Bouraoui, Y; Rathmann, L; Lu, Y; Niehaves, C; Fischer, A; Radel, T
Complex 3D surface structuring by means of laser chemical machining with modulated laser power
Quelle: J. Laser Appl. 37, 012030 (2025) doi: 10.2351/7.0001561
Rathmann, L; Radel, T
Laser Cleaning of Insect Residue with a TEA-CO2 -Laser in Shockwave Regime
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing (2025)
Thiemicke, F; El-Bashar, R; Hameedd, M; Agour, M; Obayya, S; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C
Fast simulation of the influence of a refractive free-form microstructure on a wave field based on scalar diffraction theory
Quelle: J. Eur. Opt. Society-Rapid Publ. 21, 4 (2025)
Zhang, X; Walz, E; Langebeck, A; Rebelo Kornmeier, J; Kriele, A; Luzin, V; Adveev, M, Bohlen, A; Hofmann, M
Macroscopic and Microscopic Residual Stresses in Nickel‑Aluminum Bronze Matrix Composite Surface Deposits Manufactured via Laser Melt Injection
Quelle: Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters)
Simons, M
Fluiddynamische Beeinflussung der laserchemischen Mikrostrukturierung von Metallen
Quelle: Strahltechnik Band 78, BIAS Verlag (2024). Hrsg. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann (ISBN 978-3-933762-72-6 )
Falldorf, C; Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B; Rukin, I
Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Wiedergeben von holografischen Bildern
Quelle: Offenlegungsschrift DE 10 2023 134 338A1 (2024)
Kügler, H; Woizeschke, P; Seefeld, T
Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2015 115 183 B4 (2024)
Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann R B
Lensless Depth Discrimination Based on Speckle Contrast in Holographic Imaging
Quelle: 7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL' 2024) Palma de Mallorca (7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL' 2024) 15-17 May 2024, Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands), Spain (ISBN: 978-84-09-61372-4)
Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann R B
Extended-Aperture Shape Measurements Using Spatially Partially Coherent Illumination (ExASPICE)
Quelle: Sensors (2024) 24, 3072.
Agour, M; Thiemicke, F; Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C
Lensless multi-spectral holographic interferometry for optical inspection
Quelle: Frontiers in Photonics (DOI 10.3389/fphot.2024.1416347)
Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Influence of the Inner Roughness of Powder Channels on the Powder Propagation Behavior in Laser Metal Deposition
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 36, 042007 (2024); doi: 10.2351/7.0001570
Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Adaptive powder nozzle setup for enhanced efficiency in laser metal deposition
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 36 (2024) 012017-1-11; doi: 10.2351/7.0001183
Bouraoui, Y; Rathmann, L; Niehaves, C; Mikulewitsch, M; Fischer, A
Material removal in laser chemical processing with modulated laser power
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 36 (2024) 012013-1-8; doi: 10.2351/7.0001109
Falldorf, C; Müller A F; Bergmann, R B
Beyond Lenses: Unlocking the potential of Digital Holography for Optical Inspection
Quelle: 7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL' 2024) Palma de Mallorca (7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL' 2024) 15-17 May 2024, Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands), Spain (ISBN: 978-84-09-61372-4)
Falldorf, C; Picart, P; Furlong, C; Almoro, P
Special Section Guest Editorial: Lensless Imaging in Optical Metrology
Quelle: Optical Engineering, 63, 11 (2024) 111801-3 (
Gutiérrez-Canas Pazos, C B; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Characterization of form deviations on technical surfaces through structure function analysis
Quelle: DGaO Proceedings 2024. ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2024-A033-9
Henze, I; Mattulat, T
Metal vapor‑induced arc instability in stationary TIG‑welding
Quelle: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2024)
Hildinger, P; Seefeld, T; Bohlen, A
Image based in-process powder stream monitoring during Laser Metal Deposition for the measurement of the gravimetric powder mass flow rate and the detection of deviations in the powder stream
Quelle: 13th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2024), Procedia CIRP 124 (2024) 219-222,
Karimi, J; Tekin, M; Seefeld, T
Laser metal deposition of Al 7075: Effects of TiC nanoparticles
Quelle: Journal of Materials Research and Technology 32 (2024) 3135–3146
Krämer, A; Henze, I; Pordzik, R; Radel, T
Inline detection of process anomalies during laser deep penetration welding of hidden T-joints
Quelle:13th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2024), eds.: M. Schmidt, C.B. Arnold, K. Wudy. Elsevier B.V. [Volume 124] (2024) 526 - 529,
Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T, Zhang, X; Rebelo Kornmeier, J; Hofmann, M; Shaba, S; Fritzen, F
Untersuchung und Vorhersage thermisch induzierter Eigenspannungen in MMC-Verschleißschutzschichten nach dem Laserdispergieren
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 76, 9 (2024) 62-71
Langstädler, L; Beckschwarte, B; Valentino, T; Radel, T
Strain rates in high velocity forming of foils
Quelle: Material Forming - ESAFORM 2024. Materials Research Proceedings 41 (2024) 1527-1535 (
Lu, Y; Bouraoui, Y; ; Niehaves; Fischer, C; Radel, T
Laser power modulation between disturbed and undisturbed material removal regime in laser chemical processing
Quelle: Int J Adv Manuf Technol 135, 3983–3989 (2024).
Mattulat, T
Understanding the coaxial optical coherence tomography signal during the laser welding of hidden T-joints
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 36 (2024) 012003, doi: 10.2351/7.0001157
Mitura, N; Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C; Ehret, G
Der Einfluss der Wellenvektorunsicherheit auf die Rekonstruktion der Oberflächenform bei einer MArS-Messung
Quelle: DGaO-Proceedings 2024. ISSN: 1614-8436 - urn:nbn:de:0287-2024-A007-4
Möbus, M; Pordzik, R; Krämer, A; Mattulat, T
Process comparison of laser deep penetration welding in pure nickel using blue and infrared wavelengths
Quelle: Welding in the World (2024)
Möbus, M; Pordzik, R; Seefeld, T
Influence of intensity distributions on the process dynamics during laser deep penetration welding of pure nickel with a flexible ring mode laser source
Quelle: J. Laser Appl. 36, 042073 (2024)
Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C
High resolution lensless microscopy based on Fresnel propagation
Quelle: Optical Engineering 63/11 (2024) 111805-1-12 (doi: 10.1117/1.OE.63.11.111805)
Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C
Lensless microscopy using a virtual imaging approach
Quelle: 7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL' 2024) . 15-17 May 2024, Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands), Spain (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20925.27360)
Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C
High resolution lensless microscopy based on Fresnel propagation
Quelle: Optical Engineering, Vol. 63, Issue 11, 111805, (2024),
Müller, A F; Gutiérrez-Canas Pazos, B; Mitura, N; Ehret, G; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Calibrating multi-spot illumination for asphere metrology using shear-interferometry
Quelle: Proc. SPIE 13241, Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications XI, 132410N (2024),
Müller, S; Krämer, A; Goossens, N; Bendlin, T; Mattulat, T
Influence of varying volume energy densities on the magnetic properties of additively manufactured Ni50Fe50
Quelle: Progress in Additive Manufactioring (2024)
Müller, S; Radel, T
Impact of fume on two-channel-pyrometric temperature measurements and process stability during laser powder bed fusion
Quelle: Procedia CIRP, Volume 124, 2024, Pages 287-290, ISSN 2212-8271,
Müller, S; Radel, T
Ortsaufgelöste Temperaturregelung beim Laserstrahlschmelzen im Pulverbett
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 76, 10 (2024) 60-61
Müller, S, Radel, T
Temperature map based process control for laser powder bed fusion
Quelle: Book of Abstracts MSE24 (2024) 686
Muniraj, I; Falldorf, C; Agour, M
Editorial: Advances in digital holographic microscopy and applications
Quelle: Editorial: Advances in digital holographic microscopy and applications. Front. Photonics 5:1502043
Niehaves, C; Bouraoui, Y; Radel, T; Tausendfreund, A; Fischer, A
In-situ assessment of laser-chemically machined surfaces by means of an indirect optical measurement approach and scanning confocal fluorescence microscopy
Quelle: EPJ Web Conf., 309 (2024) 10018 (DOI:
Pordzik, R; Seefeld, T
Identifying the direction of weld path deviations in laser deep penetration welding of hidden T-joints by means of OCT
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications (ICALEO 2024) paper no. 0877-1306-000092
Radel, T; Müller, S
Ortsaufgelöste Temperaturregelung beim Laserstrahlschmelzen im Pulverbett
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 76, 10 (2024) 60-61
Rathmann, L; Radel, T
Laser cleaning of insect residue without surface alteration
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 21, 4 (2024) 2-5 (
Sperling, Y; Bergmann, R B
Laser-tracker-based reference measurement for geometric calibration of phase-measuring deflectometry with active display registration
Quelle: Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems (JSSS) 13, 1–7 (2024)
Sperling, Y; Bergmann, R B
Phase measuring deflectometry with monoscopic active display registration
Quelle: Proc. SPIE 12997, Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology III; 1299713 (2024)
Thiemicke, F; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Fabrication of positionable free-standing microstructures for applications in near-field microscopy
Quelle: DGaO Proceedings 2024 – – ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2024-B013-4
Volpp, J; Sato, Y; Tsukamoto, M; Rathmann, L; Möller M; Clark, S; Fezzaa, K; Radel, T; Klingbeil, K
The surface tension of boiling steel surfaces
Quelle: Results in Materials 22 (2024) 100583 (
Warneke, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Texturing skin-pass rolls by high-speed laser melt injection, laser ablation, and electrolytic etching
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 36 (2024) 012011-1-9; doi: 10.2351/7.0001149
Warneke, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
High-Speed Laser melt Injection for Reinforcing Skin-Pass Rolls
Quelle: International Thermal Spray Conference and Exhibition (ITSC 2024) 409-417. DVS Media GmbH
Warneke, P; Westermeyer, L; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Influencing the Powder Particle Transport in High-Speed Laser Melt Injection
Quelle: J. Laser Appl. 36 (2024)
Falldorf, C; Agour, M, Bergmann, R B
Anzeigeeinheit zur dreidimensionalen Wiedergabe, Verfahren zur holografischen Wiedergabe und Hologramm eines bewegten Objektes
Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2018 115 785 B4 (2023)
Thomy, C; Tyralla, D; Schnick, M
Kamera zum Bestimmen eines 2D-Wärmebilds sowie System und Prozessregeleinrichtung
Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2018 133 518 B4 (2023)
Woizeschke, P; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
Verfahren zum strahlbasierten Fügen von metallischen Grundwerkstoffen
Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2017 100 497 B4 (2023)
Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Improved 3D form profiler based on extending illumination aperture
Quelle: Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection XIII (2023), ed. by Peter Lehmann. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 12618, 126180T (2023) SPIE · 0277-786X, doi: 10.1117/12.2673783
Ahlers, T; Pordzik, R; Mattulat, T
Approaches for automatic detection of mispositioning during laser welding in hidden T-joints using optical coherence tomography
Quelle: Tagungsband 13. Mittweidaer Lasertagung, Scientific Reports, Journal of the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Nr. 3 (2023) ISSN 1437-7624
Bartsch, J; Müller, S; Mattulat, T; Bergmann, R B
Hochpräzises, dreidimensionales Erfassen des schichtweisen Lagenaufbaus beim selektiven Laserstrahlschmelzen mittels Streifenprojektion
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 75, 3 (2023) 160-165
Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C; Garcia-Ortiz, A; Müller, A F; Agour, A; Bockelmann, C
The coherence function for optical metrology: A new paradigm and the role of information theory and compressed sensing
Quelle: Proc. SPIE 12619, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology IX, 1261902 (2023) doi 10.1117/12.2675922
Bohlen, A; Langebeck, A; Seefeld, T
Temperature and distortion in laser melt injection of MMC wear-resistant coatings in a copper beryllium alloy
Quelle: NOLAMP- Nordic Laser Materials Processing Conference (19TH-NOLAMP-2023). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1296 (2023) 12034. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1296/1/012034
Bohlen, A; Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T
Characterization method for different powder nozzle types used in laser metal deposition
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.)
Diegel, C; Mattulat, T; Schricker, K; Schmidt, L; Seefeld, T; Bergmann, J P; Woizeschke, P
Interaction between Local Shielding Gas Supply and Laser Spot Size on Spatter Formation in Laser Beam Welding of AISI 304
Quelle: pplied Sciences 13 (2023) 10507 (
Falldorf, C; Thiemicke, F; Müller, A F; Agour M; Bergmann, R B
Flash-profilometry: fullfield lensless acquisition of spectral holograms for coherence scanning profilometry
Quelle: Optics Express 31, 17 (2023) 27494 (
Faue, P; Rathmann, L; Möller, M; Hassan, M; Clark, S, Fezzaa, K; Klingbeil, K; Richter, B; Volpp, J; Radel, T; Pfefferkorn, F E
High-speed X-ray study of process dynamics caused by surface features during continuous-wave laser polishing
Quelle: CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology 72 (2023) 201-204 (
Halisch, C; Milcke B; Radel, T; Rentsch, R; Seefeld, T
Influence of oxygen content in the shielding gas chamber on mechanical properties and macroscopic structure of Ti-6Al-4V during wire arc additive manufacturing
Quelle: Int J Adv Manuf Technol 124 (2023) 1065–1076 (
Hildinger, P; Seefeld, T; Bohlen, A
Characterization of optical emissions during laser metal deposition for the implementation of an in-process powder stream monitoring
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 35 (2023) 042048-1-6 (doi: 10.2351/7.0001161)
Karimi, J; Bohlen, A; Komboj, N; Seefeld, T
Automated Determination of Grain Features for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Quelle: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2023)
Krämer, A; Pordzik, R; Mattulat, T
Influence of the airborne sound sensor position on the detectability of acoustic emissions during deep penetration laser welding
Quelle: Tagungsband 13. Mittweidaer Lasertagung, Scientific Reports, Journal of the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Nr. 3 (2023) 57-62 (ISSN 1437-7624)
Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Laserdispergieren in ETP-Kupfer mit grünem Laser
Quelle: Laser Magazin 1 (2023) 8-10
Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T; Zhang, X; Rebelo Kornmeier, J; Hofmann, M; Sharba, S, Fritzen, F
Messen und Vorhersagen von thermisch induzierten Eigenspannungen in MMC-Verschleißschutzschichten nach dem Laserstrahldispergieren in Kupferwerkstoffen
Quelle: Proc. of the DVS CONGRESS 2023 Große Schweißtechnische Tagung DVS Campus. DVS Berichte 389. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2023) 704-714
Lu, Y; Radel, T
Nitinol flanges fabricated by laser rod end melting and immediate flange processing
Quelle: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2023)
Lu, Y; Volpp, J; Radel, T
Feasibility study on laser rod end melting of stainless-steel microtubes
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.)
Mikulewitsch, M; Boraoui, Y; Radel, T; Stöbener, D; Fischer A
Near-process Indirect Surface Geometry and Temperature Measurement for Laser Chemical Machining (LCM)
Quelle: Proc. of the Sensor and Measurements Science International Conference (SMSI 2023) 338-339 (DOI 10.5162/SMSI2023/P30)
Möbus, M; Woizeschke, P
Keyhole‑in‑keyhole formation by adding a coaxially superimposed single‑mode laser beam in disk laser deep penetration welding
Quelle: Welding in the World (2023)
Müller, S; Pordzik, R; Mattulat, T
Investigation on the correlations between heat accumulations and actual part defects during laser powder bed fusion using heat maps
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.)
Ramoliya, M; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Distribution of SFTC, NbC, and Cr3C2 particles in aluminium bronze by laser melt injection
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.)
Pordzik, R; Ahlers, T; Mattulat, T
Enhancement of weld depth analysis in laser welding by extension of the oct data scope
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.)
Pordzik, R; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P
Frontal pyrometric snapshot measurements of the keyhole wall temperature in laser welding of pure aluminium
Quelle: Welding in the World (2023)
Schinderling, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
In-process monitoring and measurement of track geometry for laser metal deposition with laser triangulation
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.)
Schinderling, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T; Falldorf, H
In-process monitoring of track geometry as a control approach for laser metal deposition
Quelle: NOLAMP- Nordic Laser Materials Processing Conference (19TH-NOLAMP-2023). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1296 (2023) 12010. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1296/1/012010
Sperling, Y; Bergmann, R B
Active Display Registration in Phase Measuring Deflectometry
Quelle: Proc. of Sensor and Measurement Science International Conference (SMSI 2023), 49-50 (doi: 10.5162/SMSI2023/A3.3)
Stephen, A; Valentino, T, Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
So lässt sich die Biegewinkelstreuung reduzieren
Quelle: Blechonline (2023)
Stephen, A; Valentino, T; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
3D-Präzisionsgitter mit minimalen Stegbreiten
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 04 (2023) 36-37
Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T
Spatially resolved temperature field measurement in powder bed fusion for online detection of porosity
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) (2023)
Valentino, T; Stephen, A; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
Applicability of a laser pre-treatment for a robust subsequent bending of thin sheet metal
Quelle: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 44 (2023) 45-54
Warneke, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Influence of the process speed in laser melt injection for reinforcing skin-pass rolls
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 35 (2023) 012009-1-89, doi: 10.2351/7.0000781 (online)
Warneke, P; Hildinger, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Reinforcing cold working steel by high-speed laser melt injection
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023 (LiM 2023). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) (2023)
Zhang, X; Kornmeier, J; Hofmann, M; Langebeck, A; Alameddin, S; Alesso, R P; Fritzen, F; Bunn, J, Cabeza, S
Residual stresses in Cu matrix composite surface deposits after laser melt injection
Quelle: Strain (2023)
Eckert, S
Laser-Induced Thermochemical Polishing of Metals
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd. 75, Hrsg. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022)
Seefeld, T; Radel, T; Mattulat, T (Eds.)
LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum
Quelle: Strahltechnik Band 76. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022) online
Bergmann, R B; Szczesny, M
System und Verfahren zur Bestimmung einer Schweiss- oder Lötgeschwindigkeit
Quelle: EP 3 663 030 B1 (2022)
Woizeschke, P; Schultz, V
Verfahren zum Verformen von Material mittels Laserstrahl
Quelle: Patentschrift DE 10 2017 119 508 B4 (2022)
Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Taleb, F; Castro-Camus, E; Koch, M; Bergmann, R B
Terahertz refernceless wavefront sensing by means of computational shear-interferometry
Quelle: Optics Express 30, 5 (2022) 7068-7081
Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Taleb, F; Castro-Camus, E; Koch, M; Bergmann, R B
Characterization of terahertz wavefront aberrations using computational shear-interferometry
Quelle: Optical Engineering 61, 11 (2022) 114102-1-11
Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Taleb, F; Koch, M; Bergmann, R B; Castro-Camus, E
Chocolate inspection by means of phase-contrast imaging using multiple-plane terahertz phase retrieval
Quelle: Optics Letters 47, 13 (2022) 3283-3286
Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Taleb, F; Castro-Camus, E; Koch, M; Bergmann, R B
Shear interferometry for terahertz wavefront sensing
Quelle: Proc. SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, Strasbourg/France. SPIE Terahertz Photonics II (2022) 12134 (doi:10.1117/12.2621696)
Bartsch, J; Müller, S; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P; Bergmann, R B
Hochpräzises, dimensionelles Erfassen des schichtweisen Lagenaufbaus beim selektiven Laserstrahlschmelzen mittels Streifenprojektion
Quelle: DVS CONGRESS - Große Schweißtechnische Tagung. DVS Berichte Bd. 382. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2022) 721-729
Bergmann, R B
Optische In‐Prozess‐Messung: Konzepte für präzise, schnelle und robuste optische Messtechnik für komplexe Messsituationen
Quelle: DVS-Berichte 384. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2022) 10 (Kurzfassung) ISBN 978-3-96144-208-9)
Bergmann, R B; Fischer, A; Bockelmann, C; Dekorsy, A; Garcia-Ortiz, A; Falldorf, C
The coherence function and its information content for optical metrology
Quelle: tm – Technisches Messen 89, 6 (2022) 397-412
Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T; Haghshenas, A; Groll, R
Characterization of the powder stream propagation behavior of a discrete coaxial nozzle for Laser Metal Deposition
Quelle: Journal of Laser Applications 34 (2022) 42048. DOI: 10.2351/7.0000775 (online)
Bohlen, A; Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T
Influence of powder feed parameters on the powder stream in laser metal deposition (LMD) by high-speed and high-resolution imaging
Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum. Eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022) 1-6 (online)
Falldorf, C
Exploring the coherence function for optical metrology and beyond
Quelle: Proc. SPIE Vol. 12137. SPIE Digital Library (2022) 1213709-1-9, doi: 10.1117/12.2624481
Falldorf, C; Rukin, I; Müller A F; Kroker, S; Bergmann, R B
Functional pixels: a pathway towards true holographic displays using today’s display technology
Quelle: Optics Express 30, 26 (2022) 47528,
Faue, P; Beste, L-H; Richter, B; Agrawal, A; Klingbeil, K; Thoma, D; Radel, T, Pfefferkorn, F.E
Influence of laser polishing on fatigue life of conventionally machined and laser powder bed fusion 316L stainless steel
Quelle: Manufacturing Letters 33 (2022) 670-677
Fischer, A; Bergmann, R B
Multidimensionale optische Messtechnik
Quelle: TM– Technisches Messen 89, 6 (2022) 395-396
Haghshenas, A; Bohlen, A; Tyralla, D; Groll, R
The relevance of wall roughness modeling for simulation of powder flows in laser metal deposition nozzles
Quelle: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 123 (2022) 1441-1458 (online)
Halisch, C; Milcke, B, Radel, T; Rentsch, R; Seefeld, T
Influence of oxygen content in the shielding gas chamber on mechanical properties and macroscopic structure of Ti-6Al-4V during wire arc additive manufacturing
Quelle: Int J Adv Manuf Technol 124 (2023) 1065–1076 (
Hellenbrand, G, Lenz, B; Stephen, A; Radel, T; Mevissen, D; Brecher, C
Manufacturing of Crowned Spline-Joints with Optimized Surface Treatments for Aerospace Applications
Quelle: MIC Procedia (2022) 059-065
Henze, I; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P
Möglichkeit zur experimentellen Untersuchung des Einflusses von Metalldampf auf einen WIG-Lichtbogen
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 74, 1-2 (2022) 48-49
Henze, I; Pordzik, R; Marben, P; Mattulat, T
Industrial applicability of reflection-assisted laser beam brazing of ZM-coated steel
Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 52-57 (online)
Henze, I, Woizeschke, P
Influence of the composition of separately laser‑generated metal vapor on arc stability
Quelle: The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) (online)
Karpuschewski; B; Kinner-Becker, T; Klink, A; Langenhorst, L; Mayer, J; Meyer, D; Radel, T; Reese, S; Sölter, J
Process Signatures – Knowledge-based approach towards function-oriented manufacturing
Quelle: Proc. of the 6th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity. Procedia CIRP 108 (2022) 624-629
Krause, C; Bergmann, R B; Falldorf, C
Statistical analysis of phase values for the determination of step heights in multi-wavelength interferometry
Quelle: tm – Technisches Messen 89, 6 (2022) 430–437
Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A
515 nm wavelength laser for laser melt injection of high-quality MMC in Cu-ETP
Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum, eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat, T. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022), 11-14 (online)
Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T; Zhang, X, Rebelo Kornmeier, J; Hofmann, M; Alameddin, S; Alessio, R P; Fritzen, F
Laser melt injection of spherical fused tungsten carbide in Cu-ETP with 515 nm wavelength laser
Quelle: Proc. of the 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2022), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, B.M. Colosimo. Procedia CIRP 111, Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2022) 726-731 (online)
Langebeck, A; Jahnke, C; Wünderlich, T; Hein, C; Bohlen, A; Uhlmann, E
Wolframschmelzcarbid-basierte MMC-Schichten für den industriellen Einsatz im Formenbau
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 74, 1-2 (2022) 32-38
Lu, Y; Radel, T
Tensile strength of Nitinol flanges fabricated by laser rod end melting and immediate flange processing
Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 18-22 (online)
Lu, Y; Radel, T
Tensile strength of Nitinol flanges produced by laser rod end melting and immediate flange processing in a not fully solidified state
Quelle: Proc. of the 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2022), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, B.M. Colosimo. Procedia CIRP 111, Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2022) 726-731 (online)
Möbus, M; Woizeschke, P
Laser beam welding setup for the coaxial combination of two laser beams to vary the intensity distribution
Quelle: Welding in the World, 66, (2022) 471–480 (
Möbus, M; Woizeschke, P; Mattulat, T
Prevention of coating-induced agglomerations within the weld seam during laser beam deep penetration welding of aluminium-silicon coated press-hardenened steel
Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 47-51 (online)
Müller, A F; Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Lotzgeselle, M; Straub, A; Ehret, G; Bergmann, R B
Measurement of independent wave fields using Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques (ESPRIT) for aspheric and freeform surfaces
Quelle: 25th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) and 16th Conference of International Society on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS), Dresden
Müller, A F; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Approaching optical metrology with multiple light sources and compressive sensing
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, Strasbourg/France. Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology II (2022) 121370L (doi: 10.1117/12.2621647)
Müller, S; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P
Hybrid additive manufacturing with titanium powder and aluminum substrates via laser powder bed fusion
Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 41-46 (online)
Pordzik, R; Mattulat, T
Introducing an algorithm for the automatic detection of interface posi-tions for flange joints based on laser triangulation measurements
Quelle: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 58-64
Pordzik, R; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P
Effects of reduced ambient pressure on the OCT-based weld depth measurement signal in laser welding of aluminum and steel
Quelle: Proc. of the 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies (LANE 2022), eds.: M. Schmidt, F. Vollertsen, B.M. Colosimo. Procedia CIRP 111, Elsevier B.V. Amsterdam (2022) 541-546 (online)
Radel, T; Seefeld, T; Bohlen, A; Stephen, A; Mattulat, T
Robuste Laserprozesse im Kontext der Energiewende
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 74, 10 (2022) 690-692
Rathmann, L; Beste, L-H; Faue, P; Richter, B; Klingbeil, K; Pfefferkorn, F. E; Radel, T
Macro-pore free sub-surface PBF-LB/M components through laser polishing
Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022) 37-40 (online)
Rathmann, L; Hasselbruch, H; Mehner, A; Radel, T
On the combination of plasma nitrided surfaces and LIPSS
Quelle: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 23-27
Rathmann, L; Radel, T
On the use of LIPSS in single- and multi-scale laser-structured tool surfaces under lubricated conditions
Quelle: Journal of Manufacturing Processes 77 (2022) 819-830 (online)
Rathmann, L; Rusche, T; Hasselbruch, H; Mehner, A, Radel, T
Friction and wear characterization of LIPSS and TiN/DLC variants
Quelle: Applied Surface Science 584 (2022) 152654 (online)
Richter, B; Radel, T; Pfefferkorn, F. E
Sensitivity of surface roughness to laser parameters used for polishing additively manufactured Co-Cr alloy
Quelle: Surface and Coatings Technology 451 (2022), 128872 (
Simons, M; Radel, T
Influence of electrolyte concentration on laser chemical machining
Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022) 32-35 (online)
Simons, M; Radel, T
Laser chemical machining with additive-increased electrolyte viscosity
Quelle: Proc. of the 23. International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM 2022), Dresden (online)
Sperling, Y; Bartsch, J; Gauchan, S; Bergmann, R B
Extending vision ray calibration by determination of focus distances
Quelle: Optics Express 30, 26 (2022) 47801,
Stephen, A; Lenz, B; Hellenbrand, G
Laser micro structuring of multi-layer coatings on aircraft splines for optimization of the surface properties
Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS-Verlag Bremen (2022) 28-31 (online)
Stephen, A; Tyralla, D; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
Bohrzeiten beim Laserbohren von Saugflächen
Quelle: VDI-Z 164, 3 (2022) 40-42
Valentino, T; Jägle, E; Radel, T
Materials Characterization at High Strain Rates
Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum (LAF’22), eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel, T. Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022) 15-17 (online)
Valentino, T; Radel, T
Identification of Characteristic Values in Impulse‑Based Processes Using Small Specimens
Quelle: Nanomanufacturing and Metrology (2022)
Warneke, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Improving the wear resistance of copper tools for pressure die casting by laser melt injection
Quelle: Production Engineering (2022) (online)
Warneke, P; Hildinger, P; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
High-speed laser melt injection for wear protection of skin-pass rolls
Quelle: LAF 2022: Proceedings of the 12th Laser Applications Forum, Eds. T. Seefeld, T. Radel; T Mattulat. Strahltechnik Band 76, BIAS Verlag Bremen (2022) 7-10 (online)
Warneke, P; Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Laser melt injection for wear protection of molds and casting tools
Quelle: The mold & die journal 10, 1 (2022) 32-35
Valentino, T
Nutzung laserinduzierter Stoßwellen zur Hochdurchsatz-Werkstoffprüfung
Quelle: Strahltechnik Bd 74, Hrsg. F. Vollertsen, R. Bergmann. BIAS Verlag Bremen (2021)
Agour, M; Falldorf, C; Taleb, F; Castro-Camus, E; Koch, M; Bergmann, R B
Quasi-optical components for the THz-regime: Fabrication and characterization
Quelle: Proc. of the 122. DGaO Proceedings 2021. ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2021-P009-9
Bartsch, J
Measurement of High‐Precision Components - Robust digital holographic measurement system for production environments
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 8-9 (E-Special LAF 2020)
Bartsch, J; Sperling, Y; Bergmann, R B
Efficient Vision Ray Calibration of multi-camera systems
Quelle: Opt. Express 29, 11 (2021) 17125-17139
Bartsch, J; Sperling. Y; Bergmann, R B
Qualification of holistic and generic camera-system calibration by Fringe Projection
Proc. of SPIE Vol. 11787, Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision IV (SPIE), eds: J. Beyerer, M. Heizmann, 117870G (2021) 109-118 (online)
Beste; L-H; Schadewald, F; Radel, T; Richter, B; Faue, P; Pfefferkorn, F. E; Vollertsen, F
Increased Laser Polishing Rates of LPBF Components - High path overlaps to reduce surface features at laser polishing of LPBF
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 22-23 (E-Special LAF 2020) doi: 10.1002/phvs.202100009
Bergmann, R B; Bockelmann, C; Dekorsy, A; Rosenhahn, B; Falldorf, C
7D-Metrology: The coherence function as a solution to complex problems of optical metrology
Quelle: Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-H001-6
Bergmann, R B; Kalms, M; Falldorf, C
Optical In-Process Measurement: Concepts for Precise, Fast and Robust Optical Metrology for Complex Measurement Situations
Quelle: Applied Science 11 (2021) 10533 (
Borchers, F; Clausen, B; Ehle, L; Eich, M; Epp, J; Frerichs, F; Hettig, M; Klink, A; Kohls, E, Lu, Y; Meyer, H; Rommes, B; Schneider, S; Strunk, R; Zielinski, T
The Influence of Former Process Steps on Changes in Hardness, Lattice and Micro Structure of AISI 4140 Due to Manufacturing Processes
Quelle: Metals 11 (2021) 1102,
Dörfert, R; Tyralla, D
Melt Pool Width Monitoring - In-situ measurement of the melt pool width in powder bed fusion processes
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 6-7 (E-Special LAF 2020) doi: 10.1002/phvs.202100015
Eckert, S; Vollertsen, F; Schupp, A; Zander, D; Rommes, B; Klink, A
Understanding the Influence of Chemical and Thermal Loads on the Productivity for Processing 42CrMo4 Steel and Titanium via Laser-Induced Thermochemical Machining
Quelle: Proc. of the 9th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC 2020). Procedia CIRP 101 (2021) 202-205,
Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Bergmann, R B
Γ-Profilometry on rough surfaces
Quelle: Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-B020-0
Falldorf, C; Agour, M; Müller, A F; Bergmann, R B
Γ-profilometry: a new paradigm for precise optical metrology
Quelle: Optics Express 29, 22 (2021) 36100-36110 (
Frerichs, F; Lu, Y; Lübben, T; Radel, T
Process Signature for Laser Hardening
Quelle: Metals 11, 465 (2021) 1-21 (online)
Gauchan, S; Bartsch, J; Bergmann, R B
Vision threads – A novel approach to generic camera calibration
Quelle: Proc. of SPIE 11787, Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision IV, 117870H (2021); doi: 10.1117/12.2592296 (online)
Gauchan, S; Bartsch, J; Bergmann, R B
Sichtfäden - Ein neuer Ansatz zur generischen Kamerakalibrierung
Quelle: Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-B007-3
Halisch, C; Gaßmann, C; Seefeld, T
Investigating the Reproducibility of the Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Process
Quelle: Advanced Materials Research 116 (2021) 95-104 (doi:10.4028/ online
Halisch, C; Radel, T; Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T
Online Monitoring in WAAM
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 2-3 (E-Special LAF 2020)
Henze, I; Mattulat; T; Woizeschke, P
Effects of separately laser-induced metal vapor amounts on the stability of a TIG arc
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online
Henze, I; Woizeschke, P
Laser Keyhole Brazing - Energy-efficient brazing using the deep penetration effect in combination
with two-dimensional beam oscillation
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 30-31 ( E-Special LAF 2020) doi/abs/10.1002/phvs.202100013
Karwoth, B; Mattulat; T; Woizeschke, P
Occurrence of coating-related accumulations within the seam in laser beam deep penetration welding of aluminum-silicon coated press-hardened steels
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online
Karpuschewski, B; Lübben, T, Meinke, M; Eckert, S; Frerichs; F; Schneider, S; Klink, A; Langenhorst, L; Sölter, J
Comparison of Process Signatures for thermally dominated processes
Quelle: CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 35 (2021) 217-235
Krause, C; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Statistical evaluation process to measure step heights using multi-lambda shear interferometry
Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-B022-9
Langebeck, A
Hard Particle Reinforcement for Micro‐forming Tools - Hard particle reinforcement of microforming tools via laser melt injection for improved wear resistance
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 16-17 ( E-Special LAF 2020)
Langebeck, A
Directed Energy Deposition with Aluminum Alloy - Directed energy deposition of high‐strength aluminum alloy with local hard particle reinforcement
Quelle: Photonics Views 18, S1 (2021) 14-15 (E-Special LAF 2020)
Langebeck, A; Bohlen, A; Seefeld, T
Laser melt injection for homogenous particle distribution in copper materials
Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online
Lu, Y; Ehle, L; Richter, S; Radel, T
Influence of multi-pass laser hardening of normalized AISI 4140 on the grain size
Quelle: Surface & Coatings Technology 421 (2021) 127434 (online)
Lu, Y; Meyer, H; Radel, T
Influence of multi-pass laser hardening on residual stress and distortion
Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online
Lu, Y; Radel, T
Surface quality of laser rod end melted shape-memory Nitinol preforms
Quelle: Proc. Lasertagung Mittweida (2021), eds.: Hochschule Mittweida, Mittweida (2021) 43-47
Mattulat, T; Pordzik, R; Woizeschke, P
OCT-Einschweißtiefenüberwachung bei Unterdruck
Quelle: wt WerkstattsTechnik 111, 11-12 (2021) 863-868
Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P
Laserstrahllöten mit oszillierendem Kaltdraht zur Steigerung der Nahtqualität
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 73, 4 (2021) 230-234
Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P
Laser Brazing with Wire Oscillation - A new approach for increasing the optical seam edge quality
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 28-29 (E-Special LAF 2020) doi: 10.1002/phvs.202100012
Möbus, M; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P
Bearbeitungsoptik zur Untersuchung dreidimensionaler Spotverschiebungen zweier Laserstrahlen beim Laserstrahlschweißen
Quelle: Schweißen und Schneiden 73, 8 (2021) 550 - 551
Müller, A F; Gutiérrez-Canas Pazos, B; Bergmann, R B
Referenceless phase holography for displaying 3D scenes captured by digital holography
Quelle: Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-B003-7
Müller, A F; Rukin, I; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Multicolor Holographic Display of 3D Scenes Using Referenceless Phase Holography (RELPH)
Quelle: Photonics 8, 247 (2021)
Müller, S; Woizeschke, P
Feasibility of a laser powder bed fusion process for additive manufacturing of hybrid structures using aluminum-titanium powder-substrate pairings
Quelle: Additive Manufacturing 48 (2021) 102377 (online)
Müller,S; Woizeschke, P
Methodology for analyzing the influence of contact temperatures in laser beam brazing
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online
Pordzik, R; Woizeschke, P
Implementation of a Synchronized Multimethod Process Observation in Deep Penetration Laser Welding
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 26-27 (E-Special LAF 2020) doi: 10.1002/phvs.202100011
Prieske, M; Vollertsen, F
Picosecond-laser polishing of CVD-diamond coatings without graphite formation
Quelle: Materials Today: Proceedings 40 (2021) 1-4
Rathmann, L; Beste, L-H; Radel, T
Laser based process chain to use LIPSS on forming tools
Quelle: Surface and Coatings Technology 426 (2021) 127761 ( online
Rathmann, L; Radel, T
LIPSS for metal forming tool
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 5 (2021) 14-15, DOI: 10.1002/phvs.202100055
Rathmann, L; Radel, T
Influence of laser hardening on laser induced periodic surface structures on steel substrates
Quelle: Proc. of the 18th Nordic Laser Materials Processing Conference (NOLAMP) IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1135 (2021) 012024 (doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1135/1/012024)
Schupp, A; Pütz, R D; Beyss, O; Beste, L-H; Radel, T; Zander, D
Change of oxidation mechanisms by laser-induced thermo-chemical machined rim zone modifications of 42CrMo4
Quelle: Materials 14 (2021) 3910,
Simons, M; Beste, L-H; Radel, T
Laserchemische µ-Bearbeitung von Inconel 718
Quelle: Mikroproduktion 10, 3 (2021) 26-27
Simons, M; Radel, T
Laser Chemical Machining with High Process Pressure - Increase of the removal rate in laser chemical machining by increasing
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 18-19 (E-Special LAF 2020) doi: 10.1002/phvs.202100003
Simons, M; Radel, T
Increasing the removal rate by increased process pressure during laser chemical machining
Quelle: International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics (ICALEO2021) paper no. 0548_0779_000011
Simons, M; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
Extension of the Process Window in Laser Chemical Machining by Temperature‑Dependent Reduction of the Electrolyte Viscosity
Quelle: International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (2021) 22:1461–1467 (
Soriano, C; Arizaga, A; Ocana, R; Sanchez, M; Stephen A; Sanchez, R; Uriarte, L
Design of a high performance laser micro-drilling machine for the aeronautical sector
Quelle: Engineering DYNA Journal 96 (2021) 130-133
Stephen, A; Lenz, B; Mehner, A; Radel, T
Laser structuring of PVD multi-layer systems for wear reduction
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online
Stephen, A; Radel, T
Laser Structuring of PVD Multilayer Systems - Enhancement of tribological properties by generation of dimple arrays
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 24-25 (E-Special LAF 2020)
Stephen, A; Tyralla, D; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
Ermittlung der Bohrzeiten beim Laserstrahlbohren von Saugflächen zur Qualitätssicherung in der Luftfahrtindustrie
Quelle: WT-Werkstatttechnik 111, 11-12 (2021) 872 - 874
Thiemicke, F; Gesierich, A; Li, W; Falldorf, C; Bergmann, R B
Digital Holographic Measurement System - Robust digital holographic measurement system for production environments
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 4-5 (E-Special LAF 2020)
Tyralla, D; Bohlen, A, Seefeld, T
Characterization of the powder jet in LMD processes
Quelle: PhotonicsViews Vol.18 (S1) (2021) 12-13 (E-Special LAF 2020)
doi:/ 10.1002/phvs.202100017
Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T
Thermal based process monitoring for laser powder bed fusion (LPBF)
Quelle: Proc. of Materials Science and Technology of Additive Manufacturing Conference 2019 (MSTAM19), eds: V. Ploshikhin, J.-P. Jürgens, M. Siewert. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 1161 (2021) 123–130
Tyralla, D; Seefeld, T
Closed-Loop Control of Penetration Depth in Wire-Based Laser Cladding
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 12-13 (E-Special LAF 2020)
Tyralla, D; Woizeschke, P; Seefeld, T
Spatially resolved melt pool monitoring for process characterization in laser powder bed fusion (LPBF)
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LIM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online
Valentino, T
Analytical model to determine the relevant parameters governing the transferred momentum to spherical indenters by laser-induced shock waves
Quelle: Optics and Lasers in Engineering 145 (2021) 106670, doi: 10.1016/j.optlaseng.2021.106670 (online)
Valentino, T; Höhmann, M; Schünemann, K; Wentzler, J; Wünderlich, T; Radel, T; Vollertsen, F
Time-resolved force measurements to determine positioning tolerances for impulse-based indentations
Quelle: Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing 140 (2021)
Valentino, T; Stephen, A; Radel, T
An Approach to Predict the Residual Stress-Depth-Profile of Thin Sheet Metal Processed by Laser Shock Peening Without Coating
Quelle: Proc. of the 18th Nordic Laser Materials Processing Conference (NOLAMP) IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1135 (2021) 012025 (doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1135/1/012025)
Valentino, T; Stephen, A; Radel, T
Reducing scatter in bent angle by a laser shock peening pretreatment
Quelle: Int. Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO 2021) Journal of Laser Applications 33 (2021) 042016 (doi: 10.2351/7.0000468)
Warneke, P
Generating MMC Coatings by Laser Melt Injection at High Process Speeds - Reinforcing highly thermally conductive copper tools for pressure die casting by fused tungsten carbide particles
Quelle: PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 20-21 (E-Special LAF 2020)
Zilm, M; Radel, T
Cut edge quality in laser ablation of micrometer-scale grating structures
Quelle: Proc. of Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2021 (LiM 2021). German Scientific Laser Society/Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V. (WLT e.V.) online