

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. RALF B. BERGMANN

Geschäftsführer Optische Messtechnik und optoelektronische Systeme
mehr zur Person
  • Recent invited talks

    The coherence function for optical metrology – A new paradigm and the role of information theory and compressed sensing

    Bergmann, R. B. , Falldorf, C., Garcia-Ortiz, A.,  Müller, A.F., Agour, M., Bockelmann, C.

    SPIE Optical Metrology, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology IX, Munich, Germany (26.06.2023)

    Optische In‐Prozess‐Messung: Konzepte für präzise, schnelle und robuste optische Messtechnik für komplexe Messsituationen

    Bergmann, R. B.

    13. Jenaer Lasertagung (03.11.2022)

    7D-Metrologie: Die Kohärenzfunktion zur Lösung komplexer Probleme der optischen Messtechnik

    Bergmann, R. B., Falldorf, C.

    122. DGaO-Jahrestagung, Bremen (21.09.2021)

    Computational optical metrology (Hauptvortrag):

    Bergmann, R. B.; Falldorf, C.

    118. DGaO-Jahrestagung, Dresden (07.06.2017)

    Computational optical metrology (Keynote Speech): 

    Bergmann, R. B., Falldorf, C.; Klein, Th.; Agour, M., International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN 2016),

    Chengdu, China (27.09.2016)

    Optical metrology for micro-parts (Invited Talk):

    Bergmann, R. B.; Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.

    DSPE Optics and Optomechatronics Symposium, Delft (28.09.2015)

    Precision optical metrology without lasers (Invited Talk): 

    Bergmann, R. B.; Burke, J.; Falldorf, C.

    Proc. Of SPIE 9524, International Conference on Optical and Photonics Engineering (icOPEN 2015),

    Singapore (15.04.2015)

    Optical metrology on the micro and nano scale (Invited Talk): 

    Bergmann, R. B.; Burke, J.; Huferath-von Lüpke, S.; Falldorf, C., 4th International nanoManufacturing Conference (nanoMan 2014), Bremen (09.07.2014)

    Nanophotonics in three dimensions: heading from microelectronics towards optical computing (Invited Talk): 

    Bergmann, R. B.; Bülters, M.; Garcia-Ortiz, A.; Gutowski, J.; Lang, W.

    2nd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence (SystInt 2014) Bremen (03.07.2014)

  • Books and chapters

    Quality inspection and logistic quality assurance of micro technical manufacturing processes

    Agour, M.; von Freyberg, A.; Staar, B.; Falldorf, C.; Fischer, A.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.; Goch, G.; Bergmann, R. B.

    In: Cold Micro Metal Forming, eds. F. Vollertsen, B. Kuhfuß, C. Thomy, S. Friedrich, P. Maaß, H.-W. Zoch

    Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham/CH (2020) 256-274

    Inspection of functional surfaces on micro components in the interior of cavities

    Simic, M.; Staar, B.; Falldorf, C.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    In: Cold Micro Metal Forming, eds. F. Vollertsen, B. Kuhfuß, C. Thomy, S. Friedrich, P. Maaß, H.-W. Zoch

    Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham/CH (2020) 275-288

    Optical Metrology

    von Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    in: Micro Metal Forming, F. Vollertsen (Ed.)

    (Springer, Berlin, 2013), 392 – 404

    Advanced methods for optical non-destructive testing

    Bergmann, R. B.; Huke, P.

    In: Optical Imaging and Metrology: Advanced Technologies. Eds.: W. Osten, N. Reingand,

    Wiley-VCH Weinheim (2012) 393-412

    Interferometrische Submikrometer-Messtechnik in der Automobilindustrie

    Bergmann, R. B.; Drabarek, P.; Kallmann, U.; Schmidtke, B.; Bauer J.

    In: Photonik – Grundlagen, Technologie und Anwendung. Hrsg. E. Hering, R. Martin,

    Springer Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg (2006) 263-281

    Methoden der zerstörungsfreien Prüfung

    Bergmann, R. B.; Zabler, E.

    In: Handbuch der Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik in der Produktion. Hrsg. H. J. Gevatter,

    U. Grünhaupt, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg (2006) 364-410

    Growth, characterization and electronic applications of Si-based thin films

    Bergmann, R. B. (Editor)

    Research Signpost Trivandrum (2002)

    Crystalline Si films on foreign substrates for electronic applications

    Bergmann, R. B.

    In: Recent Res. Devel. Crystal Growth Res.,

    Managing Editor: S. G. Pandalai, Transworld Research Network, Vol. 1 (1999) 241-256

    The challenge of crystalline thin film silicon solar cells

    Werner, J. H.; Bergmann, R. B.; Brendel, R.

    In: Festkörperprobleme / Advances in Solid State Physics 34. Hrsg.: R. Helbig, Vieweg Braunschweig (1994) 115-146

  • Publications


    Thiemicke, F.; El-Bashar, R.; Hameedd, M.F.M.; Agour, M.; Obayya, S.S.A.; Bergmann, R. B. ; Falldorf, C.: 

    Fast simulation of the influence of a refractive free-form microstructure on a wave field based on scalar diffraction theory

    J. Eur. Opt. Society-Rapid Publ. 21 (1) 4 (2025) 


    Falldorf, C.; Picart, P.; Furlong, C.; Almoro, P.:

    Special Section Guest Editorial: Lensless Imaging in Optical Metrology

    Opt. Eng. 63(11) 111801 (2024)

    Müller, A. F.; Bergmann, R. B.; Falldorf, C.:

    High resolution lensless microscopy based on Fresnel propagation

    Opt. Eng. 63(11) 111805 (2024)

    Müller, A. F.; Gutiérrez-Cañas Pazos, B.; Mitura, N.; Ehret, G.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.:

    Calibrating multispot illumination for asphere metrology using shear-interferometry

    Proc. SPIE 13241, Optical Metrology and Inspection for Industrial Applications XI, 132410N (2024)

    Thiemicke, F.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R.B.:

    Fabrication of positionable free-standing microstructures for applications in near-field microscopy

    Proc. of the 125. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Aachen (2024)

    ISSN: 1614-8436

    Gutiérrez-Cañas Pazos, B.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.:

    Characterization of form deviations on technical surfaces through structure function analysis

    Proc. of the 125. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Aachen (2024) 


    Mitura, N.; Müller, A. F.; Bergmann, R. B.; Falldorf, C.; Ehret, G.:

    Der Einfluss der Wellenvektorunsicherheit auf die Rekonstruktion der Oberflächenform bei einer MArS-Messung

    Proc. of the 125. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Aachen (2024) 


    Agour M.;  Thiemicke,  F.;  Müller,  A. F. ;; Bergmann. R. B.; Falldorf,  C.

    Lensless multi-spectral holographic interferometry for optical inspection (2024)

    Front. Photonics 5:1416347.

    doi: 10.3389/fphot.2024.1416347

    Sperling, Y.; Bergmann, R. B.:

    Phase measuring deflectometry with monoscopic active display registration

    Proc. SPIE 12997, Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional Metrology III; 1299713 (2024)

    Falldorf, C.; Müller, A. F.; Bergmann, R. B.:

    Beyond lenses: unlocking the potential of digigal holography for optical inspection

    In Proc. 7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL’2024) 15-17 May 2024, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

    Müller, A. F.; Bergmann, R. B.; Falldorf, C.:

    Lensless microscopy using a virtual imaging approach

    In Proc. 7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL’2024) 15-17 May 2024, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

    Müller, A. F.; Bergmann, R. B.; Falldorf, C.:

    High resolution lensless microscopy based on fresnel propagation

    Optical Engineering 63, 11, (2024) 111805

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.:

    Lensless depth discrimination based on speckle contrast in holographic imaging

    In Proc. 7th International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL’2024) 15-17 May 2024, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.:

    Extended-aperture shape measurements using spatially partially coherent illumination (ExASPICE) Sensors, 24(10), 3072 (2024)

    Sperling, Y.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Laser-tracker-based reference measurement for geometric calibration of phase-measuring deflectometry with active display registration

    Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, Volume 13, S. 1 – 7 (2024) 


    Sperling, Y.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Active Display Registration in Phase Measuring Deflectometry

    Proc. of Sensor and Measurement Science International 2023 Conference, 49 – 50 (2023)

    Falldorf, C.; Thiemicke, F.; Müller, A. F.; Agour, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Flash-profilometry: fullfield lensless acquisition of spectral holograms for coherence scanning profilometry

    Optics Express 31, 17 (2023) 27494


    Bartsch, J.; Müller, S.; Mattulat, T.; Bergmann, R. B; Woizeschke, P.

    Hochpräzises, dreidimensionales Erfassen des schichtweisen Lagenaufbaus beim selektiven Laserstrahlschmelzen mittels Streifenprojektion

    Schweißen und Schneiden 75, 3 (2023) 160-165

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Improved 3D form profiler based on extending illumination aperture

    Proc. SPIE 12618, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection XIII, 126180T SPIE Optical Metrology, 2023, Munich, Germany (2023)

    Bergmann, R. B.; Falldorf, C.; Garcia Ortiz, A.; Müller, A. F.; Agour, M.; Bockelmann, C.

    The coherence function for optical metrology: a new paradigm and the role of information theory and compressed sensing

    Proc. SPIE 12619, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology IX, 1261902 (10 August 2023)


    Sperling, Y.; Bartsch, J.; Gauchan, S.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Extending vision ray calibration by determination of focus distances

    Optics Express 30, 26 (2022) 47801


    Falldorf, C.; Rukin, I.; Müller, A. F.; Kroker, S.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Functional pixels: a pathway towards true holographic displays using today’s display technology

    Optics Express 30, 26 (2022) 47528


    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Taleb, F.; Castro-Camus, E.; Koch, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Characterization of terahertz wavefront aberrations using computational shear-interferometry

    Optical Engineering 61, 11 (2022) 114102-1-11

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Taleb, F; Koch, M; Bergmann, R. B.; Castro-Camus, E

    Chocolate inspection by means of phase-contrast imaging using multiple-plane terahertz phase retrieval

    Optics Letters 47, 13 (2022) 3283-3286

    Bergmann, R. B.; Fischer, A; Bockelmann, C; Dekorsy, A; Garcia-Ortiz, A; Falldorf, C.

    The coherence function and its information content for optical metrology

    tm – Technisches Messen 89, 6 (2022) 397-412

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Taleb, F.; Castro-Camus, E.; Koch, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Terahertz referenceless wavefront sensing by means of computational shear-interferometry

    Optics Express 30, 5 (2022) 7068-7081

    Krause, C; Bergmann, R. B.; Falldorf, C.

    Statistical analysis of phase values for the determination of step heights in multi-wavelength interferometry

    tm – Technisches Messen 89, 6 (2022) 430–437

    Bergmann, R. B.

    Optische In‐Prozess‐Messung: Konzepte für präzise, schnelle und robuste optische Messtechnik für komplexe 


    DVS-Berichte 384. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2022) 10 (Kurzfassung) ISBN 978-3-96144-208-9)

    Bartsch, J.; Müller, S; Mattulat, T; Woizeschke, P; Bergmann, R. B.

    Hochpräzises, dimensionelles Erfassen des schichtweisen Lagenaufbaus beim selektiven 

    Laserstrahlschmelzen mittels Streifenprojektion

    DVS CONGRESS - Große Schweißtechnische Tagung. DVS Berichte Bd. 382. DVS Media GmbH, Düsseldorf (2022) 721-729

    Müller, A. F.; Falldorf, C.; Agour, M.; Lotzgeselle, M.; Straub, A.; Ehret, G.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Measurement of independent wave fields using estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) for aspheric and freeform surfaces

    25th Congress of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) and 16th Conference of International Society on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS), Dresden

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Taleb, F; Castro-Camus, E; Koch, M; Bergmann, R. B.

    Shear interferometry for terahertz wavefront sensing

    Proc. SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, Strasbourg/France. SPIE Terahertz Photonics II (2022) 12134 


    Müller, A. F.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Approaching optical metrology with multiple light sources and compressive sensing

    Proc. of SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, Strasbourg/France. Optics and Photonics for Advanced Dimensional 

    Metrology II (2022) 121370L 

    (doi: 10.1117/12.2621647)

    Fischer, A; Bergmann, R. B.

    Multidimensionale optische Messtechnik

    TM– Technisches Messen 89, 6 (2022) 395-396


    Bergmann, R. B.; Kalms, M..; Falldorf, C.

    Optical In-Process Measurement: concepts for precise, fast and robust optical metrology for complex measurement situations

    Applied Science 11 (2021) 10533


    Falldorf, C.; Agour, M.; Müller, A. F.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Γ-profilometry: a new paradigm for precise optical metrology

    Optics Express 29, 22 (2021) 36100-36110


    Bartsch, J.; Sperling, Y.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Efficient vision ray calibration of multi-camera systems

    Opt. Express 29, 11 (2021) 17125-17139

    Müller, A. F.; Rukin, I.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Multicolor holographic display of 3D scenes using referenceless phase holography (RELPH)

    Photonics 8, 247 (2021)


    Quasi-optical components for the THz-regime: fabrication and characterization

    Proc. of the 122. DGaO Proceedings 2021. ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2021-P009-9

    Krause, C.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Statistical evaluation process to measure step heights using multi-lambda shear interferometry

    Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-B022-9

    Müller, A. F.; Gutiérrez-Canas Pazos, B.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Referenceless phase holography for displaying 3D scenes captured by digital holography

    Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-B003-7

    Gauchan, S.; Bartsch, J.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Sichtfäden - Ein neuer Ansatz zur generischen Kamerakalibrierung

    Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-B007-3

    Falldorf, C.; Agour, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Γ-Profilometry on rough surfaces

    Proc. of the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-B020-0

    Bergmann, R. B.; Bockelmann, C.; Dekorsy, A.; Rosenhahn, B.; Falldorf, C.

    7D-Metrology: The coherence function as a solution to complex problems of optical metrology

    Proc. of. the 122. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Bremen (2021) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de: 0287-2021-H001-6

    Gauchan, S.; Bartsch, J.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Vision threads – A novel approach to generic camera calibration

    Proc. of SPIE 11787, Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision IV, 117870H (2021)

    doi: 10.1117/12.2592296 (online)

    Bartsch, J.; Sperling, Y.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Qualification of holistic and generic camera-system calibration by Fringe Projection

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 11787, Automated Visual Inspection and Machine Vision IV (SPIE), eds: J. Beyerer, M. Heizmann, 117870G (2021) 109-118 (online)

    Thiemicke, F.; Gesierich, A.; Li, W.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Digital holographic measurement system - robust digital holographic measurement system for production environments

    PhotonicsViews 18, S1 (2021) 4-5 (E-Special LAF 2020)


    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Fast 3D form measurements using a tunable lens profiler based on imaging with LED illumination

    Optics Express 29, 1 (2020) 385-399

    Falldorf, C.; Agour, M.; Thiemicke, F.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Lens based phase retrieval under spatially partially coherent illumination - Part I: Theory

    Optics and Laser in Engineering 139 (2020) 106507

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Thiemicke, F.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Lens-based phase retrieval under spatially partially coherent illumination - Part II: Shape measurements

    Optics and Lasers in Engineering 139 (2020) 106407

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Fast form measurements using a digital micro-mirror device in imaging with partially coherent illumination

    Optics Letters 45, 22 (2020) 6154-6157

    Müller, A. F.; Falldorf, C.; Lotzgeselle, M.; Ehret, G.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Multiple Aperture Shear-Interferometry (MArS): a solution to the aperture problem for the form 

    measurement of aspheric surfaces

    Optics Express 28, 23 (2020) 34677-34691

    Kalms, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Structure function analysis of powder beds in additive manufacturing by laser beam melting

    Additive Manufacturing 36 (2020) 101396

    Patra, S.; Bartsch, J.; Sperling, Y.; Kalms, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Modelling the influences of technical surfaces on Phase Measuring Deflectometry

    Proc. of 121 DGaO-Tagung (2020) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de 0287-2020-A011-8

    Bartsch, J.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Phasenmessende Deflektometrie mit aktiver Displayregistrierung

    Proc. of 121 DGaO-Tagung (2020) ISSN: 1614-8436 urn:nbn:de:0287-2020-A012-2

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Form profiler based on imaging with spatially partially coherent light

    Proc. of 121 DGaO-Tagung (2020) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de:0287-2020-A008-4

    Lotzgeselle, M.; Straub, A.; Ehret, G.; Müller, A. F.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Iterative Bestimmung der Form von Asphären mittels Scher-Interferometrie und inversem Raytracing

    Proc. of 121 DGaO-Tagung (2020) ISSN: 1614-8436 – urn:nbn:de 0287-2020-P009-6

    Quality inspection and logistic quality assurance of micro technical manufacturing processes

    Agour, M.; von Freyberg, A.; Staar, B.; Falldorf, C.; Fischer, A.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.; Goch, G.; Bergmann, R. B.

    In: Cold Micro Metal Forming, eds. F. Vollertsen, B. Kuhfuß, C. Thomy, S. Friedrich, P. Maaß, H.-W. Zoch

    Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham/CH (2020) 256-274

    Inspection of functional surfaces on micro components in the interior of cavities

    Simic, M.; Staar, B.; Falldorf, C.; Lütjen, M.; Freitag, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    In: Cold Micro Metal Forming, eds. F. Vollertsen, B. Kuhfuß, C. Thomy, S. Friedrich, P. Maaß, H.-W. Zoch

    Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham/CH (2020) 275-288


    Shape measurements by means of common path methods in coherent imaging

    Agour, M.; Müller, A. F.; Thiemicke, F.; Bergmann, R. B.; Falldorf, C.

    10th International Conference for Laser Applications (ICLA 10), Kairo (2019) 37

    3D imaging system based on spherical wave field synthesis

    Falldorf, C.; Chou, P.-Y.; Prigge, D.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Applied Sciences, (2019), 9(18), 3862;

    Improving the calibration of phase measuring deflectometry by a polynomial representation of the display shape

    Bartsch, J.; Kalms, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Eur. Opt. Soc.-Rapid Publ. (2019) 15:20,

    Phase measurement deviations in deflectometry due to properties of technical surfaces

    Patra, S. K., Bartsch, J., Kalms, M., Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE 11102, Applied Optical Metrology III, 111020Q (2019); DOI:

    Assessing the Focal Length and Wavefront Error of Liquid Crystal Micro Lens Arrays

    Chou, P.-Y., Prigge, D., Shieh, H. P. D., Bergmann, R. B., Falldorf, C.

    In Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, (Optical Society of America, 2019) pp. W2B-7

    Simultaneous measurement of independent wave fronts using multiple signal classification

    Falldorf, C., Müller, A. F., Agour, M., Bergmann, R. B.

    In Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, Optical Society of America, 2019) pp. M5A-5

    Depth scanning using binary digital micro-mirror devices

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C., Bergmann, R. B.

    in Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2019, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019), paper W3A.22

    Messen von asphärischen Linsenformen mittels räumlicher Kohärenz

    Müller, A., Falldorf, C., Ehret, G., Bergmann, R. B.

    tm – Technisches Messen, 0(0), pp. -. Retrieved 3 Jun. 2019, DOI: 10.1515/teme-2019-0025 (2019)

    Ganzheitliche optische Messtechnik

    Bergmann, R. B.; Falldorf, C.; Dekorsy, A.; Bockelmann, C.; Beetz, M.; Fischer, A.

    Physik Journal 18 (2) S. 34 – 39 (2019)

    In-line quality control using dimensional metrology of 3D metal parts printed by laser beam melting

    Kalms, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE 10971, Nondestructive Characterization and Monitoring of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, Civil Infrastructure and Transportation XIII, 109710N (2019) doi: 10.1117/12.2514240

    New approach to evaluate 3D laser printed parts in powder bed fusion-based additive manufacturing in-line within closed space

    Kalms, M.; Narita, R.; Thomy, C.; Vollertsen, F.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Additive Manufacturing 26 (2019) 161-165

    Polymer-based holograms with individually adjustable structure angle

    Klein, T.; Thiemicke, F.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Optical Engineering 58, 2 (2019) 025105-025105-7



    Autofocus in two-wavelength contouring for fast inspection of micro parts

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Sensors & Transducers, Vol. 226, Issue 10, October 2018, pp. 77-82

    Spatial multiplexing and autofocus in holographic contouring for inspection of micro-parts

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Optics Express 26, 22 (2018) 28576-28588

    Fast quality inspection of micro cold formed parts using telecentric digital holographic microscopy

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Staar, B.; von Freyberg, A.; Fischer, A.; Lütjen, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. 5th Intern. Conf. on New Forming Technology (ICNFT 2018) MATEC Web of Conferences 190, 15008 (2018)

    Extended depth of focus using autofocus in two wavelength contouring for fast inspection of micro parts

    Agour, M.; Thiemicke, F.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. 1st International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL‘ 2018), IFSA Publishing, (2018) 205-208

    Effects on non-ideal display properties in phase measuring deflectometry: A model-based investigation

    Bartsch, J.; Nüß, J. R.; Prinzler, M.; Kalms, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE 10678, Optical Micro- and Nanometrology VII (2018) 106780Y1-10

    Spatio-temporal sampling of the coherence function for step height measurements

    Falldorf, C.; Hyra, A.; Simic, A.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE 10749, Interferometry XIX. SPIE Digital Library (2918) 107490Y-1-8; doi: 10.1117/12.2321145

    Form metrology of optical surfaces based on partial coherent shearing interferometry in reflection

    Hagemann, J.-H.; Falldorf, C.; Ehret, G.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. of the 18th International Conference & Exhibition (EUSPEN 2018), Venice/Italien (2018) online

    Form determination of optical surfaces by measuring the spatial coherence function using shearing interferometry

    Hagemann, J.-H; Falldorf, C.; Ehret, G.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Optics Express 26 (2018) 27991-28001

    FTS-Diamantdrehen strukturierter Oberflächen – Diamantdrehen mit erweiterten Freiheitsgraden

    Holthusen, A. K.; Riemer, O.; Brinksmeier, E.; Thiemicke, F.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Wt Werkstofftechnik online 108, 11/12 (2018) 784

    Characterization of technical surfaces by structure function analysis

    Kalms, M.; Kreis, T.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE Vol. 10599, Nondestructive Characterization and Monitoring of Advanced Materials, Aerospace, Civil Infrastructure, and Transportation XII, (2018) 1059924-1-8, DOI: 10.1117/12.2296309

    Novel approach for shape measurement using light with low spatial coherence length

    Klein, T.; Agour, M.; Hülsmann, T.; Schulze, P.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. European Optical Society Biennial Meeting (EOSAM 2018), Delft/NL (2018) 249-250

    Aktuelle Forschungsthemen zum Laserstrahleinsatz

    Mittelstädt, C.; Blanke, N.; Czotscher, T.; Freiße, H.; Halisch, C.; Schultz, V.; Simic, A.; Stephen, A.; Tyralla, D.; Vetter, K.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Schweißen und Schneiden 70, 9 (2018) 650-657

    Lens inspection using multiple aperture shear interferometry: comparison to wave front sensing methods

    Müller, A.; Falldorf, C.; Agour, M.; Hagemann, J.-H.; Ehret, G.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. der 119. Jahrestagung der DGaO. DGaO Proceedings (2018) ISSN 1614-8436

    Metric for comparison of generic camera calibration

    Prinzler, M.; Bartsch, J.; Kalms, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, San Diego/USA (2018) 107500I-1-9

    Interlaboratory comparison measurements of aspheres

    Schachtschneider, R.; Fortmeier, I.; Stavridis, M.; Asfour, J.; Berger, G.; Bergmann, R. B.; Beutler, A.; Blümel, T.; Klawitter, H.; Kubo, K.; Liebl, J.; Löffler, F.; Meeß, R.; Pruss, C.; Ramm, D.; Sander, M.; Schneider, G.; Wendel, M.; Widdershoven, I.; Schulz, M.; Elster, C.

    Mess. Sci. Technol 29 (2018) 055010

    Fast quality assurance of pipes

    Simic, A.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. European Optical Society Biennial Meeting (EOSAM 2018), Delft/NL (2018) 279-280

    Multiple plane holographic projection using diamond turned holograms

    Thiemicke, F.; Holthusen, A. K.; Bergmann, R. B.; Brinksmeier, E.

    17th Workshop on Information Optics (WIO 2018) DOI 10.1109/WIO.2018.8643454



    Spatial multiplexing digital holography for speckle noise reduction in single-shot holographic two-wavelength contouring

    Agour, M.; Klattenhoff, R.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Optical Engineering 56, 12 (2017) 124101-1-7, DOI: 0.1117/1.OE.56.12.124101

    Kompensation der Abbildungsverzerrung in der digital holografischen Mikroskopie durch Einsatz eines telezentrischen Objektives

    Agour, M.; Simic, A.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Fachbeiträge 8. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, Bremen, 27.-28. November 2017, Hrsg.: F. Vollertsen, C. Hopmann, V. Schulze, J. Wulfsberg, BIAS Verlag (2017) 7-12, ISBN: 978-3-933762-56-6

    Geometrische Auswertung digital holographischer Messungen im Bereich des Mikrokaltumformens

    von Freyberg, A.; Agour, M.; Bergmann, R. B.; Fischer, A.

    Fachbeiträge 8. Kolloquium Mikroproduktion, Bremen, 27.-28. November 2017, Hrsg.: F. Vollertsen, C. Hopmann, V. Schulze, J. Wulfsberg, BIAS Verlag (2017) 13-20, ISBN: 978-3-933762-56-6

    Distortion free reconstruction in digital holographic microscopy

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C,; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. of the Face2Phase Conference, Delft/NL (2017) 38

    In-Line computational shear interferometry of insert moulded micro parts for optical application

    Agour, M.; Flosky, C.; Riemer, O.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2016) doi:10.1007/s00170-016-9874-8 (online)

    Speckle noise reduction in single-shot holographic two-wavelength contouring

    Agour, M. ; Klattenhoff, R. ; Falldorf, C. ; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE 10233, Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, 102330R (2017); doi:10.1117/12.2264971

    Computational methods in coherent optical metrology

    Falldorf, C.; Agour, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. of AMA Conferences. AMA Publications, Wunstorf (2017) 239-243 (10.5162/sensor2017/B5.2)

    Coherent imaging using the mutual intensity function

    Falldorf, C.; Agour, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. of the Face2Phase Conference, Delft/NL (2017) 32

    Computational Optical Metrology

    Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Photonics Germany (2017) 64

    Holographic 3D imaging through diffuse media by compressive sampling of the mutual intensity

    Falldorf, C.; Klein, T.; Agour, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. of holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, eds.: M. Hrabovsky, J. T. Sheridan, A. Fimia.

    SPIE Vol. 10233, SPIE Digital Library Bellingham WA (2017) 1023330-Q1-8

    Sparse light fields in coherent optical metrology

    Falldorf, C.; Hagemann, J.-H.; Ehret, G.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Appl. Opt. 56, (F14-F19), (2017)

    Virtual Shearing Interferometer with LED Illumination for Form Characterization of Optics

    Hagemann, J.-H; Ehret, G; Andreas, B.; Bergmann, R. B.; Falldorf, C.

    Proc. of the European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2016). European Optical Society (2017) 277-278

    Error influences of the shear element in interferometry for form characterization of optics

    Hagemann, J.-H.; Falldorf, C.; Ehret, G.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE Vol. 10329, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection X, eds.: P. Lehmann, W. Osten, A. A. Goncalves jr. SPIE, Digital Library (2017) 103291T1-1

    Distortion-free laser beam shaping for material processing using a digital micromirror device

    Messaoudi, H.; Thiemicke, F.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.; Vollertsen, F.

    Production Engineering – Research and Development 11, 3 (2017) 365-371

    In-line quality control of micro parts using digital holography

    Simic, A.; Freiheit, H.; Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE Vol. 10233, Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, eds.: M. Hrabovsky, J. T. Sheridan, A. Fimia, SPIE Digital Library Bellingham WA (2017) 1023311



    Inspektion im Inneren von Mikrotiefziehbauteilen mittels digitaler Holografie

    Simic, A.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Laser Magazin 4 (2016) 31

    Holographic display system for dynamic synthesis of 3D light fields with increased space bandwidth product

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Optics Express 24 (2016) 14393-14405

    Shape measurements of microscopic objects using computational shear interferometry

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9718, Quantitative Phase Imaging II, eds. G. Popescu, YK Parc. SPIE (2016) 97182M-1-8

    Quantitative phase contrast imaging using a Nomarski microscope with variable shear distance

    Falldorf, C.; Agour, M.; Kötter, J.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9718. SPIE Digital Library (2016) 97182I-1-7

    Realization of a shearing interferometer with LED multipoint illumination for form characterization of optics

    Hagemann, J.-H.; Ehret, G.; Bergmann, R. B.; Falldorf, C.

    DGaO Proceedings (2016) paper 20

    Referenceless phase holography, a new 3D display method

    Kreis, T.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. Digital Holography & Three -Dimensional Imaging, Heidelberg (2016) OSA

    Technical Digest on Imaging and Applied Optics (2016) DTh4E.4 (online)

    1 kHz 3.3 ìm Nd:YAG KTiOAsO4 optical parametric oscillator system for laser ultrasound excitation of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics

    Puncken, O.; Mendoza Gandara, D.; Damjanic, M.; Mahnke, P.; Bergmann, R. B.; Kalms, M.; Peuser, P.; Wessels, P.; Neumann, J.; Schnars, U.

    Applied Optics 55 (2016) 1310-1317

    Internal inspection of micro deep drawing parts using digital holography

    Simic, A.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. Digital Holography & Three -Dimensional Imaging, Heidelberg (2016) OSA

    Technical Digest on Imaging and Applied Optics (2016) DW1H.3 (online)


    Precision optical metrology without lasers

    Bergmann, R. B.; Burke, J.; Falldorf, C.

    Proc. SPIE 9524, International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (icOPEN 2015), eds.: Anand K. Asundi, Yu Fu, 952403-1-8 (2015) doi: 10.1117/12.2183451

    Running droplet optical multiplexer

    Brandhoff, L.; Akhtar, M.; Bülters, M.; Bergmann, R. B.; Vellekoop, M. J.

    Optofluidics, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 1 (2015) 62-68

    A rapid prototyping framework for nano-photonic accelerators

    Büter, W; Garcia-Ortiz, A; Ali, A; Mahmood, S; Arefin, S; Parsi Sreenivas, V; Bergmann, R B

    Proc. 25th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), London, 2015, pp. 1-4., doi: 10.1109/FPL.2015.7294004

    Single shot lateral shear interferometer with variable shear

    Falldorf, C.; Klattenhoff, R.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Optical Engineering 54 (2015) 054105-1-6, doi: 10.1117/1.OE.54.5.054105

    Digital holography and quantitative phase contrast imaging using computational shear interferometry

    Falldorf, C.; Agour, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Optical Engineering 54, (2015) 024110-1-7

    Röntgen-Computertomograf für zerstörungsfreie Prüfung

    Kalms, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Laser Magazin 1 (2015) 39

    Dynamic wave field synthesis: enabling the generation of field distributions with a large space-bandwidth product

    Kamau, E., Heine, J., Falldorf, C., Bergmann, R. B.

    Opt. Express 23, 28920-28934 (2015).



    Measuring the complex amplitude of wave fields by means of phase retrieval using partially coherent illumination

    Agour, M.; Elshaffey, K.; v. Koyplow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.; Falldorf, C.

    Proc. 7th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology (Fringe 2013), ed. W. Osten. Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg (2014) 283-287

    Nanophotonics in three dimensions: Heading from microelectronics towards optical computing

    Bergmann, R. B., Parsi Sreenivas, V. V., Bülters, M., Garcia-Ortiz, A., Gutowski, J. and Lang, W.,

    2nd Internat. Conf. on System-Integrated Intelligence (SysInt 2014), Bremen, 2.7.2014

    Optical metrology on the micro and nano scale (Keynote)

    Bergmann, R. B., Burke, J., Huferath-von Luepke S. and Falldorf C.

    4th Internat. Conf. on Nanomanufacturing (NanoMan 2014), Bremen, 8.7.2014

    Subsurface modification of crystalline silicon via ultra-short laser pulses for three dimensional separation

    Bülters M.; Parsi Sreenivas, V. V.; Braun, A.; Teubner, U.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 08.-10.07.2014 Bremen (CD-Rom)

    3D DOEs in photosensitivem Foturan Glas

    Bülters, M.; Kamau, E. N.; Parsi Sreenivas, V. V.; Falldorf C. Bergmann, R. B.

    115. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Karlsruhe (11.06.2014)

    Measurement of mould tool for laminar-flow carbon-fibre composite airplane wing cover

    Burke, J.; Gesierich, A.; Li, W.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. Oldenburger 3D-Tage 2014, eds.: Luhmann, Müller. Wichmann Berlin (2014) 116-125

    Messung eines Formwerkzeugs für einen Kohlefaser-Laminartragflächendeckel

    Burke, J.; Gesierich, A.; Li, W.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Oldenburger 3D-Tage (13.02.2014)

    Precise optical metrology using computational shear-interferometry and an LCD monitor as light source

    Falldorf, C.; Simic, A.; Ehret, G.; Schulz, M.; v. Koyplow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology (Fringe 2013), ed. W. Osten. Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg (2014) 729-734

    Calibration of a digital holographic microscope for wear detection

    Huferath-von Lüpke, S.;Schröder, M.; Huke, P.; Bergmann, R B.

    4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing – nanoMan 2014, Bremen/Germany (10.07.2014)

    Deflectometry vs. Shearography for detection of subsurface defects

    Huke, P.; Burke, J.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE Vol. 9203, Interferometry XVII: Techniques and Analysis. eds: Katherine Creath, Jan Burke, Joanna Schmit, SPIE Bellingham (2014), 92030C, DOI: 10.1117/12.2063650

    Advanced wave field sensing using Computational Shear Interferometry

    Falldorf, C.; Agour, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE Vol. 9204, Interferometry XVII: Advanced Applications. SPIE Bellingham (2014), 92040C-1-9

    Complete shape measurement of micro parts by digital holography

    Huferath-von Luepke, S., Klattenhoff, R., Dankwart, C., Falldorf, C., Bergmann R.B.

    Proc. of SPIE; Interferometry XVI: Techniques and Analysis, eds.: K. Creath, J. Burke, J. Schmit. SPIE Bellingham (2014) 920302-1-8

    Digital holography for inline wear recording on deep drawing tools

    Huferath-von Luepke, S.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 08.-10.07.2014 Bremen (CD-Rom)

    Efficient laser generation of Lamb waves

    Huke, P.; Schröder, M.; Hellmers, S.; Kalms, M.; Bergmann, R.B.

    Optics Letters 39 (2014) 5795-5797

    Assessment of bond defects in adhesive joints before and after the treatment with laser generated shock waves

    Kalms, M.; Hellmers, S.; von Kopylow, C.; Wilken, R.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE 9063, Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security 2014, 906327 (9 March 2014)

    Beam shaping using liquid crystal-on-silicon spatial light modulators for laser ultrasound generation

    Kalms, M.; Hellmers, S.; Huke, P.; Bergmann, R. B

    Optical Engineering 53 (2014) 044110-1-6

    Fabrication of 3D DOEs in photosensitive Foturan Glass

    Kamau, E. N.; Bülters, M.; Sanchez Alvarez, C.; Parsi Sreenivas, V. V.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing – nanoMan 2014, Bremen/Germany (08.07.2014)

    Surface characterization by structure function analysis

    Kreis, Th.; Burke, J.; Bergmann, R. B.

    J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public 9 (2014) 14032-1-8

    Optical Vector Matrix Multiplier for On-Chip Computation

    Parsi Sreenivas, V. V; Bülters, M.; Dumstorff, G; Chauhan, A; Garcia-Ortiz, A; Bergmann, R. B.

    European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2014) Berlin (CD-Rom)

    Optical waveguides via laser micro machining

    Parsi Sreenivas, V. V.; Bülters, M.; Morosov, K.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 08.-10.07.2014 Bremen (CD-Rom)

    Three dimensional fabrication of optical waveguiding elements for on-chip integration

    Parsi Sreenivas, V.; Bülters, M. Schröder, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE Vol. 9130, Micro-Optics 2014, eds.: H.Thienpont, J. Mohr, H. Zappe, H. Nakajima. SPIE Bellingham WA (2014) 91300M1-7

    Improving the Generic Camera Calibration technique by extended model of calibration display

    Reh, T.; Li, Wansong; Burke, J.; Bergmann, R.B.

    J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public 9 (2014) 14044-1-4

    Axially distributed sensing with a monoscopic imaging lens for single-shot distance measurements

    Sandner, M.; Kolenović, E.; Klattenhoff, R.; Kolenović, E.; Elandaloussi, F.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Applied Optics 53 (2014) 5078 – 5083

    Fabrication of 3d-microstructures for calibration of a holographic metrology system

    Schröder, M.; Huferath-von Luepke, S.; Bülters, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 08.-10.07.2014 Bremen (CD-Rom)

    Dimensional Quality Inspection of Metallic Micro Components in Micro Bulk Manufacturing

    Weimer, D.; Huferath-v. Lüpke, S.; Tausendfreund, A.; Lübke, K.; Falldorf, C.; Lütjen, M.; von Freyberg, A.; Bergmann, R B.; Goch, G.; Scholz-Reiter, B.

    Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1018. TransTechn Publications Switzerland (2014) 493-500

    A Comparison of in-situ Measuring Systems within Micro Cold Forming

    Weimer, D., Huferath-von Lüpke, S., Falldorf, C., Lütjen, M., Tausendfreund, A., Kreis, Th., von Freyberg, A., Bergmann, R.B., Goch, G., Scholz-Reiter, B.

    Proc. 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2014) 8 – 10 July, 2014, Bremen (CD-Rom)



    Phase retrieval using constrains derived from the Helmholtz equation

    Agour, M.; Kolenovic, E.; Falldorf, C.; v. Kopylow, C.; Jüptner, W.; Bergmann, R.B.

    Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI-2013); OSA Technical Digest, Optial Society of America (2013) CTu3C.3

    Investigation of composite materials using SLM-based phase retrieval   Direct link

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Optics Letters Vol. 38 (2013) 2203-2205

    Advanced optical metrology for quality control (invited talk)

    Bergmann, R. B.

    Lasers in Manufacturing (LIM 2013), München (13.05.2013)

    Qualifying parabolic mirrors with deflectometry    Direct link

    Burke, J.; Li, W.; Heimsath, A.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R.B.

    J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public 8 (2013) 13014-1-6

    Wave field sensing by means of computational shear interferometry    Direct link

    Falldorf, C.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    J. Optical Society of America A. 30 (2013) 1905-1912

    Computational shear interferometry for digital holography

    Falldorf, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    SPIE Newsroom (2013) nur online

    Novel trends in optical non-destructive testing methods    Direct link

    Huke, P., Klattenhoff, R.; v. Kopylow, C. Bergmann, R. B.

    J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public, 8, 13043 (2013) 1-7

    Nondestructive testing in an automated process chain for mass manufacturing of fiber reinforced thermoplastic components

    Kalms, M.; Hellmers, S.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.,

    Proc. SPIE Vol. XXXX Conference on Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace, Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security VI, eds.: T Y. Yu, A. L. Gyekenyesi, P. J. Shull, A. A. Diaz, H. F. Wu. SPIE Bellingham (2013) 869429-1-9

    Least-square based inverse reconstruction of in-line digital holograms

    Kamau, E. N.; Burns, N.; Falldorf, C.; v. Kopylow, C.; Watson, J; Bergmann, R. B.

    J. Optics 15 (2013) 075716

    A new approach to dynamic wave field synthesis using computer generated volume holograms

    Kamau, E. N., Falldorf, C., Bergmann, R. B.

    Information Optics WIO (2013) 12th Workshop on. IEEE Xplore Tenerife/Spain (2013)1-3 (online)

    Digital holographic system for the imaging and analysis of living marine plankton interrelational behavior

    Kamau, E.N. ; Huke, P.; Bergmann, R. B.

    3rd EOS Topical Meeting (on Blue Photonics – Optics in the Sea (2013) o.S.

    Non-equilibrium Grain Size Distribution with Generalized Growth and Nucleation Rates

    Lokovic, K. S.; Bergmann, R. B.; Bill, A.

    J. Mater. Res., 28 (2013) 1407-1412

    Vision ray camera calibration for small field of view

    Reh, T; Li, W; Gesierich, A; Bergmann, R. B.

    DGaO-Proceedings 2013 (online)

    Areal absolute form measurement of optical surfaces using phase measuring deflectometry and shearing interferometry

    Sandner, M.; Falldorf, C.; Simic, A.; Burke, J.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. 6th High Level Expert Meeting on Asphere Metrology, Braunschweig (2013) (CD)



    Misalignment compensation in spatial light modulator based optical filtering techniques

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; v. Koyplow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

    Design of diffractive optical elements for multiple wavelength image formation by gradient-based methods

    Dankwart, C.; Falldorf, C.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R.B.

    EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

    Three dimensional optical components on IC surfaces for on-chip communication

    Bülters, M.; Schröder, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

    Reduction of speckle noise in multi wavelength contouring     Direct link

    Falldorf, C.; Huferath-von Luepke, S.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Applied Optics 51, 8211-8215 (2012)

    Holographic imaging utilizing pulsed ultra violet lasers and diamond-turned diffractive optical elements

    Kibben, S.; Koerdt, M.; Dankwart, C.; Bergmann, R. B.; Vollertsen, F.

    EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

    Non-destructive testing of carbon reinforced plastics by means of phase retrieval

    Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE Vol. XXXX, V International Conference on Speckle Metrology (Speckle 2012), eds.: A. F.Doval, C. Trillo, J. C. Lopez-Vazquez. SPIE Bellingham (2012) 841318-1-5

    A fast and robust approach to phase shift registration from randomly phase shifted interferograms

    Hildebrand, A.; Falldorf, C.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Proc. SPIE Vol. 8413. SPIE Bellingham (2012) 84130R

    Design and simulation of three-dimensional optical polymer waveguide devices for photonic on-chip application

    Schröder, M.; Bülters, M.; Bergmann, R. B.

    EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

    Non-linear optimization for the reconstruction of wavefronts from gradient data

    Falldorf, C.; Li, W.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.;

    EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

    Comparative digital holographic microscope for wear detection at micro deep drawing tools

    Huferath-von Lüpke, S., Zuch, U., Huke, P., v. Kopylow, C., Bergmann, R. B.

    EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

    Optical non-destructive testing methods

    Huke, P., v. Kopylow, C. Bergmann, R. B.

    EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

    Laser-generated ultrasound with liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) technology in the thermoelastic regime

    Kalms, M.; Hellmers, S.; Bergmann, R. B.

    Nondestructive Characterization for Composite Materials, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Infrastructure, and Homeland Security (2012) eds.: A. L. Gyekenyesi, T.-Y. Yu, P. J. Shull, A. A. Diaz, H. F. Wu. SPIE Bellingham/Washington (2012) 83470N1-9

    Point Source Based Model for the Inverse Numerical Reconstruction of Digital Holograms

    Kamau, E. N.; Wang, N.; Falldorf, C.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

    Qualifying parabolic mirrors with deflectometry

    Li, W.; Heimsath, A.; Burke, J.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

    Microsized subsurface modification of mono-crystalline silicon via non-linear absorption    Direct link

    Parsi Sreenivas, V. V., Bülters, M., Bergmann, R. B.

    J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public 7 (2012) 12035-1-5

    Subsurface modification in mono-crystalline silicon by multiphoton processes – analytical model and first results

    Parsi Sreenivas, V. V., Bülters, M., Bergmann, R. B.

    EOS Annual Meeting Aberdeen (2012) ISBN 978-3-9815022-4-4 (CD Rom)

    Messen und Prüfen mit Licht

    Sandner, M.; Burke, J.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    wt Werkstattstechnik online, 11/12 (2012) 777-782

    Novel concept for three-dimensional polymer waveguides for Optical on-Chip Interconnects    Direct link

    Schröder, M.; Bülters, M.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public 7 (2012) 12027-1-4

    Wear recording at micro deep drawing tools with comparative digital holography    Direct link

    Huferath-von Lüpke, S., Huke, P., v. Kopylow, C., Bergmann, R.B.

    J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public 7 (2012) 12041-1-7

    Phase Retrieval for Optical Inspection of Technical Components

    Falldorf, C.; Agour, M.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.

    J. Opt. 14 (2012) 065701



    Wear recording at micro deep drawing tools with comparative digital holography

    S. Huferath-von Lüpke, P. Huke, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann,

    Proc. 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic systems, 7.-9.12.2011, Bremen (CD-ROM), ISBN 978-3-00-033711-6 (2011)

    Novel concept for three-dimensional polymer waveguides

    M. Schröder, V. V. Parsi Sreenivas, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann

    Proc.  1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic systems, 7.-9.12.2011, Bremen (CD-ROM), ISBN 978-3-00-033711-6 (2011)

    Novel three-dimensional Polymer Waveguides for Optical on-Chip Interconnects

    M. Bülters, M. Schröder, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann,

    Proc. 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic systems, 7.-9.12.2011, Bremen (CD-ROM), ISBN 978-3-00-033711-6 (2011)

    Nanosized subsurface modification of mono-crystalline Silicon via non-linear absorbtion

    V. V. Parsi Sreenivas, M. Bülters, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann

    Proc. 1st EOS Topical Meeting on Micro- and Nano-Optoelectronic systems, 7.-9.12.2011, Bremen (CD-ROM), ISBN 978-3-00-033711-6 (2011)

    Automated compensation of misalignment in phase retrieval based on a spatial light modulator    Direct link

    M. Agour, C. Falldorf, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann

    Applied Optics 50, 4779-4787 (2011)

    The effect of misalignment in phase retrieval based on a spatial light modulator

    M. Agour, C. Falldorf, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann

    Proc. SPIE 8082, Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection VII, 80820M (26 May 2011); doi: 10.1117/12.889200;

    Schnelle 3D-Formerfassung von Mikrotiefziehbauteilen mittels digitaler Holografie

    N. Wang, C. von Kopylow, C. Falldorf, Ralf B. Bergmann

    Photonik 4, 40-42 (2011)

    Assessment of digital holography for 3D-shape measurement of micro deep drawing parts in comparison to confocal microscopy

    N. Wang, C. Falldorf, C. von Kopylow and Ralf B. Bergmann,

    MEMS and Nanotechnology, Vol. 4: Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Conference

    Proc. Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), Ed.: Tom Proulx, Springer, Berlin (2011)

    Development of the grain size distribution during the crystallization of an amorphous solid

    A. Bill, Ralf B. Bergmann

    MRS Proceedings, 1308, Mrsf10-1308-dd03-01. doi:10.1557/opl.2011.506

    Contactless defect detection using optical methods for non destructive testing NdT

    Ph. Huke, O. Focke, C. Falldorf, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann, Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on NDT in Aerospace 2010 (CD-ROM), (2011)



    Resolution enhancement by time-multiplexed acquisition of sub-pixel shifted images employing a spatial light modulator

    A. Hildebrand, C. Falldorf, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann,

    Proc. International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT 2010), eds.: F. Janabi-Sharifi and J. Kofman, IEEE (2010), pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/ISOT.2010.5687353 (CD-ROM)

    Measurement of thermally induced deformations by means of phase retrieval

    C. Falldorf, M. Agour, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann, Proceedings International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT 2010), eds.: F. Janabi-Sharifi and J. Kofman, IEEE (2010), pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.1109/ISOT.2010.5687376 (CD-ROM)

    Liquid crystal spatial light modulators in optical metrology (Invited paper)

    C. Falldorf, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann

    Invited Paper, Information Optics (WIO), 2010 9th Euro-American Workshop on Information Optics, Helsinki, eds.: T. J. Naughton, B. Javidi, IEEE (2010), pp. 1-3, DOI: 10.1109/WIO.2010.5582527 (CD-ROM)

    Vision ray calibration for the quantitative geometric description of general imaging and projection optics in metrology    Direct link

    Th. Bothe, W. Li, M. Schulte, C. von Kopylow, R. B. Bergmann, W. P. O. Jüptner

    Applied Optics 49, pp 5851-5860 (2010)

    Optical metrology and optical non-destructive testing from the perspective of object characteristics (Invited paper)

    Ralf B. Bergmann, T. Bothe, C. Falldorf, P. Huke, M. Kalms, C. von Kopylow

    Proc. SPIE Vol. 7791, Interferometry XV: Applications, 1-15, Bellingham, WA., USA (2010)

    Grain size distribution in crystallization processes with anisotropic growth rate

    Andreas Bill, K. S. Lokovic, Ralf B. Bergmann

    MRS Spring Meeting, Symposium A, Vol. 1245 (2010), 1245-A16-07 (online)

    Time evolution of the grain size distributions in random nucleation and growth crystallization processes

    Anthony V. Teran, Andreas Bill, Ralf B. Bergmann.

    Physical Review B 81(2010) 075319-1-19

    Design of an optical system for phase retrieval based on a spatial light modulator

    C. Falldorf, M. Agour, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann

    in: Proceedings on „Advanced Phase Measurement Methods in Optics and Imaging“, Locarno, Switzerland (2010), p. 259-264

    Digital alignment of a reconstructed hologram with an object for measurement of deterioration of tools

    S. Huferath-von Lüpke, T. Baumbach, E. Kolenovic, C. Falldorf, C. v. Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann

    in: Proceedings 36th Internat. MATADOR Conference 2010, eds.: S. Hinduja, L. Li, Springer Verlag London (2010), p. 331-334

    Modeling of the optical behavior of diamond turned holograms

    C. Dankwart, C. Falldorf, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann

    Proc. EOS Topial Meeting on Diffractive Optics 2010-EOS 2010 (CD-ROM)

    Phase retrieval by means of a spatial light modulator in the fourier domain of an imaging system    Direct link

    C. Falldorf, M. Agour, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann

    Applied Optics 49 (2010), p. 1826-1830

    Design of a diamond turned hologram incorporating properties of the fabrication process    Direct link

    C. Dankwart, C. Falldorf, R. Gläbe, B. Lünemann, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann

    Applied Optics 49 (2010), 4949-4955



    Measurement of Optical Components

    Ralf B. Bergmann, Th. Bothe, C. Falldorf, C. von Kopylow

    Proc. Internat. Molded Optics Conference 2009 (iMOC 2009)

    Holographic projection based on Diamond Turned Diffractive Optical Elements    Direct link

    C. Falldorf, C. Dankwart, R. Gläbe, B. Lünemann, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann

    Applied Optics 48 (2009), 5782-5785

    The Fringe Reflection Technique for Lens Inspection and Specular Freeform Measurement

    T. Bothe, W. Li, C. von Kopylow, Ralf B. Bergmann

    MAFO Ophthalmic Labs & Industry 5 (2009), p. 38-42

    Lateral Shearing Interferometer based on a Spatial Light Modulator in the Fourier Plane

    C. Falldorf, R. Klattenhoff, A. Gesierich, C. von Kopylow, R. B. Bergmann

    Proc. FRINGE 2009 – The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology, p. 93 – 98 (2009)



    On the origin of logarithmic-normal distributions: An analytical derivation, and its application to nucleation and growth processes

    Ralf B. Bergmann, Andreas Bill

    J. Crystal Growth 310/13, 3135-3138 (2008)

    On the logarithmic-normal distribution in nucleation and growth processes

    Andreas Bill, Anthony Teran, Ralf B. Bergmann

    APS-Spring Meeting 2008, Abstract only


    Non-Destructive Testing in the Automotive Supply Industry – Requirements, Trends and Examples Using X-ray CT“ (invited paper)

    Ralf B. Bergmann, Florian T. Bessler and Walter Bauer

    in: 9th Europ. Conf. for Non-Destructive Testing, Berlin, September 25 – 29, 2006, DGZFP Proceedings BB 103-CD, Th.1.6.1



    Computer tomography for non-destructive testing in the automotive industry

    Walter Bauer, Florian T. Bessler, Erich Zabler and Ralf B. Bergmann

    in: SPIE Conference, Denver, USA, August 2004, Session 12, Materials Research II, Talk No. 5535-50



    Röntgen-Computertomographie in der industriellen Fertigung – Anwendungen und Entwicklungsziele

    E. Zabler, M. Rosenberger-Koch und R. B. Bergmann

    in: Jahrestagung der Dt. Gesellschaft für zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (DGZFP), Tagungsband auf CD-ROM (DGZFP, 2003), V 17

    Low-temperature epitaxy on polycrystalline silicon substrates

    T. A. Wagner, L. Oberbeck, R. B. Bergmann, M. Nerding, H. P. Strunk and J. H. Werner

    Solid State Phenomena 93, 121 (2003)

    Single to polycrystalline transition in silicon growth by ion assisted deposition at low temperatures

    M. Nerding, L. Oberbeck, T. A. Wagner, R. B. Bergmann and H. P. Strunk

    J. Applied Physics 93, 2570 (2003)



    „Growth, characterization and electronic applications of Si-based thin films“

    Volume Editor: Ralf B. Bergmann (Research Signpost, Trivandrum, India, 2002).


    „Thin film transistors for flexible electronics“ by S. Wagner, H. Gleskova, I. Chun Cheng and M. Wu;

    „Nucleation and growth dynamics in polycrystalline Si (SiGe) thin films formation“ by H. Kumomi;

    „Laser crystallization of Si and SiGe films“ by J. R. Köhler;

    „Solid phase crystallization of Si and Ge:“ by H. Atwater and C. M. Chen;

    „Zone melting recrystallization of Si films for solar cells“ by T. Ishihara;

    „Thin film Si-based opto¬electronics“ by S. Pizzini and S. Binetti;

    „Low temperature epitaxial growth of Si and SiGe films“ by L. Oberbeck;

    „High temperature deposition and epitaxy of Si and SiGe“ by A. Slaoui, J. Poortmans and M. Caymax;

    „Transfer of monocrystalline Si films for thin film solar cells“ K. J. Weber, M. Stocks, A. W. Blakers and M. McCann;

    „Transfer of monocrystalline Si films for silicon on insulator devices“ N. Sato, K. Ohmi, and T. Yonehara;

    „Thin semiconductor films: Future trends“ by H.-J. Queisser

    Advances in Monocrystalline Si Thin Film Solar Cells by Layer Transfer

    R. B. Bergmann, C. Berge, T. J. Rinke, J. Schmidt, and J. H. Werner

    Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 74, 213 (2002)

    The Future of Crystalline Silicon Films on Foreign Substrates

    R. B. Bergmann and J. H. Werner

    Thin Solid Films 403-404, 162-169 (2002)

    Optimization and characterization of amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells

    N. Jensen, R. M. Hausner, R. B. Bergmann, J. H. Werner, and U. Rau

    Prog. Photovolt. Res. & Appl. 10, 1-13 (2002)

    Low temperature epitaxial Silicon films deposited by ion-assisted deposition

    T. A. Wagner, L. Oberbeck, and R. B. Bergmann

    Mat. Sci. Eng. B 89, 319 (2002)

    Monocrystalline Si Thin Film Solar Cells by Layer Transfer

    C. Berge, R. B. Bergmann, T. J. Rinke, and J. H. Werner

    Proc. 17th Europ. Photov. Solar Energy Conf., B. McNelis, W. Palz, H. A. Ossenbrink, and P. Helm, Eds. (WIP Munich, Germany, 2002), p. 1277

    Application of plasma silicon nitride to crystalline thin-film silicon solar cells

    J. Schmidt, L. Oberbeck, T. J. Rinke, C. Berge, R. B. Bergmann

    in Proc. 17th Europ. Photov. Solar Energy Conf., B. McNelis, W. Palz, H. A. Ossenbrink, and P. Helm, Eds. (WIP Munich, Germany, 2002), p. 1351



    High rate deposition of epitaxial layers for efficient low temperature thin film epitaxial silicon solar cells

    L. Oberbeck, J. Schmidt, T. Wagner, and R. Bergmann

    Prog. Photovolt. Res. Appl. 9, 333 (2001)

    Orientation-Dependence of Low Temperature Epitaxiasl Silicon Growth

    T. A. Wagner, L. Oberbeck, M. Nerding, H. P. Strunk and R. B. Bergmann

    Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 664, A22.3 (2001)

    Crystalline Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells

    Jürgen H. Werner and Ralf B. Bergmann

    in Techn. Digest 12th Int. Photovolt. Science and Engineering Conf. (Kyung Hee Information Printing, Seoul, 2001), p. 69

    Monocrystalline Si Films from Transfer Processes for Thin Film Devices

    Ralf B. Bergmann, Christopher Berge, Titus J. Rinke, and Jürgen H. Werner

    Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 685E, D2.1 (2001)

    Intra grain defects – limiting factor for low temperature polycrystalline silicon films

    T. A. Wagner, L. Oberbeck, R. B. Bergmann, J. H. Werner

    Solid State Phenom. 80-81, 95 (2001)

    High-quality and low-temperature epitaxial Si films deposited at very high deposition rate

    R. B. Bergmann, L. Oberbeck, and T. A. Wagner

    J. Crystal Growth 225, 335 (2001)

    From polycrystalline to single crystalline silicon on glass

    J. H. Werner, R. Dassow, T. J. Rinke, J. R. Köhler, and R. B. Bergmann

    Thin Solid Films 383, 95(2001)

    Thin film solar cells on glass based on the transfer of monocrystalline Si films

    R. B. Bergmann, T. J. Rinke, T. A. Wagner, and J. H. Werner

    Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 65, 355 (2001)



    Ion-assisted deposition of silicon epitaxial films with high deposition rate using low energy silicon ions

    Lars Oberbeck, Thomas A. Wagner, and Ralf B. Bergmann

    Mat. Res. Soc Symp. Proc. 609, A7.1.1 (2000)

    Ions allow silicon growth to keep its cool

    L. Oberbeck and R. B. Bergmann

    Vacuum Solutions 18, 31 (2000)

    Efficient thin film solar cells by transfer of monocrystalline Si layers

    T. J. Rinke, R. B. Bergmann and J. H. Werner

    in: Proc. 16th European Photovoltais Solar Energy Conference, Eds.: H. Scheer, B. McNelis, W. Palz, H. A. Ossenbrink and P. Helm (James & James Science Publishers Ltd., London, 2000), p. 1128

    Perspectives of crystalline Si thin film solar cells: A new era of thin monocrystalline Si-films?

    R. B. Bergmann and T. R. Rinke

    Prog. Photovolt.: Res. Appl. 8, 451 (2000)

    Solarzellen und Mikrochips von morgen

    R. B. Bergmann, T. J. Rinke and J. H. Werner, Physikalische Blätter, Vol. 56, Nr. 9, 51 (2000)

    Monocrystalline Si thin film solar cells: A new era for thin film photovoltaics?

    R. B. Bergmann, T. J. Rinke, and J. H. Werner,

    in 10th Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Materials and Processes, Ed. B. L. Sopori (NREL, Golden Colorado, 2000), p. 125

    Electronic properties of silicon epitaxial layers deposited by ion-assisted deposition at low temperatures

    L. Oberbeck and R. B. Bergmann

    J. Appl. Phys. 88, 3015 (2000)

    Structure and properties of quasi-monocrystalline Si thin films

    T. J. Rinke, R. B. Bergmann, and J. H. Werner

    Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 558, 251 (2000)

    Recombination mechanisms in amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells

    N. Jensen, U. Rau, R. M. Hausner, S. Uppal, L. Oberbeck, R. B. Bergmann and J. H. Werner

    J. Appl. Phys. 87, 2639 (2000)

    Low-temperature processing of crystalline Si films on glass for electronic applications

    R. B. Bergmann, T. J. Rinke, L. Oberbeck, and R. Dassow

    in: Perspectives, Science and Technologies for Novel Silicon on Insulator Devices, Eds.: P. L. F. Hemment, V. S. Lysenko and A. N. Nazarov, NATO Science Series 3. High Technology – Vol. 73 (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000), p. 109



    Perspectives of Crystalline Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells

    J. H. Werner and R. B. Bergmann

    in: Technicals Digest 11th Intern. Photov. Science and Engin. Conf., Sapporo (Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Tokyo, 1999), p. 923

    Crystalline Si Films on Foreign Substrates for Electronic Applications

    R. B. Bergmann

    in: Recent Res. Devel. Crystal Growth Res. 1, 241 (1999)

    Material Aspects of Crystalline Silicon Thin Film Solar Cells on Glass

    R. B. Bergmann

    in: 9th Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Materials and Processes (NREL, Golden, Colorado, 1999), p. 94

    Thin film solar cells on glass by transfer of monocrystalline Si films

    R. B. Bergmann, T. J. Rinke, R. M. Hausner, M. Grauvogl, M. Vetter, and J. H. Werner

    International Journal of Photoenergy 1, 83 (1999)

    Crystalline Si thin film solar cells: A review

    R. B. Bergmann

    Applied Physics A 69, 187 (1999)

    Quasi-monocrystalline silicon for thin film devices

    T. J. Rinke, R. B. Bergmann, and J. H. Werner

    Applied Physics A 68, 705 (1999)

    Laser-crystallized polycrystalline silicon on glass for photovoltaic applications

    R. Dassow, J. R. Köhler, M. Grauvogl, R. B. Bergmann, and J. H. Werner

    Solid State Phenomena 67-68, 193 (1999)

    Low-temperature silicon-epitaxy by ion-assisted deposition

    L. Oberbeck, R. B. Bergmann, N. Jensen, S. Oelting, and J. H. Werner

    Solid State Phenomena 67-68, 459 (1999)

    Heterojunctions for polycrystalline silicon solar cells

    R. M. Hausner, N. Jensen, R. B. Bergmann, U. Rau, and J. H. Werner

    Solid State Phenomena 67-68, 571 (1999)

    Ultrathin quasi-monocrystalline silicon films for electronic devices

    T. J. Rinke, R. B. Bergmann, R. Brüggemann, and J. H. Werner

    Solid State Phenomena 67-68, 229 (1999)

    Large-grained polycrystalline silicon on glass by copper vapor laser annealing

    J. R. Köhler, R. Dassow, R. B. Bergmann, J. Krinke, H. P. Strunk, and J. H. Werner

    Thin Solid Films 337, 129 (1999)



    High rate, low-temperature deposition of crystalline silicon films for thin film solar cells on glass

    R. B. Bergmann, R. M. Hausner, N. Jensen, M. Grauvogl, L. Oberbeck, T. Rinke, M. B. Schubert, Ch. Zaczek, R. Dassow, J. R. Köhler, U. Rau, S. Oelting, J. Krinke, H. P. Strunk, and J. H. Werner

    in: Proc. 2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, eds: J. Schmid, H. A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, H. Ehmann, E. D. Dunlop (European Commission Ispra, 1998), p. 1260

    Light trapping and amorphous/crystalline heterojunctions for silicon thin film solar cells on glass

    R. M. Hausner, R. B. Bergmann and J. H. Werner

    in: Proc. 2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, eds: J. Schmid, H. A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, H. Ehmann, E. D. Dunlop (European Commission Ispra, 1998), p. 1754

    High resolution ebic imaging of polycrystalline silicon solar cells

    A. B. Sproul, T. Puzzer, and R. B. Bergmann

    in: Proc. 2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, eds: J. Schmid, H. A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, H. Ehmann, E. D. Dunlop (European Commission Ispra, 1998), p. 1355

    Low temperature Si-epitaxy with high deposition rate using ion assisted deposition

    R. B. Bergmann, C. Zaczek, N. Jensen, S. Oelting, and J. H. Werner

    Applied Physics Letters 72, 2996 (1998)

    Growth mechanisms in laser crystallization and laser interference crystallization

    G. Aichmayr, D. Toet, M. Mulato, P. V. Santos, A. Spangenberg, and R. B. Bergmann

    J. Non-Crystalline Solids 227/230, 921 (1998)

    Nucleation and Growth of Crystalline Silicon Films on Glass for Solar Cells

    R. B. Bergmann, J. Köhler, R. Dassow, C. Zaczek and J. H. Werner

    Physica Status Solidi (a) 166, 587 (1998)

    Non-coarsening origin of log-normal size distributions during crystallization of amorphous films

    R. B. Bergmann, F. G. Shi and J. Krinke

    Physical Review Letters 80, 1011 (1998)

    Formation of Semiconductors with Log-Normal Grain Size Distributions

    R. B. Bergmann, F. G. Shi, H. J. Queisser and J. Krinke

    Applied Surface Science 123/124, 376 (1998)

    High-efficiency drift-field thin-film silicon solar cells grown on electronically inactive substrates

    G. F. Zheng, W. Zhang, Z. Shi, D. Thorp, R. B. Bergmann, M. A. Green

    Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 51, 95 (1998)



    Transport analysis for polycrystalline silicon solar cells on glass substrates

    R. Brendel, R. B. Bergmann, B. Fischer, J. Krinke, R. Plieninger, U. Rau, J. Reiß, H. P. Strunk, H. Wanka, and J. H. Werner

    in: Proc. 26th Photov. Specialists Conf., (IEEE, Picataway, 1997), p. 635

    Zone melt recrystallization of silicon films on glass

    R. B. Bergmann, C. Hebling, and J. H. Werner

    in: Proc. 14th Europ. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Hrsg. H. A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, and H. Ehmann (Stephens & Assoc., Bedford, 1997), p. 1464

    Polycrystalline Silicon Films on Glass for Solar Cells by Ion-Assisted Deposition

    J. Kühnle, R. B. Bergmann, S. Oelting, J. Krinke, H. P. Strunk, J. H. Werner

    in: Proc. 14th Europ. Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf., Hrsg. H. A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, and H. Ehmann, (Stephens & Assoc., Bedford, 1997), p. 1022

    Optical and structural characterization of silicon microstructures fabricated by laser interference crystallization

    D. Toet, G. Aichmayr, M. Mulato, P. V. Santos, A. Spangenberg and R. B. Bergmann

    Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 467, 337 (1997)

    Deposition and characterization of polycrystalline silicon films for thin film solar cells on glass substrates“

    R. B. Bergmann, J. Krinke, H. P. Strunk, and J. H. Werner

    Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 467, 352 (1997)

    Crystalline silicon films on a novel high temperature glass for applications in microelectronics and photovoltaics

    R. B. Bergmann, J. G. Darrant, A. R. Hyde, and J. H. Werner,

    J. Non-Cryst. Solids 218, 388 (1997)

    Fabrication of single crystalline SiC layer on high temperature glass

    Q.-Y. Tong, T.-H. Lee, P. Werner and U. Gösele, R. B. Bergmann and J. H. Werner

    J. Electrochem. Soc. 144, L111 (1997)

    Large grained polycrystalline silicon films by solid phase crystallization of phosphorus doped amorphous silicon

    R. B. Bergmann and J. Krinke

    J. Crystal Growth 177, 191 (1997)

    Solid phase crystallized Si films on glass substrates for thin film solar cells

    R. B. Bergmann, G. Oswald, M. Albrecht and V. Gross

    Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 46, 147 (1997)

    Ultrathin crystalline silicon solar cells on glass substrates

    R. Brendel, R.B. Bergmann, P. Lölgen, M. Wolf, and J.H. Werner

    Appl. Phys. Letters 70, 390 (1997)

    Growth of polycrystalline silicon films on glass by high temperature chemical vapor deposition

    R. B. Bergmann, R. Brendel, M. Wolf, P. Lölgen, J. Krinke, H.P. Strunk and J.H. Werner

    Semiconductor Science and Technology 12, 224 (1997)

    Role of critical grain size of nuclei for homoepitaxy of polycrystalline Si

    J. Kühnle, R. B. Bergmann, and J.H. Werner

    J. Crystal Growth 173, 62 (1997)

    Large area polycrystalline silicon thin films grown by laser-induced nucleation and solid phase crystallization

    D. Toet, B. Koopmans, R.B. Bergmann, B. Richards, P.V. Santos, M. Albrecht, and J. Krinke

    Thin Solid Films 296, 49 (1997)



    Growth of polycrystalline silicon on glass by selective laser-induced nucleation

    D. Toet, B. Koopmans, P. V. Santos, R.B. Bergmann and B. Richards

    Appl. Phys. Letters 69, 3719 (1996)

    Crystalline silicon films by chemical vapor deposition on glass for thin film solar cells

    R. B. Bergmann, R. Brendel, M. Wolf, P. Lölgen, J.H. Werner, J. Krinke, and H.P. Strunk

    Proc. 25th IEEE PVSEC, (IEEE, Piscataway, 1996), p. 365

    Comparison of vapor phase and liquid phase epitaxy for deposition of crystalline Si on glass

    J. Kühnle, R.B. Bergmann, J. Krinke, and J.H. Werner

    Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 426, 111 (1996)

    Growth of polycrystalline silicon using selective nucleation by laser interference crystallization

    D. Toet, P.V. Santos, R. B. Bergmann, G. Aichmayr and M. Heintze

    Proc. 23rd Internat. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, Eds.: M. Scheffler and R. Zimmermann (World Scientifc, Singapore, 1996), p. 1123

    Optical in-situ monitoring of solid phase crystallization of amorphous silicon

    R. B. Bergmann

    J. Crystal Growth 165, 341 (1996)

    Silicon surface passivation by metal layers for low-temperature epitaxy

    Jürgen Kühnle, Ralf Bergmann, Jürgen H. Werner, and Martin Albrecht

    J. Crystal Growth 163, 470 (1996)

    Polycrystalline silicon on glass substrates for thin film solar cells

    R. Bergmann, G. Oswald, M. Albrecht, and J. H. Werner

    Solid State Phenomena 51-52, 515 (1996)

    The effects of solvent and dopant impurities on the performance of LPE silicon solar cells

    Z. Shi, W. Zhang, G. F. Zheng, V. L. Chin, A. Stephens, M. A. Green and R. Bergmann

    Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 41/42, 53 (1996)



    The growth and properties of liquid phase epitaxial silicon in a forming gas ambient

    Z. Shi, W. Zhang, G.F. Zheng, J. Kurianski, M.A. Green and R. Bergmann, J. Crystal Growth 151, 278 (1995)

    Polycrystalline silicon for thin film solar cells

    R. Bergmann, J. Kühnle, J.H. Werner, S. Oelting, M. Albrecht, H.P. Strunk, K. Herz and M. Powalla

    in: Proc. 1st World Conf. on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, (IEEE, Piscataway, 1994), p. 1398-1401

    Thin film silicon solar cells by LPE and substrate thinning techniques

    Z. Shi, G.F. Zheng, W. Zhang, S.J. Robinson, M.A. Green, and R. Bergmann

    in: Proc. 12th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Eds.: R. Hill, W. Palz, P. Helm (H.S. Stephens & Associates, Bedford, 1994), p. 1835

    Opto-electronic characterisation of thin-film crystalline silicon solar cells grown from metal solutions

    S.J. Robinson, G-F. Zheng, W. Zhang, Z. Shi, M.A. Green, and R. Bergmann

    in: Proc. 12th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Eds.: R. Hill, W. Palz, P. Helm (H.S. Stephens & Associates, Bedford, 1994), p. 1831

    The challenge of crystalline thin film silicon solar cells

    J.H. Werner, R. Bergmann, and R. Brendel

    in: Festkörperprobleme / Advances in Solid State Physics Vol. 34, Ed: R. Helbig (Vieweg, Braunschweig, 1994), p. 115 – 146

    Kristallzüchtung für die Photovoltaik – Forschung in Deutschland“ (Crystal Growth for Photovoltaics – Research in Germany)

    R. Bergmann and J.H. Werner

    Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung Vol. 59 (German Society for Crystal Growth), May 1994, p.15

    Solution growth of silicon on Al-Si coated quartz glass substrates

    S.H. Lee, R. Bergmann, E. Bauser and H.J. Queisser

    Materials Letters 19, 1 (1994)

    Thin film silicon solar cells on glass by substrate thinning

    G.F. Zheng, Z. Shi, R. Bergmann, X. Dai, S. Robinson, A. Wang, J. Kurianski and M.A. Green

    Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 32, 129 (1994)

    Silicon films incorporating a drift-field grown by liquid phase epitaxy for solar cell applications

    R. Bergmann, S. Robinson, Z. Shi and J. Kurianski

    Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 31, 447 (1993)

    The role of hydrogen in silicon liquid phase epitaxy

    R. Bergmann and J. Kurianski

    Materials Letters 17, 137 (1993)


    Investigation of epitaxial lateral overgrowth by x-ray topography

    R. Köhler, B. Jenichen, E. Bauser and R. Bergmann

    J. Appl. Phys. 72, 405 (1992)

    High quality GexSi1-x by heteroepitaxial lateral overgrowth

    P. O. Hansson, A. Gustafsson, M. Albrecht, R. Bergmann, H.P. Strunk, and E. Bauser

    J. Crystal Growth 121, 790 (1992)

    First MOS transistors on insulator by silicon saturated liquid solution epitaxy

    R. P. Zingg, N. Nagel, R. Bergmann, E. Bauser, B. Höfflinger and H. .J. Queisser

    IEEE Electron Device Letters 13, 294 (1992)

    Selective liquid-phase epitaxy of silicon for microelectronics applications

    N. Nagel, R. P. Zingg, R. Bergmann, and E. Bauser

    in: Micro Systems Technologies ’92, Ed. H. Reichl (VDE-Verlag, Berlin, 1992), p. 135

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