, E; Heine, J; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Dynamic wave field synthesis: enabling the generation of field distributions with a large space-bandwidth product
Quelle: Opt. Express 23, 22 (2015) 28920-28934

Khazan, P; Stroth, M; Freiße, H; Köhler, H
Properties of large 3D parts made from stellite 21 through direct powder deposition
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM15) eds.: T. Graf, C. Emmelmann, L. Overmeyer, F. Vollertsen (2015) paper 310

Kibben, S; Koerdt, M; Vollertsen, F
Investigation on Bragg grating formation in a perfluorinated polymer optical fiber
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM15) eds.: T. Graf, C. Emmelmann, L. Overmeyer, F. Vollertsen (2015) paper 183

Köhler, H; Vollertsen, F
Temperaturmessung mit PyroCam
Quelle: Laser Magazin 1 (2015) 38-39

Kreis, T
A New Method of Digital Holographic 3D-Display
Quelle: Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2015). IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, New York (2015) 673-676

Kreis, T
Digital Holography for NDT
Quelle: Proc. of Intern. Conf. on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2015). IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, New York (2015) 707-712

Kügler, H; Möller, F; Goecke, S; Vollertsen, F
Thermisches Fügen höchstfester Stähle
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 67, 12 (2015) 744

Kügler, H; Möller, F; Kötschau, S; Goecke, S; Vollertsen, F
Laser-MSG-Hybridschweißen von pressgehärteten Feinblechen mit reduziertem Wärmeeintrag
Quelle: GST - Große Schweißtechnische Tagung 2015, DVS-Berichte Bd. 315. DVS Media GmbH Düsseldorf (2015) 55-59

Kunze, A; von Hehl, A; Schumacher, J; Woizeschke, P; Zoch, H
Fatigue Behaviour of Titanium Transition Structures for Advanced Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics (CFRP)-aluminium Joints
Quelle: Light Metals Technology 2015, Materials Science Forum Vols. 828-829 (2015) 285-290 (DOI:10.4028)

Meer, T; Tornow, C; Nägele, M; Heckner, S; Stößel, R; Kiefel, D; Kalms, M
Qualitätsgesicherter Klebprozess in der Luftfahrt. Klebt es oder klebt es nicht?
Quelle: Adhäsion 7-8 (2015) 24-31

Mehrafsun, S; Robert, C; Riemer, O; Vollertsen, F; Brinksmeier, E
Einsatz laserchemisch mikrostrukturierter Werkzeuge beim ultraschallunterstütztem Reibungspolieren von Diamant
Quelle: 7. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion (16.-17.11.2015, Aachen), eds.: Ch. Hopmann, CH. Brecher, A. Dietzel, D. Drummer, T. Hanemann, E. Manske, W. K. Schomburg, V. Schulze, H. Ullrich, F. Vollertsen, J.-P. Wulfsberg. IKV Aachen (2015) 47-54

Mehrafsun, S; Stephen, A; Messaoudi, H; Vollertsen, F
Lasermikrobohren für die Luftfahrtanwendung
Quelle: DGM Magazin diALOG (2015) 110 

Messaoudi, H; Mehrafsun, S; Schrauf, G; Vollertsen, F
Highly reproducible laser micro drilling of titanium-based HLFC sections
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM15) eds.: T. Graf, C. Emmelmann, L. Overmeyer, F. Vollertsen (2015) paper 228

Mittelstädt, C; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Laserstrahllöten von Mischverbindungen – Neue Anwendungen für den Automobilbau
Quelle: Der Praktiker – Das Magazin für Schweißtechnik und mehr 11 (2015) 512-515

Möller, F; Kügler, H
Aramidschneiden mittels Laserstrahl
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 67, 4 (2015) 198

Möller, F; Kügler, H; Goecke, S
Laser-GMA-Hybrid Welding of high strength multi-material joints
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM15) eds.: T. Graf, C. Emmelmann, L. Overmeyer, F. Vollertsen (2015) paper 322

Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F
In-situ silicon incorporation into a CVD-diamond layer deposited at atmospheric conditions
Quelle: International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials (2015) Bad Homburg, Germany (online)

Prieske, M; Wiegmann, C; Schwander, M; Vollertsen, F
Feedback control of the substrate surface temperature in a laser induced plasma CVD process
Quelle: Dry Met. Forming OAJFMT 1 (2015) 1-4

Radel, T; Gatzen, M; Woizeschke, P; Thomy, C
Influence of different zinc coatings on laser brazing of aluminum to steel
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM15) eds.: T. Graf, C. Emmelmann, L. Overmeyer, F. Vollertsen (2015) paper 144

Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
Flussmittelfreies Laser-Plasma-Löten von Aluminiumlegierungen
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 67, 11 (2015) 686-687

Schultz, V; Seefeld, T; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Improvements in gap bridging in laser beam welding of aluminum components using a scanning beam technology
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly, Helsinki (2015) paper 1262-15

Schultz, V; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Bridging Large Air Gaps by Laser Welding with Beam Oscillation
Quelle: International Conference on Application of Lasers in Manufacturing (CALM 2015) New Delhi/India (2015) 31-32 (CD-Rom)

Schultz, V; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Spaltüberbrückbarkeit beim Laserstrahlschweißen mit Strahloszillation
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 67, 9 (2015) 518-522 

Schultz, V; Seefeld, T; Woizeschke, P; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Prozesssicher Laserstrahlschweißen mit hoher Spaltüberbrückbarkeit und Nahtqualität
Quelle: Laser Magazin 4 (2015)

Publikation Tetzel, H
Influence of tribology size effect on Stribeck curve in micro deep drawing
Quelle: 4th International Conference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT), eds.: Y. Qin, T.A. Dean, J. Lin, S.J. Yuan and F. Vollertsen. Material Science, Engineering and Chemistry. Matec Web of Conferences, Vol. 21 (2015) 09014-1-7

Tetzel, H; Bohlen, A; Vollertsen, F
Influence of lubricant viscosity on punch force in strip drawing test
Quelle: Proc. of the 4M/ICOMM2015 Conference, eds. M. Annoni, I. Fassi, G.J. Wiens, S.Dimov. Research Publishing Singapore (2015) 223-226

Tetzel, H; Rathmann, L; Vollertsen, F
Entwicklung eines Simulationsmodells für mehrstufige Tiefziehprozesse im Mikrobereich
Quelle: 7. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion (16.-17.11.2015, Aachen), eds.: Ch. Hopmann, CH. Brecher, A. Dietzel, D. Drummer, T. Hanemann, E. Manske, W. K. Schomburg, V. Schulze, H. Ullrich, F. Vollertsen, J.-P. Wulfsberg. IKV Aachen (2015) 79-86 

Thomy, C
IIW-Kommission IV „Power Beam Processes
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 67, 1-2 (2015) 68-70

Veenaas, S
Forming behavior during joining by laser induced shockwaves
Quelle: Proc. of the 18th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2015), eds. A. Ofenheimer, C. Poletti, D. Schalk-Kitting, C. Sommitsch. Trans Tech Publikcations LTD Pfaffikon/CH (2015) 1451-1456

Veenaas, S; Behrens, G; Kröger, K; Vollertsen, F
Determination of forming limit diagrams for thin foil materials based on scaled Nakazima tests
Quelle: Progress in Production Engineering, WGP Kongress (2015), eds.: J. P. Wulfsberg, B. Röhlig, T. Montag. TransTech Publications Pfaffikon/CH (2015) 190-198

Veenaas, S; Vollertsen, F
Areas of application for TEA CO2-Laser induced shock waves
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM15) eds.: T. Graf, C. Emmelmann, L. Overmeyer, F. Vollertsen (2015) paper 165

Vollertsen, F; Flosky, H; Seefeld, T
Dry metal forming – a green approach
Quelle: 60 Excellent Inventions in Metal Forming, eds.: A. E. Tekkaya, A. Brosius, W. Homberg. Springer Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg (2015) 113-118 

Vollertsen, F; Schultz, V
Wärmearmes Schweißen von Aluminium mit hoher Spaltüberbrückbarkeit durch Strahlmodulation beim Schweißen mit hoch fokussierten Festkörperlasern mit Zusatzwerkstoff
Quelle: DVS Geschäftsbericht (2015) 56-57

Volpp, J; Vollertsen, F
Correlation of keyhole dynamics and pore formation
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM15) eds.: T. Graf, C. Emmelmann, L. Overmeyer, F. Vollertsen (2015) paper 133

Volpp, J; Vollertsen, F
Einfluss des Strahlprofils auf die Porenbildung
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 67, 4 (2015) 198

Volpp, J; Vollertsen, F
Modeling keyhole oscillations during laser deep penetration welding at different spatial laser intensity distributions
Quelle: Production Engineering Research and Development 9, 2 (2015) 167-178 

Volpp, J; Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Impacts on keyhole oscillations and process pores during laser deep penetration welding
Quelle: Proc. of the 34th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2015), LIA Orlando FL (2015) paper 401, 330-335 

Volpp, J; Zingraf, A; Vollertsen, F
Impact of process parameters on particle distribution and wear resistance during laser deep alloying processes
Quelle: Proc. of the International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP 2015). Japan Laser Processing Society (2015) online

von Freyberg, A; Höweler, P; Flosky, H; Brüning, H; Goch, G
Analyse des Effektes der Mess-Strecke der Rauheitsmessung an gekrümmten Mikrobauteilen
Quelle: 7. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion (16.-17.11.2015, Aachen), eds.: Ch. Hopmann, CH. Brecher, A. Dietzel, D. Drummer, T. Hanemann, E. Manske, W. K. Schomburg, V. Schulze, H. Ullrich, F. Vollertsen, J.-P. Wulfsberg. IKV Aachen (2015) 39-46 

Woizeschke, P; Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Lasergenerierte Blechkanten
Quelle: Laser Magazin 5 (2015) 22-24

Woizeschke, P; Mosgowoi, E; Vollertsen, F
Decreasing pore formation in multiple-sheet laser joining with interfacial polymeric contaminations
Quelle: Welding in the World 59, 5 (2015) 683-692 

Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Fracture analysis of competing failure modes of aluminum-CFRP joints using three-layer titanium laminates as transition
Quelle: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 24, 9 (2015) 3558-3572 



Creath, K; Burke, J; Schmit, J
Interferometry XVII: Techniques and Analysis
Quelle: Proceedings of the SPIE - Interfeometry XVIIL: Techniques and Analysis. SPIE; Bellingham, WA (2014)

Gatzen, M
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd 55, Hrsg. F.Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2014)

Grden, M
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 52, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2014)

Tang, Z
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 53, eds.: F.Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2014)

Vollertsen, F; Tetzel, H (eds.)
Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion, Proceedings of the IWOTE’14
Quelle: Stahltechnik Bd. 54. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2014)


Agour, M; Elshaffey, K; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Vermessung eines optischen Wellenfeldes
Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2013 209 461 B3 (2014)

Bülters, M; Schröder, M; Bergmann, R B; Lang, W; Kropp, J; Vellekoop, M
Verfahren zum Herstellen einer 3D-Struktur
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2012 018 635.5 (2014)

Kalms, M; von Kopylow, C
Device for laser-optical generation of mechanical waves for processing and/or examining a body
Quelle: Patent-No. US 8,696,164 B2 (2014) 

Schiebel, P; Hoffmeister, C; Thomy, C; Herrmann, A; Vollertsen, F
Connections between a monolithic metal component and a continuous-fiber-reinforced laminate component, and method for the production of the same
Quelle: United States Patent No. US 8,722,201B2 (2014)


Agour, M; Elshaffey, K; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C
Measuring the complex amplitude of wave fields by means of phase retrieval using partially coherent illumination
Quelle: Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology (Fringe 2013), ed. W. Osten. Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg (2014) 283-287

Behrens, G; Vollertsen, F
New punching technology for thin foil materials: laser shock cutting
Quelle: Proc. of the 9th International Conference on MicroManufacturing (ICOMM 2014) paper 39 (online)

Brüning, H
Micro welding of shape memory alloy rods by laser rod end melting
Quelle: Inno: Innovative Technologies- New Applications 19, 58 (2014) 9

Brüning, H; Teepe, M; Vollertsen, F
Surface roughness and size effect in dendrite arm spacing at preforms of AISI 304 (1.4301) generated by laser rod end melting
Quelle: Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2014), Procedia Engineering 81, eds.: T. Ishikawa, K. Mori. Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2014) 1589-1594 

Brüning, H; Veenaas, S
Determination of axial velocity of material accumulation in laser rod end melting process
Quelle: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 08.-10.07.2014 Bremen (CD-Rom)

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Laserstoffanhäufen: vom Linienverbund zum Edelstahl-Klettverschluss
Quelle: Draht 3 (2014)

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Mit dem Laser zum Klettverschluss – Laserstoffanhäufen: von den Grundlagen zum innovativen Edelstahl-Klettverschluss
Quelle: Laser 3 (2014) 26-28

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Neuer, temperaturbeständiger Klettverschluss „Fixx-ITT“
Quelle: MikroMedia 58 (2014) online

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Numerical Approach to Determine Natural Strain of Spherical Preforms in Open Die Upsetting
Quelle: Proc. of the WGP Kongress 2014. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1018, eds.: M. Merklein, J. Franke, H. Hagenah. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2014) 325-332

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Prozessfähigkeit beim Laserumschmelzen
Quelle: wt Werkstofftechnik online 104, 6 (2014) 400-405

Bülters, M; Kamau, E; Sanchez Alvarez, C; Parsi Sreenivas, V; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Three dimensional Modification of the Refractive Index in Photosensitive Foturan Glass
Quelle: Proc. of the 115. Jahrestagung der DGaO (2014) ISSN: 1614-8436 (online)

Bülters, M; Parsi Sreenivas, V; Braun, A; Teubner, U; Bergmann, R B
Subsurface modification of crystalline silicon via ultra-short laser pulses for three dimensional separation
Quelle: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 08.-10.07.2014 Bremen (CD-Rom)

Burke, J
Testing the GRACE Follow-On Triple Mirror Assembly
Quelle: Classical and Quantum Gravity 31 (2014) 1-12

Burke, J
The design and construction of a prototype lateral-transfer retro-reflector for inter-satellite laser ranging
Quelle: Classical and Quantum Gravity 31 (2014) 095015-1-11

Burke, J; Gesierich, A; Li, W; Bergmann, R B
Measurement of mould tool for laminar-flow carbon-fibre composite airplane wing cover
Quelle: Proc. Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2014, eds.: Luhmann, Müller. Wichmann Berlin (2014) 116-125

Chongbunwatana, K
Simulation of vapour keyhole and weld pool dynamics during laser beam welding
Quelle: Production Engineering Research Development 8 , 4 (2014) 499-511 

Dankwart, C; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Determination of wave fields with high space-bandwidth product by means of sub pixel sampling and irregular phase shifting
Quelle: 13th Euro-American Workshop on Information Optics (WIO) 7-11 July 2014 (2014) doi:10.1109/WIO.2014.6933303

Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Bergmann, R B
Advanced wave field sensing using Computational Shear Interferometry
Quelle: Proc. of the SPIE Interferometry XVII: Advanced Applications. SPIE Bellingham Vol. 9204 (2014) 92040C-1-9 

Falldorf, C; Ehret, G; Schulz, M; Bergmann, R B
Wave front characterization of Gaussian beams using shear interferometry and a weighted reconstructor
Quelle: Proceedings zur Jahrestagung der DGaO 2014. DGaO-Proceedings Erlangen (2014) A11-8 

Falldorf, C; Simic, A; Ehret, G; Schulz, M; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Precise optical metrology using computational shear-interferometry and an LCD monitor as light source
Quelle: Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology (Fringe 2013), ed. W. Osten. Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg (2014) 729-734

Feuerhahn, F
3-D Druck – Technologie-Netzwerk berät regionale Unternehmen
Quelle: i2Be express 03 (2014) 4

Flosky, H; Krüger, M; Vollertsen, F
Temperature measurement with thermocouples during micro deep drawing process
Quelle: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 08.-10.07.2014 Bremen (CD-Rom)

Flosky, H; Veenaas, S; Feuerhahn, F; Hartmann, M; Vollertsen, F
Flaking during a micro blanking and deep drawing process
Quelle: Proc. of the 9th International Conference on MicroManufacturing (ICOMM 2014) paper 75 (online)

Flosky, H; Vollertsen, F
Wear behaviour in a combined micro blanking and deep drawing process
Quelle: CIRP Annals 2014 Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 281-284

Gatzen, M; Radel, T; Möller, F; Thomy, C
Influence of Zinc Coatings for Joining Steel Substrates to Aluminium
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly 2014 Com. XVII, Seoul/Korea (2014) paper XVIIA-0060-14 (online)

Gatzen, M; Radel, T; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
The role of zinc layer during wetting of aluminium on zinc-coated steel in laser brazing and welding
Quelle: Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2014) Physics Procedia 56, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Merklein. Elsevier Amsterdam (2014) 730-739 

Gatzen, M; Radel, T; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Wetting behaviour of eutectic Al-Si droplets on zinc coated steel substrates
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Technology 214 (2014) 123-131

Grden, M; Chopra, N; Vollertsen, F
Laser beam bending of aluminum and stainless steel sheets at increased velocities
Quelle: Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion (IWOTE'14), eds.: F. Vollertsen, H. Tetzel. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2014) 249-258

Huferath-von Lüpke, S Complete shape measurement of micro parts by digital holography
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE; Interferometry XVI: Techniques and Analysis, eds.: K. Creath, J. Burke, J. Schmit. SPIE Bellingham (2014) 920302-1-8 

Huferath-von Lüpke, S; Bergmann, R B
Digital holography for inline wear recording on deep drawing tools
Quelle: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 08.-10.07.2014 Bremen (CD-Rom)

Huke, P; Burke, J; Bergmann, R B
A comparative study between deflectometry and shearography for detection of subsurface defects
Quelle: Proc. of the SPIE - Interfeometry XVIIL: Techniques and Analysis (2014), eds.: K. Creath, J. Burke, J. Schmitt. SPIE; Bellingham, WA (2014) 92030C1-12

Huke, P; Schröder, M; Hellmers, S; Kalms, M; Bergmann, R B
Efficient laser generation of Lamb waves
Quelle: Optics Letters 39, 20 (2014) 5795-5797

Kalms, M; Hellmers, S; Huke, P, Bergmann, R B
Assessment of bond defects in adhesive joints before and after the treatment with laser generated shock waves
Quelle: Proc. SPIE 9063, Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security (2014) 906327 (

Kalms, M; Hellmers, S; Huke, P; Bergmann, R B
Beam shaping using liquid crystal-on-silicon spatial light modulators for laser ultrasound generation
Quelle: Optical Engineering 53, 4 (2014) 044110-1-6 

Kamau, E; Parsi Sreenivas, V; Bülters, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Fabrication of Multiplexed Computer Generated Volume Holograms in Photosensitive Glass
Quelle: Frontiers in Optics. Optical Society of America, Tucson/USA (2014) paper FTh4G2 

Khazan, P
Mechanical properties of large three-dimensional specimens build through direct powder deposition
Quelle: Proc. of the WGP Kongress 2014. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1018, eds.: M. Merklein, J. Franke, H. Hagenah. Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2014) 525-532

Khazan, P; Köhler, H
Ansätze zur FE-Simulation additiver Verfahren
Quelle: Laser Magazin 3 (2014) 8-9

Khazan, P; Rajput, R
Experimental and numerical investigations of reconditioning of ship engine components by laser cladding
Quelle: Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion (IWOTE'14), eds.: F. Vollertsen, H. Tetzel. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2014) 1-12

Khazan, P; Stroth, M; Freiße, H; Köhler, H
Laserbeschichtungsprozess zur additiven Fertigung von 3D-Bauteilen
Quelle: Schweissen und Schneiden 66, 11 (2014) 680-682

Khazan, P; Stroth, M; Freiße, H; Köhler, H
Manufacturing specimens made by direct powder deposition
Quelle: Industrial Laser Solutions 29, 6 (2014) 33-34 

Kibben, S
Model for a UV laser based local polymer surface halogenation process using a gaseous precursor
Quelle: Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Material Science 4, 1 (2014) 14-19

Kibben, S; Vogelsang, K
Ultraviolet Laser Based Gas Phase Fluorination of Polystyrene
Quelle: Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and Advanced Technology 4 (2014) 309-317

Klaproth, F; Vollertsen, F
Influence of peak temperature on formation of residual stresses according to behavior of S355 steel
Quelle: Proc.of the International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2014) paper 806, 556-563

Klaproth, F; Vollertsen, F
Residual stress formation relating to peak temperature- and austenite grain size-based phase transformation of S355 steel
Quelle: Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2014) Physics Procedia 56, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Merklein. Elsevier Amsterdam (2014) 1343-1352

Köhler, H; Hamje, J; Seefeld, T; Wiche, H; Vollertsen, F; Wesling, V
Generieren und Fügen von Hartmetallwerkzeugeinsätzen für die Abformtechnik
Quelle: DVS Schweißen und Schneiden 66, 8 (2014) 442-447

Köhler, H; Jayaraman, V; Brosch, D; Hutter, F; Seefeld, T; Thomy, C
A novel thermal sensor applied to laser cladding
Quelle: IIW Com. IV, XII, SG212 Intermediate Meeting, Wels (2014) IIW Doc. XII-2166-14, 212-1315-14, IV-1161-14

Köhler, H; Rajput, R; Khazan, P; Rebelo Kornmeier, J
On the influence of laser cladding and post-processing strategies on residual stresses in steel specimens
Quelle: Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2014) Physics Procedia 56, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Merklein. Elsevier Amsterdam (2014) 250-261

Koerdt, M; Kibben, S; Hesselbach, J; Brauner, C; Herrmann, A; Vollertsen, F; Kroll, L
Fabrication and characterization of Bragg gratings in a graded-index perfluorinated polymer optical fiber
Quelle: 2nd Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence: Challenges for Product and Production Engineering. Procedia Technology 15 (2014) 138-146

Kreis, T; Burke, J; Bergmann, R B
Surface characterization by structure function analysis
Quelle: J. Europ. Opt. Soc.-Rap. Public 9 (2014) 14032-1-8

Kügler, H; Geier, A; Mittelstädt, C; Möller, F; Seefeld, T
Gap tolerant joining of 22MnB5 steel by laser hybrid welding with beam oscillation and laser brazing with two laser beams
Quelle: Proc. of 33th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2014). LIA Orlando/USA (2014) paper 1201

Kügler, H; Möller, F; Kötschau, S; Geier, A; Goecke, S; Vollertsen, F
Bridgeability of increasing gap in laser GMA hybrid welding of 22MnB5
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly 2014 Com. XII, Seoul/Korea (2014) paper XII-2169-14 (online)

Kujawinska, M; Kozacki, T; Falldorf, C; Meeser, T; Hennelly, B; Garbat, P; Zaperty, W; Niemelä, M; Finke, G; Kowiel, M; Naughton, T
Multiwavefront digital holographic television
Quelle: Optics Express 22, 3 (2014) 2324-2336

Li, W; Burke, J
Simulation of deformation measurements with deflectometry
Quelle: DGaO-Proceedings (2014) 0287-2014-B027-3-4 (online)

Li, W; Huke, P; Burke, J; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Measuring deformations with deflectometry
Quelle: Proc. of the SPIE - Interfeometry XVIIL: Techniques and Analysis (2014), eds.: K. Creath, J. Burke, J. Schmitt. SPIE; Bellingham, WA (2014) 92030F1-12 

Mahnke, P; Peuser, P; Huke, P
Nd:YAG laser/KTiOAsO4 (KTA) OPO system for laser-ultrasound measurements on carbon-fiber-reinforced composite materials
Quelle: Applied Physics B (2014) DOI: 10.1007/s00340-013-5696-7

Messaoudi, H; Mehrafsun, S; Vollertsen, F
Influence of the etchant on material removal geometry in laser chemical machining
Quelle: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 08.-10.07.2014 Bremen (CD-Rom)

Mittelstädt, C; Seefeld, T; Reitemeyer, D; Vollertsen, F
Two-beam laser brazing of thin sheet steel for automotive industry using Cu-base filler material
Quelle: Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2014) Physics Procedia 56, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Merklein. Elsevier Amsterdam (2014) 699 - 708

Möller, F; Kügler, H; Kötschau, S; Geier, A; Goecke, S
Gap bridging ability in laser GMA hybrid welding of thin 22MnB5 sheets
Quelle: Proc. Of the 8th International Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2014) Physics Procedia 56, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Merklein. Elsevier Amsterdam (2014) 620-629 

Neugebauer, F; Keller, N; Ploshikhin, V; Feuerhahn, F; Köhler, H
Multi Scale FEM Simulation for Distortion Calculation in Additive Manufacturing of Hardeing Stainless Steel
Quelle: Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion (IWOTE'14), eds.: F. Vollertsen, H. Tetzel. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2014) 13-23

Parsi Sreenivas, V; Bülters, M; Bergmann, R B
Three dimensional fabrication of optical waveguiding elements for on-chip integration
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE - Micro-Optics 2014, eds.: H.Thienpont, J. Mohr, H. Zappe, H. Nakajima. SPIE Bellingham WA (2014) 91300M1-7 

Parsi Sreenivas, V; Bülters, M; Dumstorff, G; Chauhan, A; Garcia-Ortiz, A; Bergmann, R B
Optical Vector Matrix Multiplier for On-Chip Computation
Quelle: European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2014) Berlin (CD-Rom)

Parsi Sreenivas, V; Bülters, M; Morosov, K; Bergmann, R B
Optical waveguides via laser micro machining
Quelle: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 08.-10.07.2014 Bremen (CD-Rom)

Prieske, M; Schwander, M; Füller, D; Köhler, H; Feuerhahn, F
Dias da Silva, M; Vollertsen, F Laserbasiertes Generieren von Werkzeugwerkstoffen für die Trockenumformung
Quelle: WOMag 7 (2014) 1-9 (online) 

Rakich, A; Burke, J; Burge, J
Optics for Astronomy – Editorial
Quelle: Advanced Optical Technologies 3 (2014) 221-222

Reh, T; Li, W; Burke, J; Bergmann, R B
Improving the Generic Camera Calibration technique by extended model of calibration display
Quelle: J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public 9 (2014) 14044-1-4

Sandner, M
Hybrid Reflectometry – 3D shape measurement on scattering and reflective surfaces
Quelle: 115. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik (DGaO 2014) (online)

Sandner, M; Kolenovic, E; Klattenhoff, R; Kolenovic, E; Elandaloussi, F; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Axially distributed sensing with a monoscopic imaging lens for single-shot distance measurements
Quelle: Applied Optics 53, 22 (2014) 5078 - 5083

Schröder, M; Huferath-von Lüpke, S; Bülters, M; Bergmann, R B
Fabrication of 3d-microstructures for calibration of a holographic metrology system
Quelle: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 08.-10.07.2014 Bremen (CD-Rom)

Schultz, V; Möller, F; Vollertsen, F
Lasertechnik und Umformprozesse
Quelle: Blech/Rohre/Profile 4 (2014) 28-30 

Schultz, V; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Gap bridging ability at laser beam welding of thin-walled aluminum components
Quelle: Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2014) Physics Procedia 56, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Merklein. Elsevier Amsterdam (2014) 545 - 553

Schultz, V; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Gap bridging ability in laser beam welding of thin aluminum sheets
Quelle: Proc. of 33th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2014). LIA Orlando/USA (2014) paper 157

Schultz, V; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Spaltüberbrückbarkeit beim Schweißen mit oszillierendem Laserstrahl
Quelle: Laser Magazin 1 (2014) 11-13

Schultz, V; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Qualitätssicherung beim Fügen und Auftragschweißen mit Lasern – Eine Herausforderung für Prozessüberwachung und-regelung
Quelle: Der Praktiker 9 (2014) 402-403

Schultz, V; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F; Schrauf, G
Development of a laser welding and straightening process for aircraft structures for Hybrid Laminar Flow Control
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly 2014 Com. XVII, Seoul/Korea (2014) paper IV-1180-14 (online) 

Schultz, V; Vollertsen, F
Laser welding of realistic stainless steel aircraft structures for Hybrid Laminar Flow Control
Quelle: Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion (IWOTE'14), eds.: F. Vollertsen, H. Tetzel. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2014) 43-52

Schumacher, J; Köhler, H; Clausen, B; Zoch, H W
Einflussfaktoren auf die Wechselfestigkeit laserstrahlbeschichteter Proben
Quelle: HTM - Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials 69, 5 (2014) 282-294 

Schwander, M; Füller, D; Köhler, H; Feuerhahn, F; Dias da Silva, M; Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F
Pre-selection of laser-processed materials for dry forming tools by means of a dry oscillation ball-on-plate test
Quelle: Production Engineering WGP 8, 5 (2014) 603-611

Schwander, M; Vollertsen, F
In-situ doping of diamond coatings by silicon, Aluminum and titanium through a modified laser based CVD process
Quelle: Diamond and Related Materials 41 (2014) 41-48

Stephen, A; Mehrafsun, S; Vollertsen, F
Schnelle Mikroperforation mit dem Laserstrahl
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 4 (2014) 46-47

Stephen, A; Schrauf, G; Mehrafsun, S; Vollertsen, F
High speed laser micro drilling for aerospace applications
Quelle: New Production Technologies in Aerospace Industry - 5th Machining Innovations Conference (MIC 2014). Procedia CIRP 24. Elsevier B.V. (2014) 130-133

Tang, Z; Vollertsen, F
Influence of grain refinement on hot cracking in laser welding of aluminum
Quelle: Welding in the World 58/3 (2014) 355-366, also in: IIW 2013 Annual Assembly Com. XVII, Essen (2013) IIW-Doc. IV-1149-13 (online)

Tetzel, H
1000 kHz Mikro-Umform-Messsystem – Ziehgeschwindigkeit optimieren
Quelle: FORM+Werkzeug 5 (2014) 44-45 

Veenaas, S; Vollertsen, F
High Speed Joining by Laser Shock Forming
Quelle: Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes & Joining by plastic Deformation (ICTMP), Advanced Material Research, ed. P. Groche. TransTech Publications Durnten-Zurich (2014) 597-606 

Veenaas, S; Vollertsen, F
High speed joining process by laser shock forming for the micro range
Quelle: The 6th International Conference on High Speed Forming (ICHSF 2014), eds.: H. Huh, A. E. Tekkaya. Daejeon/Korea (2014) 97-105

Veenaas, S; Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F
Joining by Laser Shock Forming: Realization and Acting Pressures
Quelle: Production Engineering - Research and Development 8, 3 (2014) 283-290

Vogelsang, K; Kibben, S; Schimanski, A; Linke, R; Vollertsen, F
Oberflächen gezielt modifizieren
Quelle: Journal für Oberflächentechnik 4 (2014) 102-103

Vollertsen, F
IIW-Komission IV „Hochleistungs-Strahlprozesse“
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 66, 4 (2014) 202-206

Vollertsen, F; Möller, F
Modellierungsmethoden für die Prozesszone beim Laserstrahlschweißen dicker Bleche
Quelle: 11. Stahl-Symposium, Forschungsvereinigung Stahlanwendung e. V. Bremen (2014) paper 02 (CD)

Vollertsen, F; Schmidt, F
Dry Metal Forming: Definition, Chances and Challenges
Quelle: International Journal of Precision and Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology 1,1 (2014) 59-62

Volpp, J
Verschleißfeste Randschichtbereiche mittels Tieflegieren
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 66, 7 (2014) 383-384

Volpp, J; Dietz, T; Vollertsen, F
Particle property impact on its distribution during laser deep alloying processes
Quelle: Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2014) Physics Procedia 56, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Merklein. Elsevier Amsterdam (2014) 1094-1101

Volpp, J; Vollertsen, F
Keyhole oscillations during laser deep penetration welding at different spatial laser intensity distributions
Quelle: Proc. of 33th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2014). LIA Orlando/USA (2014) paper 601

Weimer, D; Huferath-von Lüpke, S; Tausendfreund, A; Bergmann, R B; Goch, G; Scholz-Reiter, B
Dimensional In Situ Shape and Surface Inspection of Metallic Micro Components in Micro Bulk Manufacturing
Quelle: Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1018. TransTechn Publications Switzerland (2014) 493-500

Weimer, D; Tausendfreund, A; Kreis, T; Bergmann, R B; Goch, G; Scholz-Reiter, B
A Comparison of in-situ Measuring Systems within Micro Cold Forming
Quelle: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 8 -10 July, 2014, Bremen (CD-Rom)

Windmann, M; Röttger, A; Kügler, H; Theisen, W; Vollertsen, F
Laser beam welding of aluminium to Al-base coated high-strength steel 22MnB5
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Technology 217 (2014) 88-95 (online)

Woizeschke, P
Fügen von Aluminium- und CFK Bauteilen mittels eines innovativen „Folienkonzepts“
Quelle: Schweißen & Schneiden 66, 4 (2014) 209-210

Woizeschke, P; Sandner, M
Verzugsmessung beim Lasermikroschweißen
Quelle: Mikroproduktion (Special zur Mikrolaserbearbeitung) 3, 14 (2014) 42-43

Woizeschke, P; Schumacher, J; Specht, U; Lang, A; Vollertsen, F
Joining of aluminum and CFRP parts using titanium foils as transition elements
Quelle: Euro Hybrid – Materials and Structures 2014, eds.: J. M. Hausmann, M. Siebert. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e. V. Frankfurt (2014) 69-75

Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Distortion Effects in Deep Penetration Laser Micro Welding: Challenges and Results
Quelle: Lasers in Engineering 28 (2014) 337-359

Wottschel, V; Vollertsen, F
CFRP-Aluminium structures realized by laser beam joining process
Quelle: 2. WGP Jahreskongress 2012, eds. WGP. TransTech Publications Ltd. Zürich (2014) 89-96



Buschenhenke, F
Prozesskettenübergreifende Verzugsbeherrschung beim Laserstrahlschweißen am Beispiel einer Welle-Nabe-Verbindung
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd 50, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2013)

Sakkiettibutra, J
Modellierung thermisch bedingter Formänderungen und Eigenspannungen von Stählen zum Aufbau von geregelten Prozessen
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 51, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2013) 

Vollertsen, F
Micro Metal Forming
Quelle: Reihe: Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer Berlin (2013) 


Bergmann, R B; Bülters, M; Parsi Sreenivas, V
Process and device for producing at least one photonic component
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift: US 2013/0183775 A1 (20139)

Bergmann, R B; Bülters, M; Parsi Sreenivas, V
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Herstellen von mindestens einem photonischen Bauelement
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2011 113 824.A1 (2013)

Hildebrand, A; Bergmann, R B
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Separieren eines Halbleiter-Wafers von einem Halbleiterkristall durch die Erzeugung von Schwachstellen in dem Halbleiterkristall
Quelle: Europäische Patentschrift EP 2 221 138 B1 (2013)

Koerdt, M; Kibben, S
Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Faser-Gitters
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2011 086 029 A1 (2013)

Reitemeyer, D; Partes, K; Seefeld, T
Laser Machining Head with integrated Sensor Device for Focus Positioning Monitoring
Quelle: US-Patentschrift US 8,450,639 B2 (2013)

Schmidt, F; von Beren, J; von Rebenstock, H
Verfahren zum thermischen Fügen von, vorzugsweise metallischen, Fügepartnern durch berührungslose Wärmezufuhr, insbesondere Laserstrahlschweißen sowie thermische Fügenaht
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2012 006 762A (2013)

Vollertsen, F; Wielage, H
Verfahren zum Herstellen einer, insbesondere elektrisch leitenden, Verbindung
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2011 119 714 A1 (2013)

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Investigation of composite materials using SLM-based phase retrieval
Quelle: Optics Letters 38, 3 (2013) 2203-2205

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Speckle reduction in holographic projection using temporal-multiplexing of spatial frequencies
Quelle: Proc. of the 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision-Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video. IEEE (2013) 1-4

Agour, M; Kolenovic, E; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Jüptner, W; Bergmann, R B
Phase retrieval using constrains derived from the Helmholtz equation
Quelle: Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI-2013). OSA Technical Digest, Optical Society of America (2013) CTu3C.3

Behrens, G
Deep Drawing
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 136-146

Behrens, G
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 20-31

Behrens, G
Piercing and Blanking
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 166-173

Behrens, G; Vollertsen, F
Influence of Tool Geometry Variation on the Punch Force in Micro Deep Drawing
Quelle: Proc. of the ESAFORM 2013 'Key Engineering Materials' Vols. 554-557: The Current State-of-the-Art on Material Forming; Eds.: R. Alves de Sousa, R. Valente. Trans Tech Publications Zurich-Durnten (2013) 1306-1311 (online) 

Bergmann, R B
Mit Licht in die Zukunft
Quelle: Mediengruppe Kreiszeitung (2013) 

Berk, S; Vollertsen, F
mikromal – Ein Pilotprojekt zur Berufsorientierung im MINT-Bereich
Quelle: TALENTE - Zeitschrift für Bildung, Berufsorientierung und Personalentwicklung 20 (2013) 54 - 56

Berk, S; Vollertsen, F
Wie gehen Wissenschaftler eines ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Sonderforschungsbereichs mit der Rolle des Wissensvermittlers in Nachwuchsförderprojekten um?
Quelle: Krise des Kompetenz-Begriffs -Wege zu technischer Bildung. Referate der 8. Ingenieurpädagogischen Regionaltagung, Mannheim, eds.: G. Kammasch, H. Lüdtke (2013) 53-56 

Brandhoff, L; Weber, E; Van den Driesche, S; Bülters, M; Bergmann, R B; Vellekoop, M
Optofluidic Multiplexing and switching device
Quelle: Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Tranducer 2013). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2013) 2329-2332 (online) 

Brinksmeier, E; Vollertsen, F; Riemer, O; Flosky, H; Behrens, G; Böhmermann, F
Mikrofräsbearbeitung zur Herstellung leistungsfähiger Mikroumformwerkzeuge
Quelle: Tagungsband 6. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, ed.: R. Tutsch. Shaker Verlag Aachen (2013) A23

Brinksmeier, E; Vollertsen, F; Riemer, O; Koerdt, M; Meier, A; Möller, J
Ultraviolet lithography on sloped surfaces utilizing diamond turned holograms
Quelle: Production Engineering Research and Development (2013) 619-627 

Brüning, H
Robustness of the laser melting process
Quelle: Proc. 32th International Congress of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO13). LIA Publication 616 (2013) 852-857 (CD-Rom)

Brüning, H
Flange Forming
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 161-166

Brüning, H
Thermal Free Form Heading
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 188-198

Brüning, H
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 113-121

Brüning, H; Jahn, M; Schmidt, A
Process Window For Forming of Micro Preforms At Different Temperatures
Quelle: Proceedings of the WGP Congress 2013 Erlangen, eds.: M. Merklein, J. Franke, H. Hagenah. TransTech Publications Zürich/CH (2013) 173-180

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
First approach to generate comb linked parts by laser melting
Quelle: Journal for Technology of Plasticity 38/1 (2013) 1-11

Budelmann, C; Bülters, M
Optical Power Supply for Sensor Nodes in Intelligent Sensorial Materials
Quelle: Proc. of the International Conference and Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems (SSI 2013), eds.: W. Gessner, P. Weiler. VDE-Verlag Berlin (2013) CD-Rom

Burke, J; Li, W; Heimsath, A; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Qualifying parabolic mirrors with deflectometry
Quelle: J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public 8 (2013) 13014-1-6

Cui, C; Schulz, A; Achelis, L; Uhlenwinkel, V; Leopold, H; Piwek, V; Tang, Z; Seefeld, T
Development of low melting point filler materials for laser beam brazing of aluminum alloys
Quelle: Proc. 5th Int. Conference on Spray Deposition and Melt Atomization (SDMA 2013), eds.: U.Fritsching, V. Uhlenwinkel (2013) A-141 (CD-Rom)

Diehl, H
Laser Ablation
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 250-258

Diehl, H
Laser Milling
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 237-250

Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Computational shear interferometry for digital holography
Quelle: SPIE Newsroom (2013) online

Falldorf, C; Simic, A; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Computational Shear Interferometry: A versatile tool for wave field sensing
Quelle: Imaging and Applied Optics. OSA Technical Digest (2013) JW2B.3 (online)

Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Wave Field Sensing by means of Computational Shear Interferometry
Quelle: Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 30 (10) (2013) 1905-1912

Feuerhahn, F; Schulz, A; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Microstructure and properties of selective laser melted high hardness tool steel
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2013). Physics Procedia 41, eds.: C. Emmelmann, M. F. Zaeh, T. Graf, M. Schmidt. Elsevier Amsterdam (2013) 836-841

Flosky, H; Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F; Mähl, S
Herstellung von Netzkalotten für die Elektronenoptik durch die Kombination von Sublimationsschneiden und Tiefziehen
Quelle: NeMa-News 25 (2013)

Flosky, H; Vollertsen, F
Wear behavior of a DLC-coated blanking and deep drawing tool combination
Quelle: 15th International Conference on Sheet Metal 2013 (SheMet13), eds.: R. B. Clarke, A. G. Leacock, J. R. Duflou, M. Merklein, F. Micari. TransTech Publications Zurich-Durnten (2013) 511-517 also in: Key Engineering Materials 549 (2013) 511-517

Flosky, H Formability
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 38-47

Flosky, H; Vollertsen, F
Wear behavior of a micro blanking and deep drawing tool combination with different drawing ratio
Quelle: Proc. of the International Deep-Drawing Research Group Conference (IDDRG), ed. P. Hora. Institute of Virtual Manufacturing ETH Zurich (2013) 349-353

Gatzen, M; Chongbunwatana, K
Different strategies to simulate a deep penetration welding process
Quelle: Proc. of the 10th Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena (2012), eds.: C. Sommitsch, N. Enzinger. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz (2013) 37-53 

Gatzen, M; Volpp, J
Unterschiedliche Strategien zur Strömungssimulation des Laserstrahltiefschweißens
Quelle: Simulationsforum 2013 Schweißen und Wärmebehandlung, eds. J. Hildebrand, T. Loose, J. Sakkiettibutra, M. Brand. Weimar (2013) 169-178 (online)

Huke, P; Meer, T; Stößel, R; Meyer, U; Nägele, M; Tornow, C
Qualitätssichere Klebverbindungen mittels prozessintegrierter ZfP
Quelle: Proceedings der DGZfP-Jahrestagung (2013) 1-10 (CD-Rom)

Huke, P; von Kopylow, C
Novel trends in optical non-destructive testing methods
Quelle: J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public, 8, 13043 (2013) 1-7

Hutter, F; Brosch, D; Köhler, H; Jayaraman, V; Seefeld, T
HDRC®-Quotienten-PyroCam – Anwendung in der lasergestützten Materialbearbeitung
Quelle: Proc. Verfahren und Geräte in der Temperatur- und Feuchtemesstechnik, ISBN: 3-0810021-8-0 (2013) 155-160

Jahn, M; Brüning, H; Schmidt, A; Vollertsen, F
Energy dissipation in laser-based free form heading: a numerical approach
Production Engineering - Research and Development 8, 1/2 (2013) 51-61

Jahn, M; Brüning, H; Schmidt, A; Vollertsen, F
Herstellen von Mikroverbundstrukturen durch Stoffanhäufen und Laserschweißen
Quelle: Tagungsband 6. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, ed.: R. Tutsch. Shaker Verlag Aachen (2013) A11

Kalms, M; Hellmers, S; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Nondestructive testing in an automated process chain for mass manufacturing of fiber reinforced thermoplastic components
Quelle: SPIE Conference on Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security VI, eds.: T Y. Yu, A. L. Gyekenyesi, P. J.Shull,A. A. Diaz, H. F. Wu. SPIE Bellingham (2013) 869429-1-9

Kamau, E
A new approach to dynamic wave field synthesis using computer generated volume holograms
Quelle: Information Optics WIO (2013) 12th Workshop on. IEEE Xplore Tenerife/Spain (2013)1-3 (online)

Kamau, E; Burns, N; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Watson, J; Bergmann, R B
Least-square based inverse reconstruction of in-line digital holograms
Quelle: Journal of Optics 15 (2013) doi: 10.1088/2040-8978/15/7/075716 

Kamau, E; Huke, P; Bergmann, R B
Digital Holographic System for the Imaging and analysis of living marine plankton interrelational Behavior
Quelle: 3rd EOS Topical Meeting (on Blue Photonics - Optics in the Sea (2013) 

Khazan, P; Barr, A; Luttmann, A; von Hehl, A; Schmidt, A; Vollertsen, F
Simulationsansatz zur Beurteilung der quasistatischen Festigkeit geschweißter Mischverbindungen
Quelle: Schweissen und Schneiden 65, 8 (2013) 500-503

Khazan, P; Köhler, H; Vollertsen, F
Konsistente Modellierung einer Ersatzwärmequelle im Laserstrahlpulverbeschichtungsprozess
Quelle: Simulationsforum 2013 Schweißen und Wärmebehandlung, eds. J. Hildebrand, T. Loose, J. Sakkiettibutra, M. Brand. Weimar (2013) 180-189 (online)

Kibben, S; Kropp, M; Dumstorff, G; Koerdt, M; Lang, W
Bend sensor based on fiberoptics and concept for a compact evaluation unit
Quelle: Production Engineering, Research & Development 7, 1 (2013) 15-22 

Köhler, H
Laser melting of inserts for mold tools
Quelle: Industrial Laser Solutions (JanuaryFebruary 2013) 2 

Köhler, H; Jayaraman, V; Brosch, D; Hutter, F; Seefeld, T
A Novel Thermal Sensor applied for Laser Materials Processing
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2013). Physics Procedia 41, eds.: C. Emmelmann, M. F. Zaeh, T. Graf, M. Schmidt. Elsevier Amsterdam (2013) 495-501

Köhler, H; Kornmeier, J; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Residual stresses in steel specimens induced by laser cladding and their effect on fatigue strength
Quelle: TU München FRMII Annual Report 2012, Garching (2013) 102-103

Köhler, H; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Rekonditionierung hoch belasteter Bauteile am Beispiel großer Kurbelwellen
Quelle: Laser Technik Journal 2 (2013) 36-39 

Köhler, H; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Selective laser sintering of tungsten carbide inserts for local wear protection of injection molding tools
Quelle: Proc. of the 18th Plansee Seminar, eds.: H. Kestler, J. Wagner. Plansee SE Tyrol/Austria (2013) 1310-1321 (CD-Rom)

Kügler, H; Vollertsen, F
Inductive preheating on laser beam welding of multimaterial joints of 22MnB5 and AA6016
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2013). Physics Procedia 41, eds.: C. Emmelmann, M. F. Zaeh, T. Graf, M. Schmidt. Elsevier Amsterdam (2013) 41-48

Kühnle, T
Tool Wear
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 32-37

Langohr, A; Swider, M; Wulf, E; Möhwald, K; Hassel, T; Maier, H; Möller, F
Development of flux free filler metals and processes for brazing of aluminum
Quelle: Hart- und Hochtemperaturlöten und Diffusionschweißen (LÖT13), DVS-Berichte Band 293, Nr. 3377, ed.: DVS Media GmbH. DVS-Verlag Düsseldorf (2013) 205-211

Li, W; Sandner, M; Burke, J
Simulation study of deflectometry systems
Quelle: DGaO-Proceedings 2013 (online)

Lokovic, K; Bergmann, R B; Bill, A
Non-Equilibrium Grain Size Distribution with Generalized Growth and Nucleation Rates
Quelle: J. Mater. Res. 28, 11 (2013) 1407-1412

Mehrafsun, S
Laser-Induced Chemical Machining
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 258-267

Mehrafsun, S; Vollertsen, F
Disturbance of material removal in laser-chemical machining by emerging gas
Quelle: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology 62 (2013) 195-198

Migukin, A; Agour, M; Katkovnik, V
Phase retrieval in 4f optical system: background compensation and sparse regularization of object with binary amplitude
Quelle: Applied Optics, 52 (2013) A269-A280 

Möller, F; Kügler, H; Reitemeyer, D; Vollertsen, F
Laserstrahlfügen von Mangan-Bor-Stählen für moderne Leichtbaukonzepte
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 65,9 (2013) 628-630

Möller, F; Mittelstädt, C; Kötschau, S; Thomy, C; Goecke, S; Vollertsen, F
Effect of process parameters on joint properties in laser GMA hybrid welding of thin-sheet fillet welds on 22MnB5
Quelle: IIW 2013 Annual Assembly Com. XVII, Essen (2013) IIW-Doc. XII-2129-13; IV-1138-13 (online)

Möller, F; Tang, Z; Langohr, A
Novel aluminum brazing alloys for laser beam processes
Quelle: IIW 2013 Annual Assembly Com. XVII, Essen (2013) IIW-Doc. XVII-A-0036-13 (online)

Möller, F; Thomy, C
Interaction between laser and plasma arc in hybrid welding of aluminium
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2013). Physics Procedia 41, eds.: C. Emmelmann, M. F. Zaeh, T. Graf, M. Schmidt. Elsevier Amsterdam (2013) 81-89 

Möller, F; Thomy, C
Laser welding and brazing of dissimilar materials
Quelle: In: Handbook of laser welding technologies. Ed.: S. Katayama, Woodhead Publishing Cambridge (2013) 255-279

Partes, K
Additive Manufacturing
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 223-237

Reh, T; Li, W; Gesierich, A; Bergmann, R B
Vision Ray Camera Calibration for Small Field of View
Quelle: DGaO-Proceedings 2013 (online)

Reitemeyer, D; Schultz, V; Syassen, F; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Laser welding of large scale stainless steel aircraft structures
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2013). Physics Procedia 41, eds.: C. Emmelmann, M. F. Zaeh, T. Graf, M. Schmidt. Elsevier Amsterdam (2013) 106-111

Sandner, M; Falldorf, C; Simic, A; Burke, J; Bergmann, R B
Areal absolute form measurement of optical surfaces using Phase Measuring Deflectometry and Shearing Interferometry
Quelle: Proc. 6th High Level Expert Meeting on Asphere Metrology, Braunschweig (2013) CD-Rom

Sandner, M; Li, W; Burke, J
Sub-µm genaue Formmessung spiegelnder Oberflächen mittels Deflektometrie
Quelle: Photogrammetrie dLaserscanning Optische 3D-Messtechnik - Beiträge der Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2013, eds.: T. Luhmann, C. Müller. Wichmann Berlin (2013) 208-216

Schempp, P; Pittner, A; Rethmeier, M; Tang, Z; Seefeld, T; Corss, C
Influence of Alloy and Solidification Parameters on Grain Refinement in Aluminium Weld metal due to Inoculation
Quelle: Proc. of the 9th International Conference Trends in Welding Research (2012), eds.: T. De Koy, S.A. David, T. Koseki, H. Basdeshia. ASM International (2013) 98-107

Schwander, M
Laser-based process for diamond deposition
Quelle: Industrial Laser Solutions (MayJune 2013) 2 

Schwander, M; Partes, K
Surface Coating
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 289-305

Seefeld, T; Schultz, V
New developments in filler wire assisted laser joining of aluminum
Quelle: Proc. of the 6th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP 2013) 1-6 (online)

Sowards, J; Saunders, N; Caron, J; Qin, G; Zhang, L; Li, H; Pequegnat, A; Gerlich, A; Biro, E; Möller, F; Zähr, J; Baumgartner, J
International Trends in Welding and Joining Technology
Quelle: IIW 2013 Annual Assembly and international Conference, Essen Germany (2013) online

Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F
Compact machining module for laser chemical manufacturing
Production Engineering Research & Development 7, 5 (2013) 541-545

Tang, Z; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Laser Brazing of Aluminum with a new filler wire AlZn13Si10Cu4
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2013). Physics Procedia 41, eds.: C. Emmelmann, M. F. Zaeh, T. Graf, M. Schmidt. Elsevier Amsterdam (2013) 128-136

Tetzel, H; Grden, M; Vollertsen, F
Stress analysis based on strain measurement in sheet metal laser bending
Quelle: Production Engineering Research & Development (2013) 7:647-655

Vollertsen, F
Size Effects
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 7-20

Volpp, J; Freimann, D
Indirect measurement of keyhole pressure oscillations during laser deep penetration welding
Quelle: Proceedings of the 32th International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2013). LIA Orlando (2013) paper 1301 (online)

Volpp, J; Vollertsen, F
Analytical modeling of the keyhole including multiple reflections for analysis of the influence of different laser intensity distributions on keyhole geometry
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2013). Physics Procedia 41, eds.: C. Emmelmann, M. F. Zaeh, T. Graf, M. Schmidt. Elsevier Amsterdam (2013) 453-461

Volpp, J; Vollertsen, F
Analytisches Modell zur Vorhersage der Keyhole-Geometrie beim Laserstrahltiefschweißen
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 65, 3 (2013) 136

von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Optical Metrology
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 392-404

Wielage, H
Stretch Drawing
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 146-155

Wielage, H Bending
Quelle: In: Micro Metal Forming. Ed.: F. Vollertsen, Springer Berlin (2013) 155-161

Woizeschke, P; Schumacher, J
Failure behavior of aluminum-titanium hybrid seams within a novel aluminum-CFRP joining concept
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2013). Physics Procedia 41, eds.: C. Emmelmann, M. F. Zaeh, T. Graf, M. Schmidt. Elsevier Amsterdam (2013) 12-19

Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Laser joining of aluminum and CFRP parts using titanium transition structures
Quelle: IIW 2013 Annual Assembly Com. XVII, Essen (2013) IIW-Doc. IV-1145-13 (online)

Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Laserstrahlfügen von Übergangsstrukturen zur Verbindung von CFK und Aluminium
Quelle: Große Schweißtechnische Tagung (GST 2013). DVS Media GmbH Düsseldorf (2013) 205-211

Woizeschke, P; Wottschel, V
Recent developments for laser beam joining of CFRP-aluminium structures
Quelle: Procedia Materials Science: Materials Science Engineering (MSE2012), Symposium B6 - Hybrid Structures 2. Elsevier-Verlag (2013) 250-258

Zhang, P; Mehrafsun, S; Goch, G; Vollertsen, F
A Model Based Quality Control System for Laser Chemical Finishing of Micro Forming Tools
Quelle: Proc. of the International Symposium on Electrochemical Machining Technology (INSECT 2013), eds.: A.Schubert, M. Hackert-Ostschätzschen. Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz (2013) 159-164

Zhang, P; Mehrafsun, S; Goch, G; Vollertsen, F
Automatisierung der laserchemischen Feinbearbeitung und Qualitätsprüfung mittels Interferometer
Quelle: 6. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, ed.: R. Tutsch. Shaker Verlag Aachen (2013) B34



Neumann, S
Einflussanalyse beim single mode Faserlaserschweißen zur Vermeidung des Humping-Phänomens
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd 48, Hrsg. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2012)

Reitemeyer, D 
Stabilisierung der Fokuslage beim Schweißen mit Faser- und Scheibenlasern
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd 49, Hrsg. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2012)

Schmit, J; Creath, K; Towers, C; Burke, J
Interferometry XVI: Techniques and Analysis
Quelle: Proceedings of the SPIE 8493, SPIE; Bellingham, WA (2012)


Kalms, M; Bisle, W; Scherling, D
Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Detektion einer Fehlstelle in einem Bauteil
Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2009 060 735 B4 (2012)


Agour, M; Almoro, P; Falldorf, C
Investigation of smooth wave fronts using SLM-based phase retrieval and a phase diffuser
Quelle: J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. 7 (2012) 12046-1-7 

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Misalignment compensation in spatial light modulator based optical filtering techniques
Quelle: EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Non-destructive testing of carbon reinforced plastics by means of phase retrieval
Quelle: V International Conference on Speckle Metrology (Speckle 2012), eds.: A. F.Doval, C. Trillo, J. C. Lopez-Vazquez. SPIE Bellingham (2012) 841318-1-5

Almoro, P; Waller, L; Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Pedrini, G; Osten, W; Hanson, S
3D shape measurement using deterministic phase retrieval and a partially-developed speckle field
Quelle: Proc. of the Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display, eds. B. Javidi, J-Y. Son. SPIE Bellingham WA (2012) 83840Q1-Q6

Almoro, P; Waller, L; Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Pedrini, G; Osten, W; Hanson, S
Enhanced deterministic phase retrieval using a partially-developed speckle field
Quelle: Optics Letters 37 (2012) 2088-2090

Behrens, G; Kovac, J; Köhler, B; Vollertsen, F; Stock, H
Drawability of thin magnetron sputtered aluminum-zirconium foils in micro deep drawing
Quelle: Proc. of th 3rd International Conference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 12), eds.: S. J. Yuan, F. Vollertsen, Z. R. Wang, T. A. Dean. Harbin China (2012) 30-35 also in: Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 22 (2012) 268-274

Bergmann, R B
Bremer Institut für anwandte Strahltechnik (BIAS) GmbH
Quelle: 40 Jahre Physik und Elektrotechnik, Universität Bremen (2012) 34

Bergmann, R B; Huke, P
Advanced Methods for Optical Non-Destructive Testing
Quelle: In: Optical Imaging and Metrology: Advanced Technologies. Eds.: W. Osten, N. Reingand, Wiley-VCH Weinheim (2012) 393-412

Brinksmeier, E; Riemer, O; Gläbe, R; Meier, A; Koerdt, M; Kibben, S
Diamantdrehen diffraktiver Mikrostrukturen
Quelle: wt Werkstattstechnik online 102, 6 (2012) 390-395

Brüning, H
Self-aligning capability of laser based free form heading process
Quelle: Proc. of the 11th International Scientific Conference on Advanced Production Technologies (MMA 2012), Ed.: I. Cosic. Novi Sad/ Serbia (2012) 427-430

Brüning, H; Moumi, E; Vollertsen, F; Kuhfuß, B
The influence of pre-forming by rotary swaging of rods on formability of material accumulations generated by laser melting
Quelle: Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT), eds.: S.J. Yuan, F. Vollertsen, Z.R. Wang, T.A. Dean. Harbin/China (2012) 70-75

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Formability of micro material pre-forms generated by laser melting
Quelle: Proc. of the 37th International MATADOR Conference, eds.: S.Hinduja, L. Li. Springer Verlag London (2012) 373-376

Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Mechanical flange forming in steel and copper foil
Quelle: Production Engineering - Research and Development (2012) 6:551-558 

Brüning, H; von Bargen, R; Vollertsen, F; Zoch, H-W
Wärmebehandlung laser-generierter Vorformelemente
Quelle: wt Werkstattstechnik online 102 (2012) 702-707

Bülters, M; Schröder, M; Bergmann, R B
Three dimensional optical components on IC surfaces for on-chip communication
Quelle: EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom) 

Burke, J
Phase decoding and reconstruction
Quelle: in: Optical Methods for Solid Mechanics, Eds. P. Rastogi, E. Hack, Wiley-VCH Verlag Darmstadt (2012) 83-141

Burke, J
Australian Contributions to the GRACE Follow-On Satellite Mission
Quelle: Proc. Annual Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics 2012 (online)

Burke, J
How to remove fundamental-frequency phase errors from phase-shifting results
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE; Interferometry XVI: Techniques and Analysis, eds.: J. Schmit, K. Creath, C. E. Towers, J. Burke. SPIE Bellingham (2012) 8493 84930I-1-10 

Burke, J; Griesmann, U
Calibrating the sag due to gravity of horizontal interferometer reference flats
Quelle: Proc. SPIE Interferometry XVI: Techniques and Analysis, eds.: J. Schmit, K. Creath, C. E. Towers, J. Burke. SPIE Bellingham (2012) 84930F-1-9

Cho, W; Na, S; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Numerical simulation of molten pool dynamics in high power disk laser welding
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Thechnology 212 (2012) 262-275 

Dankwart, C; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Design of diffractive optical elements for multiple wavelength image formation by gradient-based methods
Quelle: EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

Dias da Silva, M; Partes, K; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Comparison of coaxial and off-axis nozzle configuration in one step process laser cladding on aluminum substrate
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212 (2012) 2514-2519 (online)

Falldorf, C; Agour, M; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Phase Retrieval for Optical Inspection of Technical Components
Quelle: J. Opt. 14 (2012) 065701

Falldorf, C; Huferath-von Lüpke, S; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Reduction of speckle noise in multi wavelength contouring
Quelle: Applied Optics 51 (2012) 8211-8215

Falldorf, C; Li, W; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Non-linear optimization for the reconstruction of wavefronts from gradient data
Quelle: EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Measuring the complex amplitude of speckle fields by means of a shear interferometer
Quelle: Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8413. SPIE Bellingham (2012) 84130Q

Gatzen, M
Influence of low-frequency magnetic fields during laser beam welding of aluminium with filler wire
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net Shap Engineering (LANE 2012), Physics Procedia 39/2012, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Geiger. Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2012) 59-66

Gatzen, M; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Analytical Investigation of the Influence of the Spatial Laser Beam Intensity Distribution on the Keyhole Dynamic in Laser Beam Welding
Quelle: Lasers in Engineering 23, 1-2 (2012) 109-122

Hildebrand, A; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
A fast and robust approach to phase shift registration from randomly phase shifted interferograms
Quelle: Proc. SPIE, Vol. 8413. SPIE Bellingham (2012) 84130R

Hu, Z; Schubnov, A; Vollertsen, F
Tribological behaviour of DLC-films and their application in micro deep drawing
Quelle: Journal of Materials processing Technology 212, 3 (2012) 647-652

Huferath-von Lüpke, S
Comparative digital holographic microscope for wear detection at micro deep drawing tools
Quelle: EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom) 

Huferath-von Lüpke, S
Wear recording at micro deep drawing tools with comparative digital holography
Quelle: J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public 7 (2012) 12041-1-7

Huferath-von Lüpke, S; Kamau, E; Kreis, T; von Kopylow, C
Single shot multi wavelength shape measurements with restricted aperture
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE; Interferometry XVI: Techniques and Analysis, eds.: J. Schmit, K. Creath, C. E. Towers, J. Burke. SPIE Bellingham (2012) 84930V-1-8

Huke, P
Optical non-destructive testing methods
Quelle: EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

Huke, P
Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Faserverbundkunststoffen mittels kompaktem Laserultraschallsensor
Quelle: Fiber News, dem Magazin des Fiber International Bremen e. V. (2012) 12-13 

Huke, P; Herrmann, S; Falldorf, C; Klattenhoff, R
Hilfreiche Blicke unter die Oberfläche – Einsatz der Scherografie für die Detektion von Beschädigungen
Quelle: Restauro 8 (2012) 28-33

Kalms, M; Hellmers, S; Bergmann, R B
Laser-generated ultrasound with liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) technology in the thermoelastic regime
Quelle: Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security (2012), eds.: A. L. Gyekenyesi, T.-Y. Yu, P. J. Shull, A. A. Diaz, H. F. Wu. SPIE Bellingham/Washington (2012) 83470N1-9 

Kamau, E; Wang, N; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Point Source Based Model for the Inverse Numerical Reconstruction of Digital Holograms
Quelle: EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

Kibben, S; Koerdt, M; Dankwart, C; Bergmann, R B; Vollertsen, F
Holographic imaging utilizing pulsed ultra voilet lasers and diamond-turned diffractive optical elements
Quelle: EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

Kibben, S; Kropp, M; Dumstorff, G; Koerdt, M; Lang, W
Bend sensor based on fiberoptics and concept for a compact evaluation unit
Quelle: Proceedings of the 1st Joint Symposium on System-integrated Intelligence (2012), ed.: B. Denkena. PZH-Verlag Garbsen (2012) 183-185

Köhler, H; Schumacher, J; Schuischel, K; Partes, K; Bomas, H; Jablonski, F; Kienzler, R; Vollertsen, F
An approach to calculate fatigue properties of laser cladded components
Quelle: Production Engineering Research and Development 6, 2 (2012) 137-147

Köhler, H; Partes, K; Rebelo Kornmeier, J; Vollertsen, F
Residual stresses in steel specimens induced by laser cladding and their effect on fatigue strength
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net Shap Engineering (LANE 2012), Physics Procedia 39/2012, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Geiger. Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2012) 354-361

Kowalschuk, M; Luttmann, A; Jahn, M; Barr, A; Schmidt, A; von Hehl, A; Vollertsen, F
Challenges in simulation of welded hybrid joints
Quelle: Proc. of. 3rd Fatigue Symposium Leoben, eds.: W. Eichlseder, F. Grün. Montanuniversität Leoben/A (2012) 85 112

Kreis, T
Applications of Digital Holography: From Microscopy to 3D-Television
Quelle: J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public.7 (2012) 12006-1-12006-9

Kreis, T
Recent Advances in Holographic Strain and Stress Measurement
Quelle: Imaging Methods for Novel Materials and Challenging Applications Vol. 3, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimantal Mechanics (SEM 2012), eds.: H. Jin et al. Springer Verlag (2012) 17-27 

Kühnle, T; Partes, K
In-situ Formation of Titanium Boride and Titanium Carbide by Selective Laser Melting
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net Shap Engineering (LANE 2012), Physics Procedia 39/2012, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Geiger. Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2012) 432-438 

Kühnle, T; Partes, K; Vollertsen, F
Characterization of the thermal focus shift in a selective laser melting machine
Quelle: Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference 2012 (CD Rom)

Li, W; Burke, J
Highly accurate surface reconstruction for deflectometry
Quelle: DGaO-Proceedings (2012) 0287-2011-A023.4 (online) 

Li, W; Burke, J; Gesierich, A; von Kopylow, C
Simulation study of deflectometry systems
Quelle: EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

Li, W; Heimsath, A; Burke, J; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Qualifying parabolic mirrors with deflectometry
Quelle: EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

Li, W; Sandner, M; Gesierich, A; Burke, J
Absolute optical surface measurement with deflectometry
Quelle: Proc. SPIE Interferometry XVI: Applications, eds.: C. Furlong, C. Gorecki, E. L. Novak. SPIE Bellingham (2012) 84940G-1-7

Mehrafsun, S; Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F
Comparison of laser-thermal and laser-chemical machining
Quelle: The Third International Conference on nano Manufacturing (nanoMan 2012), eds.: F. Fang, T. Kuriyagawa. Wako Satiama (2012) 

Mehrafsun, S; Zhang, P; Vollertsen, F; Goch, G
Laser-chemical precision machining of micro forming tools at low laser powers
Quelle: Laser-based Micro- and Nanopackaging and Assembly VI, eds.: F.G. Bachmann, W. Pfleging, K. Washio, J.Amako, W. Hoving, Y. Lu. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8244 (2012) 82440K-1-7

Möller, F
Fluxless brazing of aluminium with a coaxial laser plasma joining process
Quelle: Proc. IIW International Institute of Welding, Com. XVII Intermediate Meeting Portugal (2012) Doc. No. XVII-A-0025-12 (online)

Möller, F; Swider, M; Langohr, A; Hassel, T; Möhwald, K; Bach, F; Vollertsen, F
Development of brazing solder and processes for flux less joining of aluminum
Quelle: IIW 2012 Annual Assembly Com. XVII, Denver USA (2012) IIW-Doc. XVII-C-0004-12 (online)

Möller, F; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Joining of titanium-aluminium seat tracks for aircraft applications – system technology and joint properties
Quelle: Welding in the World 56/3-4 (2012) 108-114 also in: IIW Assembly 2010 Com. XVII Istanbul, Turkey (2010) IIW-Doc. XVII-0005-2010 (CD-Rom)

Parsi Sreenivas, V
Microsized subsurface modification of mono-crystalline silicon via non-linear absorption
Quelle: J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public 7 (2012) 12035-1-5

Parsi Sreenivas, V
Subsurface modification in mono-crystalline silicon by multiphoton processes – analytical model and first results
Quelle: EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

Sandner, M; Burke, J; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Messen und Prüfen mit Licht
Quelle: Werkstattstechnik online, 11, 12 (2012) 777-782

Schimanski, K; Schumacher, J; Wottschel, V; von Hehl, A; Zoch, H; Vollertsen, F
Characterisation of Ti6Al4V for integral transition structures in FRP-aluminium compounds
Quelle: Steel Research International 83, 10 (2012) 933-994

Schröder, M; Bülters, M; Bergmann, R B
Design and simulation of three-dimensional optical polymer waveguide devices for photonic on-chip application
Quelle: EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

Schröder, M; Bülters, M; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Novel concept for three-dimensional polymer waveguides for Optical on-Chip Interconnects
Quelle: J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public.7 (2012) 12027-1-4 

Schulz, A; Cui, C; Kühnle, T; Kuhfuß, B; Moumi, E; Partes, K; Twardy, S
Iron based tool materials for micro cold forming via rapid solidification
Quelle: Developing the World of Tooling, Proc. 9th Int. Tooling Conference, eds.: H. Leitner, R. Kranz, A. Tremmel. Verlag Gutenberghaus, Knittelfeld/Austria (2012) 639-664

Schwander, M; Partes, K
Einfluss von Stickstoff auf die Struktur von polykristallinen CVD-Diamanten
Quelle: 15. Werkstofftechnisches Kolloquium, ed. B. Wielage. TU Chemnitz, Fakultät für Maschinenbau Chemnitz (2012) 265-273

Shams El-Din, M; Koerdt, M; Wochnowski, C; Vollertsen, F; Sadik, A
Investigation of a UV-laser generated waveguide in a planar polymer chip unsing an improved interfeometric method
Quelle: Optics and Lasers in Engineering 50 (2012) 405-412

Swider, M; Langohr, A; Möller, F
Entwicklung flussmittelfreier Lote und Prozesse zum Löten von Aluminiumlegierungen
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 64, 8 (2012) 490-496

Thomy, C
IIW-Kommission IV „High Power Beam Processes“
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 64, 11 (2012) 743-746

Thomy, C, Vollertsen, F
Laser-MIG hybrid welding of aluminium to steel - effect of process parameters on joint properties
Quelle: Welding in the World 56 5/6 (2012) 124-132, also in: auch in: Proc. IIW International Institute of Welding Com. XII Annual Assembly, Singapore, July 2009, IIW Doc. No. XII-1958-09

Vollertsen, F
Effects on the deep drawing diagram in micro forming
Quelle: Production Engineering Research & Development 6, 1 (2012) 11-18

Vollertsen, F
IIW-Kommission IV „Hochleistungs-Strahlprozesse“
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 64, 3 (2012) 133-135

Volpp, J
Investigation on the influence of different laser beam intensity distributions on keyhole geometry during laser welding
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net Shap Engineering (LANE 2012), Physics Procedia 39/2012, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Geiger. Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2012) 17-26

Volpp, J; Gatzen, M; Vollertsen, F
Simplified analytical modeling of dynamic behavior of the keyhole for different spatial laser intensity distributions during laser deep penetration welding
Quelle: 6th international conference "Mathematical modeling and information technologies in welding and related processes". Essays Kiew (2012) 

Wang, N; von Kopylow, C; Falldorf, C
Rapid optical inspection of micro deep drawing parts by means of digital holography
Quelle: Production Engineering 6, 1 (2012) 47-53

Wielage, H; Hu, Z; Vollertsen, F
Fracture behavior of thin foils
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Technology 212, 3 (2012) 685-688 

Wielage, H; Hu, Z; Vollertsen, F
Influence of punch velocity on spring back in micro forming
Quelle: Key Engineering Materials, 504-506 (2012) 593-598, also in: Material Forming (ESAFORM 2012), eds.: M. Merklein, H. Hagenah. Trans Tech Publication Ltd Zürich (2012) 593 -598 

Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F
Difficulties and prevention methods in mechanicall and non-mechanical micro drawing with high work piece velocities
Quelle: Proc. of th 3rd International Conference on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 12), eds.: S. J. Yuan, F. Vollertsen, Z. R. Wang, T. A. Dean. Harbin China (2012)

Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F
Influence of punch velocity on shape accuracy in micro forming
Quelle: Proc. of the 12th euspen International Conference, eds.: P. Shore, H. Spaan, T. Burke. Euspen Headquaters, Bedford/UK (2012) 128-131

Woizeschke, P; Möller, F; Vollertsen, F
Laserstrahlfügen von CFK- und Aluminiumbauteilen für den Leichtbau von morgen
Quelle: Laser-Magazin 4 (2012) 6-7

Woizeschke, P; Vollertsen, F
Challenges of investigating distortion effects in laser micro welding
Quelle: Proc. of the 37th International MATADOR Conference, eds.: S. Hinduja, L. Li. Springer Verlag London (2012) 319-322

Wottschel, V; Möller, F
CFRP aluminium structures realized by laser beam brazing
Quelle: Proc. IIW International Institute of Welding, Com. XVII Intermediate Meeting Portugal (2012) Doc. No. XVII-A-0026-12 (online)

Zeiler, M; Seefeld, T; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Distortion effects in MIG welding of automotive aluminium structures
Quelle: Proc. IIW Com. XII Annual Assembly, July 8-13, Denver/USA (2012) XII-2089-12

Zhang, P; Mehrafsun, S; Goch, G; Vollertsen, F
A quality control system for laser chemical finishing of micro forming tools
Quelle: International Conference of the Eureopean Society for Precision Engineering & Nanotechnology (EUSPEN'12), eds.: P. Shore, H. Spaan, T. Burke. Euspen Headquarters Bedford (2012) 328V1-331V1 



Agour, M
Determination of the complex amplitude of monochromatic light from a set of intensity obervations
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 47, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. B. Bergmann, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2011) 

Koerdt, M
Herstellung von integriert-optischen Sensorstrukturen in Polymersubstraten basierend auf Brechzahländerungen durch ultraviolette Laserstrahlung
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 45, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. B. Bergmann, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2011)

Seefeld, T
Laser-Randschichtschmelzen mit erhöhter Prozessgeschwindigkeit am Beispiel von Aluminium-Zylinderlaufbahnen
Quelle: Strahltechnik Band 42, eds,: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2011)

Stephen, A
Elektrochemisches Laser-Jet-Verfahren zur Mikrostrukturierung von Metallen
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 46, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. B. Bergmann, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2011)

Thomy, C
Dynamisches Prozessverhalten beim Laserstrahl-MSG-Hybridschweißen
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 43, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2011)

Vollertsen, F
Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion – Proceedings of the IWOTE’11: International Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 41, ed. F. Vollertsen. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2011)

Wielage, H
Hochgeschwindigkeitsumformen durch laserinduzierte Schockwellen
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 44, eds. F. Vollertsen, R. B. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2011)


Bothe, T; Gesierich, A; Li, W; Schulte, M
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Kalibrierung einer optischen Einrichtung
Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2005 061 931.2 (2011)

Edelmann, K; Frese, T; Brandt, C; Kethler, J; von Kopylow, C
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Qualitätsprüfung eines umgeformten thermoplastischen faserverstärkten Kunststoffbauteils
Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2009 038 746 B3 (2011) Patentschrift EP 2 470 858 B1 (2013)

Kalms, M; von Kopylow, C
Vorrichtung zur laseoptischen Erzeugung von mechanischen Wellen zur Bearbeitung und/oder Untersuchung eines Körpers
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2010 001 357 A1 (2011)

Meeser, T; Falldorf, C; Bothe, T
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Generieren eines digitalend Hologramms
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2010 029 667 A1 (2011)

Schulte, M; Gesierich, A; Li, W; Bothe, T
Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Struktur einer spiegelnden Oberfläche eines Objekts
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2010 029 627 B4 (2011)


Agour, M; Almoro, P; von Kopylow, C; Falldorf, C
Investigation of smooth wave fronts using SLM-based phase retrieval and a phase diffuser
Quelle: 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic Systems, 07-09.12.2011 Bremen. (CD-Rom) ISBN 978-3-00-033711-6 (2011)

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Automated compensation of misalignment in phase retrieval based on a spatial light modulator
Quelle: Applied Optics 50 (2011) 4779-4787

Agour, M; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
The effect of misalignment in phase retrieval based on a spatial light modulator
Quelle: SPIE Optical Metrology Munich - Optical Measurement Systems for industrial inspection VII, eds.: P. H. Lehmann, W. Osten, K. Gastinger. SPIE Bellingham WA (2011) 80820M-1-80820M-10

Babaei, M; Luttmann, A; Schmidt, A; Barr, A; von Rebenstock, H; Vollertsen, F
Vorstellung eines Modells für gekoppelte Simulationen von Schweiß- und Zugversuchen zur Festigkeitsbeurteilung von hybriden Verbindungen
Quelle: SYSWELD Forum 2011, eds.: J. Hildebrand, T. Loose, A. Gittens. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (2011) 67 - 79 

Bill, A; Bergmann, R B
Development of the grain size distribution during the Crystallization of an Amorphous Solid
Quelle: MRS Fall Meeting 2010, ed. R. Hühne. Cambridge University Press Cambridge(2011)

Bülters, M; Schröder, M; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Novel three-dimensional Polymer Waveguides for Optical on-Chip Interconnects
Quelle: 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic Systems, 07-09.12.2011 Bremen. (CD-Rom) ISBN 978-3-00-033711-6 (2011)

Buschenhenke, F; Babaei, M
Influence of joint geometries on distortion during laser beam welding of shaft-hub joints
Quelle: 3rd International Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion (IWOTE 2011), ed. F. Vollertsen. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2011) 1-13

Buschenhenke, F; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Distortion control during laser beam welding of shaft-hub joints within a process chain
Quelle: Proc. of 30th ICALEO, LIA Congress Proceeding. CD-Rom 614 (2011) 427-434

Buschenhenke, F; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Strategies for reduced distortion during laser beam welding of shaft-hub joints
Quelle: 3rd International Conference on Distortion Engineering (IDE 2011), eds.: H.-W. Zoch, Th. Lübben (2011) 303-311 Auch in: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 43/1-2 (2012) 105-111

Chongbunwatana, K; Vollertsen, F
Influence of weld pool geometry on workpiece distortion during laser beam welding
Quelle: 3rd International Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion (IWOTE 2011), ed. F. Vollertsen. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2011) 35-48

Dankwart, C; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B; Meier, A; Gläbe, R
Diamond turned holograms for intensity reconstruction in Fresnel domains
Quelle: 10th Euro-American Workshop on Information Optics (WIO) (2011) 978-1-4577-1226-5/11 (online)

Dankwart, C; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Design of diamond turned holograms for tilted illumination and reconstruction
Quelle: Proceedings 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic systems, 7.-9.12.2011, Bremen (CD-ROM), ISBN 978-3-00-033711-6 (2011)

Falldorf, C
Measuring the complex amplitude of wave fields by means of shear interferometry
Quelle: Journal of the Optical Society of America 28, 8 (2011) 1-13

Fan, J; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Effect of thermal cycle on the formation of intermetallic compounds in laser welding of aluminium-steel overlap joints
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2011), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Zaeh, T. Graf, A. Ostendorf. Elsevier Amsterdam (2011) 134-141

Gatzen, M; Tang, Z; Vollertsen, F
Effect of electromagnetic stirring on the element distribution in laser beam welding of aluminium with filler wire
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2011), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Zaeh, T. Graf, A. Ostendorf. Elsevier Amsterdam (2011) 56-65

Gatzen, M; Tang, Z; Vollertsen, F
Magnetic stirring in laser beam welding of Al 99.5 with silicon containing filler wire
Quelle: Proc. Of the European Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ECAA 2011), ed.: J. Hirsch (2011) 184-186 (CD-Rom)

Gatzen, M; Tang, Z; Vollertsen, F; Mizutani, M; Katayama, S
X-Ray Investigation of Melt Flow Behaviour Under Magnetic Stirring Regime in Laser Beam Welding of Aluminium
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 23, 3 (2011) 032002-1-10 (online)

Goecke, S; Hübner, M; Möller, F; Thomy, C
Joining and Repair of Aluminium-Steel Mixed Joints
Quelle: 16. International Conferenz on the Joining of Materials (JOM). Sankt Helene, Tisvildeleje, Denmark (2011), 1-7

Grden, M
In-process measurements of the mechanical behavior of aluminium sheets during laser beam forming
Quelle: 3rd International Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion (IWOTE’11), ed. F. Vollertsen. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2011) 293-303

Hildebrand, A; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Resolution enhancement in digital holography by optoelectronic sub-pixel shifting
Quelle: 10th Euro-American Workshop on Information Optics (WIO 2011). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (2011) online

Hu, Z
Realisation and application of size dependent FEM-simulation for deep drawing of rectangular work pieces
Quelle: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (2011) 90-95

Hu, Z; Vollertsen, F
Auslegung von Mikrotiefziehwerkzeugen zur Bestimmung der Werkzeuglebensdauer
Quelle: 5. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion und Abschlusskolloquium SFB 499, eds.: O. Kraft, A. Haug, F. Vollertsen, S. Büttgenbach. KIT Scientific Publishing Karlsruhe (2011) 191-196

Hu, Z; Vollertsen, F
Investigation on the optimisation of the blank shape for micro deep drawing of rectangular parts
Quelle: Steel Research International , Special Edition: 10th Int. Conf. on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2011), eds.: G.Hirt, A. E. Tekkaya. Wiley-VCH Weinheim (2011) 974-978

Hu, Z; Vollertsen, F
Optimisation of the blank shape for micro deep drawing of rectangular parts
Quelle: The 14th International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2011), ed.: G. Menary. American Institute of Physics (2011) 523-528 (online)

Hu, Z; Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F
Economic micro forming using DLC- and TiN-coated tools
Quelle: Journal for Technology of Plasticity, ed.: M. Plancak. Faculty of Technical Sciences, Institute for Production Engineering Novi Sad/Serbia (2011) 51-58

Hu, Z; Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F
Forming Behavior of Thin Foils
Quelle: 14th International Conference on Sheet Metal (Sheet Metal 2011), eds.: J. R.Duflou, R.Clarke, M. Merklein, F. Micari, B. Shirvani, K. Kellens. Trans Tech Publications Zürich-Durnten (2011) 1008-1015

Huferath-von Lüpke, S; Huke, P; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Wear recording at micro deep drawing tools with comparative digital holography
Quelle: Proceedings 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic systems, 7.-9.12.2011, Bremen (CD-ROM), ISBN 978-3-00-033711-6 (2011)

Kalms, M; Peters, C; Wierbos, R 
Assessment of Carbon Fiber-reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide by Means of Laser Ultrasound
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE Nondestructive Characterization of Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure and Homeland Security 2011, ed. F. Wu. SPIE Bellingham (2011) 

Kamau, E; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Robust Digital Speckle Photography Based on Radon and Fourier-Mellin Transforms
Quelle: International Conference on Optical Instrument and Technology (SPIE 2011), ed. L. Weber et al. SPIE Bellingham WA (2011) 82020A-1-8

Kamau, E; Frerichs, F; Geldmacher, J; von Kopylow, C
In-Process Distortion Measurement During a Gas Quenching Process Through Digital Speckle Photography
Quelle: Production Engineering Research and Development (2011) 5:167-173 

Kamau, E; von Kopylow, C; Sakkiettibutra, J; Mundt, J
Monitoring a Laser Beam Heat Treatment Process by Means of Digital Speckle Photography
Quelle: Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Distortion Engineering (IDE2011), eds.: H.-W. Zoch, Th. Lübben. Bremen (2011) 591-597 auch in: Materialwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnik 43/1-2 (2012) 130-135

Kibben, S; Koerdt, M; Kropp, M; Dumstorff, G; Lang, G
Fiber Bragg grating based bend sensor with compact evaluation unit
Quelle: Proceedings 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic systems, 7.-9.12.2011, Bremen (CD-ROM), ISBN 978-3-00-033711-6 (2011)

Köhler, H; Partes, K; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Influence of laser reconditioning on fatigue properties of crankshafts
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2011), eds.: M. Schmidt, M. F. Zaeh, T. Graf. Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2011) 512-518

Koerdt, M; Vollertsen, F
Fabrication of an integrated optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on refractive index modification of polymethylmethacrylate by krypton fluoride excimer laser radiation
Quelle: Applied Surface Science 257 (2011) 5237-5240

Kreis, T
Holographic Approach to 3D-Television
Quelle: Proc. of 22nd International Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Light for the Development of the World (invited paper), ed.: R. Rodriguez-Vera, R. Diaz-Uribe (2011) 80110H-1-10

Kreis, T; Rosenboom, L; Jüptner, W
Industrial Surface Inspection by Wavelet Analysis
Quelle: Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VII, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8082, eds.: P. H. Lehmann, W. Osten, K. Gastinger. SPIE (2011) 808234-1-8

Kuhfuß, B; Moumi, E; Tracht, K; Weikert, F; Stephen, A
Process chains in microforming technology using scaling effects
Quelle: International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2011), ed. G. Menary. American Institute of Physics (2011) 535-540 (online)

Meeser, T; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Reference Wave Adaptation in Digital Lensless Fourier Holography by means of a Spatial Light Modulator
Quelle: Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VII, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8082, eds.: P. H. Lehmann, W. Osten, K. Gastinger. SPIE München (2011) 808206-1-7

Mehrafsun, S; Zhang, P; Vollertsen, F; Goch, G
Laserchemische Feinbearbeitung von Mikroumformwerkzeugen bei geringen Laserleistungen
Quelle: wt-Werkstatttechnik online 11/12 (2011) 770-774

Möller, F; Grden, M; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Combined laser beam welding and brazing process for aluminium – titanium hybrid structures
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2011), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Zaeh, T. Graf, A. Ostendorf. Elsevier Amsterdam (2011) 215-223

Möller, F; Vollertsen, F
Fluxless brazing of aluminum with a coaxial laser plasma joining process
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly 2011 Com. XVII, Chennai, India (2011), paper no. XVII-A-0020-2011 (online)

Möller, J; Kibben, S; Koerdt, M; Dankwart, C; Vollertsen, F
Holographic lithography on tilted surfaces based on diamond-turned diffractive optical elements
Quelle: Proceedings 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic systems, 7.-9.12.2011, Bremen (CD-ROM), ISBN 978-3-00-033711-6 (2011)

Moumi, E; Doll, R; Schulz, A; Twardy, S; Kuhfuß, B; Partes, K; Riemer, O; Vollertsen, F
Investigations on Two Alternative Methods for Manufacturing Micro Forming Tools
Quelle: 6th Internatinal Conference and Exhibition on Design and Production of MACHINES and DIES/MOLDS, eds.: M. Akkök, E. Budak, M. Firat, B. Kaftanoglu. Atilim University Ankara (2011) 63-70K 

Parsi Sreenivas, V; Bülters, M; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Nanosized subsurface modification of mono-crystalline Silicon via non-linear absorption
Quelle: 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic Systems, 7.-9.12.2011, Bremen (CD-ROM), ISBN 978-3-00-033711-6 (2011)

Rosenboom, L; Kreis, T; Jüptner, W
Surface description and defect detection by wavelet analysis
Quelle: Measurement Science and Technology 22 (2011) 045102-1-9

Sakkiettibutra, J; Kamau, E
Influence of austenitisation and transformation hardening on the residual stress development of laser beam treated components made of 20MnCr5
Quelle: Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Distortion Engineering (IDE2011), eds.: H.-W. Zoch, Th. Lübben. Bremen (2011) 295-302 auch in: Materialwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnik 43/1-2 (2012) 171-177

Sakkiettibutra, J; Vollertsen, F
Differences in the residual stress development between laser-formed austenitic and mild steel sheets
Quelle: 3rd Int. Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion (IWOTE’11), ed.: F.Vollertsen. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2011) 145-167

Sakkiettibutra, J; Vollertsen, F
Possibilities and limitations of geometric simplifications for calculations of residual stresses and distortions
Quelle: Production Engineering Research & Development 5, 5 (2011) 485-495

Sandner, M; Bothe, T; Burke, J; von Kopylow, C
Absolut-Abstandsreferenz für die Streifenreflexionstechnik zur Verringerung systematischer Messfehler
Quelle: DGaO-Proceedings (2011) 0287-2011-A002-8 (online)

Sandner, M; von Kopylow, C
Einsatz von Messsystemen auf Basis der Streifenprojektions- und Streifenreflexionstechnik zur Konturmessung und Oberflächencharakterisierung
Quelle: Proc. XXV. Messtechnisches Symposium (2011), eds.: F. P. Léon, J.Beyerer. Shaker Verlag Aachen (2011) 163-174

Schimanski, K; Lang, A; Bitykov, V; von Hehl, A; Schumacher, J; Wottschel, V; Jablonski, F; Vollertsen, F; Hermann, A
Analysis of transition structures for FRP-aluminium compounds
Quelle: Proc. 60. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, DGLR Bonn (2011) CD-ROM. ISBN 978-3-932182-74-x

Schröder, M; Bülters, M; Parsi Sreenivas, V; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Novel concept for three-dimensional polymer waveguides
Quelle: 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic Systems, 07-09.12.2011 Bremen. (CD-Rom) ISBN 978-3-00-033711-6 (2011)

Schwander, M; Partes, K
A review of diamond synthesis by CVD processes
Quelle: Diamond & Related Materials 20 (2011) 1287-1301

Seefeld, T
Hochgeschwindigkeits-Laserlegieren von Aluminium-Zylinderlaufbahnen
Quelle: Große Schweißtechnische Tagung 2011, DVS-Berichte Band 275. Media GmbH Düsseldorf (2011) 284-290 

Seefeld, T
Verbesserung der Schweißeignung von Aluminium durch geeignete Schweißzusatzwerkstoffe
Quelle: Laser Magazin 2 (2011) 68-69

Sfarra, S; Huke, P; Theodorakeas, P; Paoletti, D; Avdelidis, N; Ambrosini, D; Klattenhoff, R; Koui, M
Non-destructive testing (NDT) methods used for the study of stone frescoes
Quelle: 6th NDT in Progress 2011, Prague 10.-12.10.2011 (online)

Stephen, A
Mechanisms and applications of laser chemical machining
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2011), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Zaeh, T. Graf, A. Ostendorf. Elsevier Amsterdam (2011) 261-267

Stephen, A; Brüning, H; Vollertsen, F
Fokuslagensteuerung beim laserbasierten Stoffanhäufen
Quelle: 5. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion und Abschlusskolloquium SFB 499, eds.: O. Kraft, A. Haug, F. Vollertsen, S. Büttgenbach. KIT Publishing Karlsruhe (2011) 155-160

Stephen, A; Gerhard, C; Vollertsen, F
Laser-chemical finishing of micro forming tools
Quelle: Laser-based Micro- and Nanopackaging and Assembly V (LBMP-V) ed. W. Pfleging, Y. Lu, K. Washio, J. Amako, W. Hoving. SPIE (2011) 79210J-1-6 (CD Rom)

Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F
Influence of the rod diameter on the upset ratio in laser-based free form heading
Quelle: Steel Research International , Special Edition: 10th Int. Conf. on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2011), eds.: G.Hirt, A. E. Tekkaya. Wiley-VCH Weinheim (2011) 220-223

Tang, Z
Grain Refinement by Laser Welding of AA 5083 with Addition of Ti/B
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2011), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Zaeh, T. Graf, A. Ostendorf. Elsevier Amsterdam (2011) 123-133

Tang, Z
Grain Refinement for Improved Weldability of Aluminium Alloys
Quelle: European Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ECAA 2011), ed.: J. Hirsch (2011) 198-200

Tang, Z; Schempp, P; Seefeld, T; Schwenk, C; Vollertsen, F
Kornfeinung beim WIG- und Laserstrahlschweißen von Aluminiumlegierungen
Quelle: Große Schweißtechnische Tagung 2011 (GST 2011) DVS Berichte Bd. 275 (2011) 153-160

Thomy, C
Aluminium-Stahl- und Aluminium-CFK-Mischverbindungen durch laserbasierten Fügeprozessen
Quelle: Laser Magazin 2 (2011) 22-23

Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Laser-Arc Hybrid Welding – Recent Advances in Research and Application
Quelle: Proc. IIW Com. IV Annual Assembly, July 17-21, 2011, Chennai, India. IIW Doc. IV-1058-11 (online)

Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F 
Laser-MIG hybrid welding of aluminium to steel – an analytical Model for wetting length
Quelle: Welding in the World 55, 1, 2 (2011) 58-66, also in Proc. IIW International Institute of Welding Com. IV Annual Assembly, Singapore (July 2009) IIW Doc. No. IV-974-09

Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Recent Developments in Laser Joining of Dissimilar Materials
Quelle: Proc. 30th International Congress on Applications of Laser Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2011), ed.: K. Washio. LIA Orlando/Florida (2011) 333-342

Vollertsen, F
Größeneffekte beim Mikroumformen
Quelle: 5. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion und Abschlusskolloquium SFB 499, eds.: O. Kraft, A. Haug, F. Vollertsen, S. Büttgenbach. KIT Publishing Karlsruhe (2011) 19-30

Vollertsen, F
IIW Kommission IV „Laser- und Elektronenstrahlschweißen“ – Visualisierung und Weiterentwicklung der Prozesstechnologien
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 63, 1-2 (2011) 59-62

Vollertsen, F
Size Effects in Micro Forming
Quelle: 14th International Conference on Sheet Metal (Sheet Metal 2011), eds.: J. R.Duflou, R.Clarke, M. Merklein, F. Micari, B. Shirvani, K. Kellens. Trans Tech Publications Zürich-Durnten (2011) 3-12

Vollertsen, F; Grünenwald, S
Laser and laser-hybrid welding of thick section material in scientific and industrial applications
Quelle: Journal of the Japan Welding Society 80, 1 (2011) 94-101, also in Japanese in "The Front Line of Welding Science and Technology in the World (2011) 94-101

Vollertsen, F; Reitemeyer, D
Laser joining of aluminum alloys – State of the art
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly 2011 Com. XVII, Chennai, India (2011), IIW-Doc. IV-1057-11 (online)

Vollertsen, F; Wielage, H
Advances in Micro Cold Forming
Quelle: Proceeding of PLASTICITY 11, ed.: A. S. Khan. NEAT PRESS Fulton, Maryland (2011) 226-228

von Bargen, R; Hu, Z; Zoch, H; Vollertsen, F
Effect of heat treatment on the hardness of micro deep drawn cups of Al-2Sc
Quelle: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 42, 11 (2011) 1035-1039

von Kopylow, C; Falldorf, C; Dankwart, C; Kibben, S; Bergmann, R B
Design, fabrication and applications of diamond turned holograms
Quelle: Proceedings 2nd International Symposium on Functional Surfaces 2011, eds.: E.Willenborg,B. Heeskens. Fraunhofer ILT Aachen (2011) 7

Wang, N; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Assessment of Digital Holography for 3D-Shape Measurement of Micro Deep Drawing Parts in comparison to Confocal Microscopy
Quelle: Proc. of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM 2011), ed. T. Proulx. Springer Verlag Berlin (2011) 93-98

Wang, N; von Kopylow, C; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Schnelle 3D-Formerfassung von Mikrotiefziehbauteilen mittels digitaler Holografie
Quelle: Photonik 4 (2011) 40-42 

Wielage, H; Hu, Z; Vollertsen, F
Fracture Behavior of Thin Foils
Quelle: 6th International Conference on MicroManufacturing (ICOMM 2011), eds.: K. Dohda. Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya, Japan (2011) 663-666

Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F
Analysis of Fracture Behavior in Plastic Shaping by Laser Shock Forming
Quelle: Proc. International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2011) eds.: G. Hirt, A. E. Tekkaya. Verlag Stahleisen Düsseldorf (2011) 1076-1080

Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F
Classification of laser shock forming within the field of high speed forming processes
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Technology 211 (2011) 953-957

Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F
Influence of entrapped air in laser shock die forming on the work piece shape
Quelle: Proc. 8th International Conference on Industrial Tools and Material Processing Technologies (ICIT&MPT 2011), ed.: J. M. Slabe. TECOS Celje, Slovenia (2011) 201-104, also in: Int. J. of Microstructure and Materials Properties (IJMMP)

Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F
Undercuts by Laser Shock Forming
Quelle: The 14th International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2011), ed.: G. Menary. American Institute of Physics (2011) 1309-1312 (online)

Wottschel, V
Laserstrahlfügen integraler CFK-Metall-Verbindungen
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 63/7 (2011) 398

Wottschel, V; Möller, F; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F; Schiebel, P; Herrmann, A; Schimanski, K; Zoch, H-W
Novel method for joining CFRP to aluminium
Quelle: 18. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde, ed. B. Wielage. Eigenverlag Chemnitz, Band 41 (2011) 338-345 

Yassien, K; Agour, M Digital Holographic Interferometry: Optomechanical Properties of Fibers
Quelle: Polymer Engineering & Science 51 (2011) 2118-1225

Zeiler, M; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Influence of gap and edge offset on weld distortions by MIG-welding on aluminum alloys
Quelle: 3rd International Workshop on Thermal Forming and Welding Distortion (IWOTE’11), ed. F. Vollertsen. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2011) 15-23 also in: European Conference on Aluminium Alloys ECAA (2011)

Zhang, P; Mehrafsun, S; Lübke, K; Goch, G; Vollertsen, F
Laserchemische Feinbearbeitung und Qualitätsprüfung von Mikrokaltumformwerkzeugen
5. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion und Abschlusskolloquium SFB 499, eds.: O. Kraft, A. Haug, F. Vollertsen, S. Büttgenbach. KIT Publishing Karlsruhe (2011) 169-176



Falldorf, C
Bestimmung der komplexwertigen Amplitude von Wellenfeldern auf Basis des Prinzips der Selbstreferenz
Quelle: Strahltechnik Band 39, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. B. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2010) 

Schmidt, M; Vollertsen, F; Geiger, M (Hrsg)
Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering 6, Proceedings of the 6th LANE, 21.-24.09.2010, Erlangen
Quelle: Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2010)

Vollertsen, F; Reitemeyer, D (Hrsg)
Laserstrahlfügen: Prozesse, Systeme, Anwendungen, Trends
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 40, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2010)


Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Jüptner, W
Interferometer zur Umsetzung des Prinzips der Selbstreferenz auf Basis eines räumlichen Lichtmodulators
Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2008 060 689.8 (08.04.2010)

Herrmann, A; Schiebel, P; Hoffmeister, C; Vollertsen, F; Thomy, C
Connections between a monolithic metal component and a continuous-fiber reinforced laminate composite, and method for the production of the same
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift WO 2010/031372 (2010)

Herrmann, A; Schiebel, P; Hoffmeister,C.; Vollertsen, F; Thomy, C
Verbindungen zwischen einem monolithischen Metallbauteil und einem endlos faserverstärkten Laminatbauteil sowie Verfahren zur Herstellung derselben (CFK-Metallfügen)
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2008 047 333 A1 (2010)

Hildebrand, A; Bergmann, R B
Verfahren zum Separieren eines Halbleiter-Wafers von einem Halbleiterkristall
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2009 005 303.4 (2010)

Reitemeyer, D; Partes, K; Seefeld, T
Laserbearbeitungskopf mit integrierter Sensoreinrichtung zur Fokuslagenüberwachung
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2009 007 769 A1 (2010)


Agour, M; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C
Digital pre-filtering approach to improve optically reconstructed wavefields in opto-electronic holography
Quelle: Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 12 (2010) 055401-1-7

Agour, M; Huke, P; von Kopylow, C; Falldorf, C
Shape Measurement by Means of Phase Retrieval using a Spatial Light Modulator
Quelle: International Conference on Advanced Phase Measurement Methods in Optics and Imaging, eds.: P. K. Rastogi, E. Hack. American Institute of Physics (2010) 265-270

Baumeister, M; Scholz, T; Dickmann, K; Vollertsen, F
Influence of Mie-scattering on high-speed micro-perforation considering brilliant laser radiation
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications, 22, 2 (2010) 48-55

Bergmann, R B; Bothe, T; Falldorf, C; Huke, P; Kalms, M; von Kopylow, C
Optical Metrology and Optical Non-Destructive Testing from the Perspective of Object Characteristics
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE Optical and Engineering Applications, Interferometry XV: Applications (invited paper), eds,: C.Furlong, C. Gorecki, E. L. Novak. Bellingham WA (2010) 1-15

Bernasovsky, P; Hamak, I; Palo, M; Grünenwald, S; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Properties of laser-GMA-hybrid welded joints of X-70 steel
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly 2010 Com. XII, Istanbul, Turkey (2010) IIW-Doc. IX-2341-10 (CD-Rom)

Bernasovsky, P; Hamak, I; Palo, M; Grünenwald, S; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Vlastnosti tvarov rurovej ocele L485MB zhotovenych hybridnou metodou MAG s vysokovykonnym vlaknovym laserom (Properties of high power fibre laser hybrid welds of L485MB pipe steel
Quelle: Zvaranie Svarovani, 7-8, 59 (2010) 147-154

Bothe, T; Li, W; Schulte, M; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B; Jüptner, W
Vision Ray Calibration for the Quantitative Geometric Description of General Imaging and Projection Optics in Metrology
Quelle: Applied Optics 49 (2010) 5851-5860

Brenner, N; von Bargen, R; Hu, Z; Lübke, K
Vom Blech zum gehärteten Mikronapf
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 04, 10 (2010) 32-35

Buschenhenke, F; Hofmann, M; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Distortion and residual stresses in laser beam weld shaft-hub joints
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net shape Engineering (LANE 2010), Physics Procedia 5, 2, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Geiger. Meisenbach Bamberg (2010) 89-98 

Buschenhenke, F; Hofmann, M; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Distortion and residual stresses in laser beam welded shaft-hub joints
Quelle: Proc. of 29th ICALEO, LIA Congress Proceedings CD-ROM 613 (2010) 389-397

Cuypers, P; von Freyberg, A; Goch, G; Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F
Modellgestützte Prozessplanung zur laserchemischen Herstellung von Mikroumformwerkzeugen
Quelle: TM Technisches Messen 77/4 (2010) 229 - 236

Dankwart, C; Falldorf, C; Gläbe, R; Lünemann, B; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Design of diamond turned holograms incorporating properties of the fabrication process
Quelle: Applied Optics 49 (2010) 4949-4955

Dankwart, C; Falldorf, C; Gläbe, R; Lünemann, B; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Modeling of the optical behavior of diamond turned holograms
Quelle: EOS Topical Meeting on Diffractive Optics 2010 Digest (EOS 2010). European Optical Society (2010) 2488 (online)

Falldorf, C; Agour, M; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Design of an Optical System for Phase Retrieval based on a Spatial Light Modulator
Quelle: International Conference on Advanced Phase Measurement Methods in Optics and Imaging), eds.: P. K. Rastogi, E. Hack. Locarno, Switzerland (2010) 259-264

Falldorf, C; Agour, M; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Phase retrieval by means of a spatial light modulator in the fourier domain of an imaging system
Quelle: Applied Optics 49 (2010) 1826-1830

Falldorf, C; Kopylow, C; Agour, M; Bergmann, R B
Measurement of Thermally induced Deformations by means of Phase Retrieval
Quelle: Proc. of the International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT 2010), eds.: F. Janabi-Sharifi, J. Kofman. IEEE (2010) 1-5

Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulators in Optical Metrology
Quelle: Proc. of the 9th Euro-American Workshop on Information Optics, eds.: T. J. Naughton, B. Javidi. IEEE (2010) 1-3 

Focke, O; Huke, P; Hildebrand, A
Defect detection on carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) with laser generated lamb waves
Quelle: Proc. of the 37th annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructtive Evaluation (QNDE), ed. D. O. Thompson, D. E. Chimenti. American Institute of Physics Melville, N.J. (2010) 281-288

Gatzen, M; Tang, Z
CFD-based model for melt flow in laser beam welding of aluminium with coaxial magnetic field
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (LANE 2010), Physics Procedia 5, 2, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Geiger. Meisenbach Bamberg (2010) 317-326

Gerhard, C; Doll, R; Partes, K; Vollertsen, F
Licht als Werkzeug im Werkzeugbau
Quelle: optolines 23 (2010) 11-13 

Gerhard, C; Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F
Die Chemie stimmt – Laserchemische Mikromaterialbearbeitung erlaubt eine hohe Bearbeitungsqualität bei geringer Laserleistung.
Quelle: Laser+Photonik 1 (2010) 42-44

Gerhard, C; Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F
Lasermikrostrukturierung in der industriellen Anwendung
Quelle: Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik (LEF), eds.: M. Schmidt, M. Geiger, C. Kägeler. Meisenbach Bamberg (2010) 115-121 

Gerhard, C; Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F
Limits for interferometric measurements on rough surfaces in streaming inhomogeneous media
Quelle: Production Engineering 4, 2 (2010) 141-146

Gerhard, C; Vollertsen, F
Ein modifiziertes Bath-Interfrometer zur Profilmessung von Mikrostrukturen
Quelle: tm - Technisches Messen 11 (2010), 579-582

Gerhard, C; Vollertsen, F
Interferometric in-process measurement of free-form surfaces in laser chemical manufacturing
Quelle: Proc. of the 11th International Symposium on Laser-Precision Microfabrication (LPM2010), Hrsg.: Japan Laser Processing Society (2010) paper no. 10-38 (online)

Gerhard, C; Vollertsen, F
Interferometrische Profilmessung in der laserchemischen Mikromaterialbearbeitung
Quelle: Photonik 4 (2010) 33-35 

Gerhard, C; Vollertsen, F
Laser in der Mikrotechnologie
Quelle: Industrie Management 26, 6 (2010) 33-36

Grden, M; Mundt, J; Vollertsen, F
Energy distribution characteristics at defocused laser heating along high curvature paths
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th int. Conf. MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN WELDING AND RELATED PROCESSES, eds.: V. I. Makhnenko. E.O. Paton. Electric Welding Institute of the NAS Kiev (2010) 33-37

Grden, M; Sakkiettibutra, J; Vollertsen, F; Johnigk, C; Emonts, M; Brecher, C; Eckert, M
Prozessauslegung beim laserstrahlunterstützten Stanzen
Quelle: Laser Technik Journal 6 (2010) 36-41 

Grden, M; Vollertsen, F
Efficient Simulation Method for Incremental Thermal Sheet Bending Using Plasma
Quelle: Modelling of incremental forming processes, Ed.: G. Hirt. Shaker Verlag, Aachen (2010) 75-94

Grünenwald, S
Solutions for joining pipe steels using laser-GMA-hybrid welding processes
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering ( LANE 2010) Physics Procedia 5, 2, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Geiger. Meisenbach Bamberg (2010) 77-87 

Grünenwald, S
Technical aspects of welding X70 pipe steel with high power fibre laser-GMA-hybrid welding
Quelle: The Laser User 58 (2010) 34-35 

Grünenwald, S; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Laser-Hybridschweißen mit dem Faserlaser – Ansätze für einen wirtschaftlichen Schweißprozess in der Rohrherstellung
Quelle: Laser 3, 42 (2010) 24-27

Grünenwald, S; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F; Gook, S
Laserstrahl-MSG-Hybridschweißen dicker Bleche aus Rohrleitungsstahl mit Faserlasern hoher Leistung
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 62 (2010) 338-347

Hildebrand, A; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Resolution Enhancement by Time-multiplexed Acquisition of Sub-pixel Shifted Images Employing a Spatial Light Modulator
Quelle: Proc. of the International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT 2010), eds.: F. Janabi-Sharifi, J. Kofman. IEEE (2010) 1-6

Holtz, R; Seefeld, T
Auswertung der Umfrage zum DVS-Forschungsseminar 2010 „Strahlschweißen von Aluminium“
Quelle: DVS-Forschungsseminar, DVS-Berichte Band 266. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2010) 68-72

Hu, Z; Huferath-von Lüpke, S; von Kopylow, C; Vollertsen, F
Characteristics of wear behavior of micro deep drawing tools
Quelle: Proceedings of International Conference on Advance in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2010), eds.: F. Chinesta, Y. Chastel, M. El Mansori. AIP Melville New York (2010) 335-340 (online)

Hu, Z; Vollertsen, F
Effect of size and velocity dependent friction in deep drawing on the process window
Quelle: Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes (ICTMP (2010), ed. E. Felder, P. Montmitonnet. Transvalor Paris (2010) 583-592

Hu, Z; Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F
Effect of strain rate on the forming limit diagram of thin aluminum foil
Quelle: Proc. of the International Forum on Micro Manufacturing (IFMM'10), ed.: K. Dohda. Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya (2010) 181-186

Huferath-von Lüpke, S; Baumbach, T; Kolenovic, E; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C
Digital Alignment of a reconstructed Hologram for Measurement of Deterioration of Tools
Quelle: 36th International MATADOR Conference, eds.: S. Hinduja, L. Li. Springer Verlag London (2010) 331-334

Huferath-von Lüpke, S; von Kopylow, C; Kreis, T
Digital holographic recording using spatially resolved multi wavelength
Quelle: Optical Data Storage, ed.: S. Orlic, R. Katayama. SPIE ( 2010) 773005-1-9

Huke, P; Focke, O; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B
Contactless Defect Detection using Optical Methods for Non Destructive Testing
Quelle: Proc. 2nd international Symposium on NDT in Aerospace, Hamburg (2010) 1-8 (CD-Rom)

Köhler, H
Siemens Energy Sector Gasturbinenwerk Berlin
Quelle: In: Abschlussbericht WGP - Summer School Sustainable Manufacturing. Hrsg. G. Seliger, A. Postawa, Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, Berlin (2010) 101-105 

Köhler, H; Partes, K; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Laser reconditioning of crankshafts: From lab to application
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (LANE 2010), Physics Procedia 5, 2, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Geiger. Meisenbach Bamberg (2010) 387-397

Köhler, H; Partes, K; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Laser reconditioning of crankshafts: From lab to application
Quelle: Proc. 29th Int. Cong. on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2010) LIA Publication 613 (CD) paper 1104, 408 - 415

Köhler, H; Schlosser, R; Denninger, R; Betancur, E; Schumann, S; Bauer, J
Nachhaltige Füge- und Beschichtungstechnik
Quelle: In: Abschlussbericht WGP - Summer School Sustainable Manufacturing. Hrsg. G. Seliger, A. Postawa, Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, Berlin (2010) 85-92

Lokovic, K; Bergmann, R B; Bill, A
Grain size distribution in crystallization processes with anisotropic growth rate
Quelle: Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1245 (2010) 1245-A16-07

Loose, T; Sakkiettibutra, J; Wohlfahrt, H
New 3D-calculations of residual stresses consistent with measured results of the IIW round robin programme
Quelle: Mathematical Moedelling of Weld Phenomena 9, eds.: H. Cerjak, N. Enzinger. Technische Universität Graz (2010) 369-390

Meeser, T; von Kopylow, C; Falldorf, C
Advanced digital lensless fourier holography by means of a spatial light modulator
Quelle: 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (3DTV-CON), ed.: A. Gotchev, L. Onural. IEEE ( 2010) 1-4

Möller, F; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F
Flussmittelfreies Hartlöten von Aluminiumlegierungen mit einem koaxialen Laser-Plasma-Hybridlötprozess
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 62, 5 (2010) 294 

Möller, F; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F; Schiebel, P; Hoffmeister, C; Herrmann, A
Novel method for joining CFRP to aluminium
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (LANE 2010), Physics Procedia 5, 2, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Geiger. Meisenbach Bamberg (2010) 37-45

Mundt, J; Kreis, T
Digital holographic recording and reconstruction of large scale objects for metrology and display
Quelle: Optical Engineering 49/12 (2010) 125801-1-125801-6

Mundt, J; Sakkiettibutra, J; Vollertsen, F
Modelling of the temperature-dependent absorption in laser heating process
Quelle: Proc. of the 5th int. conf. MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN WELDING AND RELATED PROCESSES, ed.: V. I. Makhnenko. E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of the NAS Kiev (2010) 171-175

Reitemeyer, D; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Erfassung und Kompensation der Fokuslagenverschiebung beim Schweißen mit Hochleistungs-Faserlasern
Quelle: 7. Laseranwenderforum (LAF'10), eds.: F. Vollertsen, D. Reitemeyer, BIAS-Verlag Bremen Bd. 40 (2010) 33-42

Reitemeyer, D; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Laserinduzierter Fokus Shift beim Schweißen mit Hochleistungs-Faserlasern
Quelle: Laser Magazin 2 (2010) 8-10 

Reitemeyer, D; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Online Focus Shift Measurement in High Power Fiber Laser Welding
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (LANE 2010), Physics Procedia 5, 1, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Geiger. Meisenbach Bamberg (2010) 455-463 

Reitemeyer, D; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Online Focus Shift Measurement in High Power Fiber Laser Welding
Quelle: Proc. 29th int. Cong. On Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2010) LIA Publication 613, paper 101, 13-20 (CD-Rom)

Reitemeyer, D; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F; Bergmann, J
The influence of laser-induced focus shift on high power fiber laser welding
Quelle: The Laser User 59 (2010) 30-31

Schulz, A; Cui, C; Zoch, H; Partes, K; Vollertsen, F
Micro cold working tools from hypereutectoid 8%Cr steels by spray forming and selective laser melting
Quelle: HTM - Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials, 65 (2010) 125-134

Seefeld, T
Centr-Al – Lösungen für das Schweißen von Aluminium im Fahrzeugbau
Quelle: 7. Laser-Anwenderforum (LAF'10), eds. F.Vollertsen, D. Reitemeyer. BIAS-Verlag Bremen, Bd. 40 (2010) 129-142

Seefeld, T
Chances and Challenges in Processing with High Brightness Lasers
Quelle: Proc. 29th Int. Cong. on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2010), paper 1506, 530-539 (CD-Rom)

Seefeld, T; Gumenyuk, A
Prozessverständnis beim Strahlschweißen von Aluminium
Quelle: DVS-Forschungsseminar, DVS-Berichte Band 266. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2010) 45-51

Stephen, A; Gerhard, C; Vollertsen, F
Präzisionsbearbeitung mit dem Laser – vom Stoffabtragen bis zum Stoffanhäufen
Quelle: wt Werkstatttechnik online 11, 12 (2010) 842-846

Stephen, A; Moumi, E
Rundkneten lasergenerierter Köpfe – Ein interessanter Prozess für die Serienfertigung von Mikrobauteile
Quelle: INNO 45 (2010) 9 

Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F
In die Tiefe gezogen
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 3 (2010) 36-37

Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F
Mechanisms and processing limits in laser thermochemical machining
Quelle: CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology 59 (2010) 251-254

Stephen, A; Vollertsen, F
Upset ratios in laser based free form heading
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering ( LANE 2010) Physics Procedia 5, 2, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Geiger. Meisenbach Bamberg (2010) 227-232

Tang, Z; Gatzen, M 
Influence on the dilution by laser welding of aluminum with magnetic stirring
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering (LANE 2010) Physics Proceedia 5, 2, eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, M. Geiger. Meisenbach Bamberg (2010) 125 - 137

Tang, Z; Gatzen, M; Vollertsen, F
Experimental investigation of the melt flow in Aluminum during laser welding with magnetic stirring
Quelle: Pacific International Conference on Applications of Lasers & Optics (PICALO’10) paper 403 (CD-Rom)

Teran, A; Bill, A; Bergmann, R B
Time evolution of the grain size distributions in random nucleation and growth crystallization processes
Quelle: Physical Review B 81 (2010) 075319-1-19

Thomy, C
Ideen in die Praxis – Begleitung industrieller Anwender im Entwicklungsprozess
Quelle: 7. Laser-Anwenderforum (LAF'10), ed. F.Vollertsen, D. Reitemeyer. BIAS-Verlag Bremen, Bd. 40 (2010) 63-74

Thomy, C; Möller, F; Vollertsen, F
Distortion effects in micro welding with fibre laser
Quelle: Proc. 29th int. Cong. On Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2010) LIA Publication 613, paper 301, 85-90 (CD-Rom)

Thomy, C; Möller, F; Vollertsen, F
Distortion effects in micro welding with single-mode fibre laser
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly 2010 Com. IV, Istanbul, Turkey (2010) IIW-Doc. IV-1025-10 (CD-Rom)

Thomy, C; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Gap tolerant Laser GMA hybrid welding process for thin sheet materials
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly 2010 Com. XII, Istanbul, Turkey (2010) IIW-Doc. XII-1991-10 (CD-Rom)

Thomy, C; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Laser-MSG-Hybridschweißen im Dünnblechbereich
Quelle: wt Werkstattstechnik online 100, 3 (2010) 211-216

Thomy, C; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F
Spalttolerantes Laser-MSG-Hybridschweißen von Feinblechen mit dem Single-mode-Faserlaser
Quelle: Proc. 8. Internationale Konferenz Strahltechnik (2010) 61-64

Vollertsen, F
IIW-Kommission IV: Hochleistungsstrahlverfahren
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 62, 6 (2010) 348-349

Vollertsen, F; Grünenwald, S; Rethmeier, M; Gumenyuk, A; Reisgen, U; Olschock, S
Welding of thick steel plates using fibre lasers and GMAW
Quelle: Welding in the World, Vol. 54, 3-4 (2010) R62-R70 auch in: Proc. IIW International Institute of Welding Commission IV Annual Assembly, Graz, Austria, 06.-11.07.2008, IIW Doc. Nr. IV-965-08 (CD-Rom)

Vollertsen, F; Hu, Z
Analysis of punch velocity dependent process window in micro deep drawing
Quelle: Production Engineering - Research and Development 4 (2010) 553-559 

Vollertsen, F; Hu, Z; Stock, H; Köhler, B
On the limit drawing ratio of magnetron sputtered aluminium-scandium foils within micro deep drawing
Quelle: Production Engineering - Research and Development 4 (2010) 451-456

Vollertsen, F; Hu, Z; Wielage, H; Blaurock, L
Fracture Limits of Metal Foils in Micro Forming
Quelle: 36th International MATADOR Conference, eds.: S. Hinduja, L. Li. Springer Verlag London (2010) 49-52

Vollertsen, F; Reitemeyer, D
Characterisation of Focus Shift in High Power Fiber Laser Welding
Quelle: IIW Annual Assembly 2010 Com. IV, Istanbul, Turkey (2010) IIW-Doc. IV-1019-10 (CD-Rom)

Vollertsen, F; Sakkiettibutra, J
Different types to use a laser as a forming tool
Quelle: Laser Assisted Net shape Engineering (LANE 2010), Physics Procedia 5, 2, eds.: M. Schmidt, F.Vollertsen, M.Geiger. Meisenbach Bamberg (2010) 193-203

Vollertsen, F; Thomy, C
Laser-Arc Hybrid Welding – Recent Advances in Research and Application
Quelle: 4th Pacific International Conference on Applications of Lasers and Optics (PICALO'10) paper 501 (CD-Rom)

Wang, N; von Kopylow, C; Falldorf, C
Rapid shape measurement of micro deep drawing parts by means of digital holographic contouring
Quelle: 36th International MATADOR Conference, eds.: S. Hinduja, L. Li. Springer Verlag London (2010) 45-48

Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F
Increase of acting pressure by adjusted tool geometry in laser shock forming
Quelle: Proceedings of International Conference on Advance in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2010), eds.: F. Chinesta, Y. Chastel, M. El Mansori. AIP Melville New York (2010) 763-768

Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F
Influence of different process parameters on deformation velocity in laser shock forming
Quelle: International Conference on High Speed Forming (ICHSF 2010), eds. G. Daehn, Y. Zhang, K. Babusci, C. Weddeling, M. Marré, E. Tekkaya. Manufacturing Institute Ohio und das Institut für Umformtechnik und Leichtbau Dortmund (2010) 285-294

Yassien, K; Agour, M; von Kopylow, C; Dessouky, H
On the Digital Holographic Interferometry of Fibrous Materials, I: Optical Properties of Polymer and Optical Fibers
Quelle: Optics and Lasers Engineering 48 (2010) 555-560

Zhang, P; Cuypers, P; Gerhard, C; von Freyberg, A; Stephen, A; Goch, G; Vollertsen, F
Control model for laser chemical machining of micro forming tools
Quelle: Proc. of 2nd CIRP International Conference on Process Machine Interactions, Vancouver, Canada (2010) CD-Rom



Baumeister, M 
Dynamische Laser-Mikroperforation mit single-mode Faserlaser
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd 38, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2009)

Hu, Z 
Analyse des tribologischen Größeneffekts beim Blechumformen
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd 37, eds.: F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2009)

Ostendorf, A; Graf, T; Petring, D; Otto, A; Vollertsen, F 
Lasers in Manufacturing 2009, Proceedings of the Fifth International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing, Munich, Germany, June 2009
Quelle: AT Fachverlag Stuttgart (2009)

Vollertsen, F 
Größeneinflüsse bei Fertigungsprozessen 
Quelle: BIAS Verlag Bremen (2009)

Vollertsen, F; Büttgenbach, S; Kraft, O; Michaeli, W 
4. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion
Quelle: BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2009)


Agour, M; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C 
Complementary Filtering Approach to Enhance the Optical Reconstruction of Holograms from a Spatial Light Modulator
Quelle: Fringe 2009: The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology, eds.: W. Osten, M. Kujawinska. Springer Heidelberg (2009) 205-210

Agour, M; Kolenovic, E; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C 
Suppression of higher diffraction orders and intensity improvement of optically reconstructed holograms from a spatial light modulator
Quelle: Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 11 (2009) 105405

Agour, M; Kreis, T 
Experimental investigation of holographic 3D-TV approach
Quelle: 3 DTV-Conference: The True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, eds.: J. Ostermann, L. Onural. IEEE Conference Proceedings (2009) 1-4 

Bardi, U; Giolli, C; Scrivani, A; Rizzi, G; Borgioli, F; Fossati, A; Partes, K; Seefeld, T; Sporer, D; Refke, A 
Development and Investigation on new Composite and Ceramic Coatings as possible abradable Seals
Quelle: Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 17, 5-6 (2009) 805-811 

Bill, A; Teran, A; Bergmann, R B 
Modelling the Grain Size Distribution during Solid Phase Crystallization of Silicon
Quelle: Material Research Society (MRS) (2009) 1153-A05-03

Bothe, T; Li, W; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B 
The fringe reflection technique for lens inspection and measurement
Quelle: Mafo - Ophthalmic Labs & Industrie, 1 (2009) 38-42 

Buschenhenke, F; Sakkiettibutra, J; Zeiler, M; Vollertsen, F 
Distortion during laser beam welding in consideration of the gap width
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM09) eds.: A. Ostendorf, T. Graf, D. Petring, A. Otto, F. Vollertsen. AT-Fachverlag Stuttgart (2009), 33-38

Buschenhenke, F; Seefeld, T; Schulz, A; Zoch, H; Vollertsen, F 
Hochlegierter AlSi-Zusatzwerkstoff für das Laserstrahlschweißen
Quelle: Aluminium Praxis - Zeitung für Bearbeitung & Anwendung 7, 8 (2009) 10

Buschenhenke, F; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F; Cui, C; Schulz, A; Zoch, H-W 
Entwicklung von Schweißzusatzwerkstoffen durch Sprühkompaktieren zur Verbesserung der Nahteigenschaften bei hochfesten Aluminiumwerkstoffen
Quelle: Der Praktiker 5 (2009) 170 - 171

Cuypers, P; von Freyberg, A; Stephen, A; Goch, G; Vollertsen, F 
Parameter- und Bahnplanung zur laserchemischen Herstellung von Mikroumformwerkzeugen
Quelle: XXIII. Messtechnisches Symposium des Arbeitskreises der Hochschullehrer für Messtechnik (AHMT 2009), ed.: G. Goch. Shaker-Verlag Aachen (2009) 101-117

Doll, R; Partes, K; Vollertsen, F 
Friction Measurements on Graded Metal Matrix Composites Generated by Selective Laser Melting
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM09), eds.: A. Ostendorf, T. Graf, D. Petring, A. Otto, F. Vollertsen. AT-Fachverlag Stuttgart (2009) 189-194

Doll, R; Partes, K; Vollertsen, F 
Untersuchung der Anpresskraft und der Reibgeschwindigkeit auf das Reibverhalten lasergenerierter Bauteile auf Kobaltbasis
Quelle: 4. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, eds.: F. Vollertsen, S. Büttgenbach, O. Kraft, W. Michaeli. BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2009) 269-279

Falldorf, C; Dankwart, C; Gläbe, R; Lünemann, B; von Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B 
Holographic projection based on diamond turned diffractive optical elements
Quelle: Applied Optics 48 (2009) 5782-5785

Falldorf, C; Klattenhoff, R; Gesierich, A; Kopylow, C; Bergmann, R B 
Lateral Shearing Interferometer based on a Spatial Light Modulator in the Fourier Plane
Quelle: The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology (Fringe 2009), eds.: W. Osten und M. Kujawinska. Springer (2009) 93-98

Falldorf, C; Osten, S; von Kopylow, C; Jüptner, W 
Shearing interferometer based on the birefringent properties of a spatial light modulator
Quelle: Optics Letters 34,18 (2009) 2727-2729

Franke, R; Bertram, T; Schulte, M; von Kopylow, C 
Development of a high accuracy automatic measurement system utilizing an industrial robot and a fringe projection system
Quelle: Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA 2009). IEEE International Conference Woburn USA (2009) 141-148

Gatzen, M; Tang, Z; Vollertsen, F 
Influence of a magnetic field in laser welding of aluminium
Quelle: 5th Int. Conf. on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP'09), online proceedings (2009) 

Grden, M; Vollertsen, F 
Spatial Reduction Simulation Strategy on an Incremental Thermal Forming Process
Quelle: 4th International Conference «Laser Technologies in Welding and Materials Processing» (2009)

Grünenwald, S 
Faserlaser und 30 kW
Quelle: Blech Rohre Profile 6-7 (2009) 34-35 

Grünenwald, S 
Laser welding thick material
Quelle: Industrial Laser Solutions, 24, 6 (2009) 4

Grünenwald, S 
Multipass welding with lasers and GMAW
Quelle: Industrial Laser Solutions 24, 5 (2009) 2

Grünenwald, S; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F 
Technical aspects of welding pipeline steels with high power fiber laser
Quelle: IIM Annual Meeting, Singapore (2009) IIW-paper XI-923-09

Hildebrand, A; Focke, O; von Kopylow, C 
Full field measurement of transient Lamb wave propagation in carbon fibre reinforced plastics using Digital Shearography
Quelle: The Sixteenth International Congress on sound and Vibration - Proceedings, eds. M. Pawelczyk, D. Bismor (2009) CD-ROM

Hu, Z; Vollertsen, F 
Comparison of the influence of flow curve variation and forming tool tolerance in micro deep drawing
Quelle: Journal for Technology of Plasticity 34, 1-2 (2009) 1-12

Hu, Z; Vollertsen, F 
Größenabhängige FEM-Simulation für die Blechumformung
Quelle: Größeneinflüsse bei Fertigungsprozessen, ed.: F. Vollertsen. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2009) 57-78

Hu, Z; Walther, R; Vollertsen, 
F Influence of size effects on the process window for deep drawing
Quelle: IDDRG Annual Conference, Golden/USA. eds.: B. S. Levy, D. K. Matlock, C. J. Van Tyne (2009) 785-796 

Hu, Z; Walther, R; Vollertsen, F 
Umformwerkzeuge beim Mikrotiefziehen – Einfluss der geometrischen Abweichungen der Werkzeuge auf die Stempelkraft beim Mikrotiefziehen
Quelle: wt Werkstattstechnik online 99, 11-12 (2009) 814-819

Huferath-von Lüpke, S; Bock, M; Grunwald, R 
Adaptive Bessel-autocorrelaton of ultrashort pulses with phase-only spatial light moldulators
Quelle: SPIE Europe - Modelling Aspects in Optical Metrology II, eds.: H. Bosse, B. Bodermann, R. M. Silver. SPIE Bellingham (2009) 73900B1-73900B8

Jüptner, W; Bothe, T 
Sub-nanometer resolution for the inspection of reflective surfaces using White Light
Quelle: The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE 2009, invited paper) eds.: M. Postek, J. Allgair. SPIE San Diego (2009) 740502 (online)

Kibben, S; Koerdt, M; Garcia, J; Kolpakov, S; Daren, S; Solomon-Tsvetkov, F; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F 
Single step holographic grating inscription in a PMMA-based copolymer
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM09) eds.: A. Ostendorf, T. Graf, D. Petring, A. Otto, F. Vollertsen. AT-Fachverlag Stuttgart (2009) 673-677

Kibben, S; Koerdt, M; Garcia, S; Kolpakov, S; Daren, S; Solomon-Tsvetkov, F; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F 
One-step volume holographic grating inscription in polymers
Quelle: Photonics West 2009-OPTO: Practical Holography XXIII: Materials and Applications, eds: H. I. Bjelkhagen, R. K. Kostuk. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Bellingham 7233 (2009) 72330M-1-72330M-10

Koerdt, M 
Fabrication and characterization of waveguide and grating structures induced by ultraviolet radiation in polymers with a shortened writing process
Quelle: Photonics West 2009-OPTO: Integrated Optoelectronic Devices, Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XI, eds.: R. L. Nelson, F. Kajzar, T. Kaino. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Bellingham 7213 (2009) 72130Y-0 - 72130Y-11

Köhler, H 
Selektives Laserschmelzen von gradierten Hartmetallschichten
Quelle: Young Professionals, DVS Landesverband Niedersachsen-Bremen und Hamburg-Schleswig-Holstein (2009) CD-ROM

Meeser, T; Huferath-von Lüpke, S; Kreis, T 
Digital holographic recording of large scale objects for metrology and display
Quelle: Fringe 2009: The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology, eds.: W. Osten, M. Kujawinska. Springer Verlag Heidelberg (2009) 501-504

Möller, F; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F 
Development of a plasma-laser brazing process for fluxless joining of aluminium to steel
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM09) eds.: A. Ostendorf, T. Graf, D. Petring, A. Otto, F. Vollertsen. AT-Fachverlag Stuttgart (2009), 83-88

Möller, F; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F 
Development of a Plasma-Laser Brazing Process for Fluxless Joining of Aluminium to Steel
Quelle: Proc. IIW International Institute of Welding Com. IV Annual Assembly, Singapore (July 2009) IIW Doc. No. IV-995-09 

Möller, F; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F 
Fügen von Aluminium-Stahl Tailored Blanks mittels eines Laser-Plasma Hybridprozesses
Quelle: Young Professionals, DVS Landesverband Niedersachsen-Bremen und Hamburg-Schleswig-Holstein (2009) CD-ROM 

Mujica, L; Weber, S; Pinto, H; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F 
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Welded Joints of TWIP and TRIP Steels
Quelle: Materials Science and Engineering A 527 (2009) 2071-2078

Mujica, L; Weber, S; Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F 
Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser welded austenitic high-manganese steels
Quelle: Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 14, 6 (2009) 517-522 

Näth, O; Stephen, A; Rösler, J; Vollertsen, F 
Structuring of nanoporous nickel-based superalloy membranes via laser etching
Quelle: Journal of Materials Processing Technology 209 (2009) 4739-4743

Naughton, T; Kreis, T; Onural, L; Ferraro, P; Depeursinge, C; Emery, Y; Hennelly, B; Kujawinska, M 
Processing of optically-captured digital holograms for three-dimensional display
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7329, eds. B. Javidi, J.-Y. Son, M. Martinez-Corral, F. Okano, W. Osten. SPIE Bellingham (2009) 73290A-1-11

Neumann, S; Seefeld, T 
Humping in single mode laser beam welding of different materials
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM09) eds.: A. Ostendorf, T. Graf, D. Petring, A. Otto, F. Vollertsen. AT-Fachverlag Stuttgart (2009) 9-14

Partes, K 
Analytical model of the catchment efficiency in high speed laser cladding
Quelle: Surface & Coatings Technology 204 (2009) 366-371

Pretorius, T; Vollertsen, F 
Simulation of the distortion manipulation of gear wheel teeth by thermal pre-stressing
Quelle: Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 40, 5-6 (2009) 479-484

Reitemeyer, D; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F; Bergmann, J 
Cover glass influence on high power fiber laser induced focus shift
Quelle: Proc. 28th Cong. on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO '09) LIA Publication 612 (2009) paper 1801, 751-758 (CD-ROM)

Reitemeyer, D; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F; Bergmann, J 
Influences on the laser induced focus shift in high power fiber laser welding
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM09) eds.: A. Ostendorf, T. Graf, D. Petring, A. Otto, F. Vollertsen. AT-Fachverlag Stuttgart (2009) 293-298

Sakkiettibutra, J; Loose, T; Wohlfahrt, H; Vollertsen, F 
Zur Wahl des Verfestigungsmodells bei der Berechnung von Schweißeigenspannungen
Quelle: SYSWELD Forum 2009, eds.: J. Hildebrand, T. Loose, A. Gittens, A. Universitätsverlag Weimar (2009) 21-33

Sakkiettibutra, J; Vollertsen, F 
Größeneffekte beim Stauchmechanismus am Beispiel geometrisch skalierter Brückenaktuatoren
Quelle: Größeneinflüsse bei Fertigungsprozessen, ed.: F. Vollertsen. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2009) 97-116

Schubnov, A; Vollertsen, F 
Dünne Schichten für Mikroumformwerkzeuge
Quelle: 50. Tribologie-Fachtagung - 50 Jahre GFT, eds.: Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V., Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle e. V. Gesellschaft für Tribologie e. V. (2009) 60/1-60/15, also in: Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik (2009)

Schubnov, A; Vollertsen, F 
Ein alternatives Verfahren zur Abscheidung von dünnen modifizierten Diamantschichten-Modellierungsmethoden für die Prozesszone
Quelle: Vakuum in Forschung und Praxis 21, 2 (2009) 24-26

Schulz, A; Cui, C; Buschenhenke, F; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F; Zoch, H-W 
Sprühkompaktierte Zusatzwerkstoffe für das Laserstrahlschweißen hochfester Aluminiumwerkstoffe
Quelle: HTM J. Heat Treatm. Mat. 64, 2 (2009) 107-114

Schulz, A; Cui, C; Uhlenwinkel, V; Buschenhenke, F; Seefeld, T; Vollertsen, F; Zoch, H-W
Spray forming of hypereutectic Al-Si-filler materials for welding high strength aluminum alloys
Quelle: Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Spray Deposition and Melt Atomization (SDMA 2009) and 7th Int. Conf. on Spray Forming (ICSF VII 2009), Sept. 7-9, 2009 Bremen (CD-ROM) 

Seefeld, T 
Das Kompetenzzentrum Schweißen von Aluminiumlegierungen – schweißtechnische Forschung für Aluminiumanwender
Quelle: Die Verbindungsspezialisten 2009, Große Schweißtechnische Tagung, DVS-Berichte Band 258. DVS Media GmbH Düsseldorf (2009) 69-74

Seefeld, T 
Laser Alloying of Aluminium Cylinder Lines
Quelle: Proc. of 10th European Automotive Laser Application 2009 (EALA 2009) CD-ROM

Seefeld, T 
Quality Aspects in Laser Welding of Aluminium
Quelle: Proc. Expolaser 2009 - Convegno "Saldatura dell'Alluminio", Piacenza Italy (2009) CD-ROM 

Seefeld, T; Buschenhenke, F; Vollertsen, F 
Laser beam welding with hypereutectic AlSi filler material
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM09) eds.: A. Ostendorf, T. Graf, D. Petring, A. Otto, F. Vollertsen. AT-Fachverlag Stuttgart (2009) 89-94

Seefeld, T; Buschenhenke, F; Vollertsen, F 
Laser beam welding with hypereutectic AlSi filler material
Quelle: Proc. 28th Cong. on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO '09) LIA Publication 612 (2009), paper 404, 186-191 (CD-ROM)

Shen, H; Vollertsen, F 
Modelling of laser forming – An review
Quelle: Computational Materials Science 46 (2009) 834-840

Stephen, A; Sondag, A 
Lasermikrobearbeitung in der Gravitationsforschung
Quelle: inno 43 (2009) 7

Stephen, A; Walther, R; Vollertsen, F 
Removal Rate model for laser chemical micro etching
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM09) eds.: A. Ostendorf, T. Graf, D. Petring, A. Otto. AT-Fachverlag Stuttgart (2009) 615-619

Thomy, C; Vollertsen, F 
Effect of process parameters on joint properties in laser-MIG hybrid welding of aluminium to steel
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM09) eds.: A. Ostendorf, T. Graf, D. Petring, A. Otto, F. Vollertsen. AT-Fachverlag Stuttgart (2009) 59-64

Thomy, C; Wagner, F; Vollertsen, F; Metschkow, B 
Laser Joining of Aluminium to Steel for modern Yacht Constructions (in Italian)
Quelle: Applicazioni Laser (2009) 20-23

Vollertsen, F 
Größeneffekte – eine systematische Einordnung
Quelle: Größeneinflüsse bei Fertigungsprozessen, ed.: F. Vollertsen. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2009) 1-9

Vollertsen, F 
Properties and prospects of high brightness solid state lasers
Quelle: Laser Technik Journal (2009) 27-31

Vollertsen, F; Biermann, D; Hansen, H; Jawahir, I; Kuzman, K 
Size effects in manufacturing of metallic components
Quelle: CIRP Annals 58, 2 (2009) 566-587

Vollertsen, F; Blaurock, L 
Einfluss der Umformgeschwindigkeit und der Messauflösung auf das Formänderungsverhalten in der Mikroblechumformung
Quelle: 4. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, eds.: F. Vollertsen, S. Büttgenbach, O. Kraft, W. Michaeli. BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2009) 243-252

Vollertsen, F; Doll, R 
Laser generated coatings for enhanced tribological behaviour
Quelle: 6th Int. Conf. Beam Technologies and Laser Applications (BTLA09), ed.: G. Turichin, Saint-Petersburg state polytechnic university, St. Petersburg (2009) 267-275, auch in: Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (2009)

Vollertsen, F; Neumann, S 
High brightness solid state laser: development and application
Quelle: 5th Int. Conf. on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP'09), online proceedings (2009) 

Vollertsen, F; Partes, K; Schubnov, A 
Thin nanocrystalline diamond films deposited by LaPlas-CVD at atmospheric pressure
Quelle: Production Engineering 4, 1 (2009) 9-14

Vollertsen, F; Schulze Niehoff, H; Wielage, H 
On the acting pressure in laser deep drawing
Quelle: Production Engineering, 3, 1 (2009) 1-8 

Thomy, C 
Hybrid laser-arc welding of aluminium
Quelle: Hybrid laser-arc welding. ed.: Flemming Ove Olsen. Woodhead Publishing Ltd Cambridge (2009) 216-269

Thomy, C 
Hybrid laser-arc welding of dissimilar metals
Quelle: Hybrid laser-arc welding. Ed.: Flemming Ove Olsen. Woodhead Publishing Ltd Cambridge (2009) 270-295

Vollertsen, F; Thomy, C
On the meaning of zinc coatings in hybrid welding of aluminium to steel
Quelle: Proc. 28th Cong. on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO '09) LIA Publication 612 (2009) paper 107, 89-97 (CD-ROM)

von Kopylow, C 
Mobile Maintenance Assistance – Vor Ort Unterstützung bei komplexen Messaufgaben durch Experten via Telekommunikation
Quelle: Ingenieurspiegel 3 (2009) 66

von Kopylow, C; Focke, O; Hildebrand, A 
Fehlstellendetektion in CFK-Bauteilen durch Messung der Ausbreitung von Lambwellen mittels Scherografie
Quelle: Ingenieurspiegel 1 (2009) 20

von Kopylow, C; Kolenovic, E; Rickers, C; Fahland, M; Fieß, R 
Specklereduzierter Bildschirm für Laserprojektion bei Head Up Displays im Automobilbau
Quelle: Ingenieurspiegel 2 (2009) 59

Wahba, H; Kreis, T 
Characterization of graded index optical fibers by digital holographic interferometry
Quelle: Applied Optics, 48, 8 (2009), 1573-1582

Wahba, H; Kreis, T 
Characterization of optical fibers by digital holographic interferometry
Quelle: Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection, ed.: Peter H. Lehmann. SPIE Bellingham (2009) 73890K0-73890K12

Wahba, H; Kreis, T 
Digital holographic interferometric characterization of bent optical fibers
Quelle: Journal of European Optical Society A: Pure and Applied Optics 11 (2009) 105407 (online)

Walther, R 
An enhanced model for energy balance in laser based free form heading
Quelle: Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 19 (2009) 1-6

Wang, N; Falldorf, C; von Kopylow, C 
Towards Deconvolution in Holography
Quelle: SPIE Europe - Modelling Aspects in Optical Metrology II, eds.: H. Bosse, B. Bodermann, R. M. Silver. SPIE Bellingham (2009) 73900Y1-73900Y8

Wang, N; von Kopylow, C; Lübke, K; Goch, G; Scholz-Reiter, B; Kirchheim, A; Albertin, E 
Schnelle Qualitätsprüfung mikroumgeformter Bauteile
Quelle: Industrie Management 25, 3 (2009) 65-67

Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F 
Investigations of Forming Behavior in Laser Shock Deep Drawing
Quelle: steel research int. 80, 5 (2009) 323-328

Wielage, H; Vollertsen, F 
Prevention of partial draw in during high speed deep drawing
Quelle: Sheet Metal 2009 (SheMet 09), eds.: B. Shirvani, R. Clark, J. Duflou, M. Merklein, F. Micari, J. Griffiths. Trans Tech Publications Ltd., Stafa-Zürich/Switzerland (2009) 571-578
also in: Key Engineering Materials, 410-411 (2009) 571-578 

Wohlfahrt, H; Sakkiettibutra, J; Loose, T; Brand, M; Siegele, D; Nitschke-Pagel, T; Dilger, K 
New calculations checking an adequate materials law, new results on distortion measurements
Quelle: IIW Doc. No. X-1668-09, XIII-2291-09, IIW-XV-1326-09. Report on the Round Robin Tests on Residual Stresses 

Yassien, K; Agour, M; von Kopylow, C 
On the Digital Holographic Interferometry of Fibrous Materials: Opto-Mechnical Properties of Fibres
Quelle: Fringe 2009: The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology, eds.: W. Osten, M. Kujawinska. Springer Heidelberg (2009) 743-746

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